Cambridge College's Pledge for Pay Equity Contributes to Boston's 30% Gender Wage Gap Reduction

Gender Pay Equity
Publicado: 23/01/2024

In a significant stride towards achieving gender pay equity, Cambridge College proudly stands among the organizations recognized for contributing to a remarkable 30% reduction in Boston's gender wage gap.

For the past decade, the Mayor of Boston and the Boston Women's Workforce Council have been instrumental in fostering partnerships with Greater Boston employers. Currently, over 250 employers have demonstrated their commitment to closing the wage gap by signing the 100% Talent Compact — a "first-in-the-nation approach to reaching gender and racial pay equity."

Lauretta Siggers, the Vice President of Human Resources and Talent Development at Cambridge College, expressed the institution's steadfast commitment to achieving pay equity.

"As the Vice President of Human Resources and Talent Development at Cambridge College, I want to emphasize our steadfast commitment to achieving pay equity. Collaborating with the Mayor of Boston and the Boston Women’s Workforce Council resonates with our mission to tackle wage disparities. While celebrating a noteworthy 30% reduction in the gender wage gap, our resolve remains unwavering until every gap is eliminated. Cambridge College proudly stands behind the 100% Talent Compact, and in collaboration with our partners, we will persist in our efforts to address wage and opportunity inequities until genuine equality is realized for all."

Cambridge College's inclusion in the list of organizations contributing to the gender wage gap reduction underscores the institution's proactive measures in fostering a fair and equitable work environment. By aligning with the principles of the 100% Talent Compact, Cambridge College is not only addressing existing disparities but is also actively working towards creating a workplace where genuine equality is realized for all.

As the journey towards pay equity continues, Cambridge College remains committed to collaborating with its partners and playing a pivotal role in addressing wage and opportunity inequities. The institution's commitment goes beyond mere acknowledgment of progress – it is a pledge to persist until genuine equality becomes a reality for every individual associated with Cambridge College.

Resources for further reading:

"A 10-year initiative in Boston has helped narrow the gender wage gap by 30%" - CNBC Women & Wealth
