Federal regulations require us to disclose whether our programs meet the educational requirements for professional licensure in every state and U.S. territory. Below, we have indicated whether our licensure programs meet each state's educational licensure requirements, do not meet them, or where a determination has yet to be made.
We recommend that students who intend to pursue licensure/credentialing review this information prior to applying.
Academic Teacher Licensure Programs
The Cambridge College, School of Education and Counseling (Division of Education) M.Ed. Early Childhood Teacher (PreK-2) Initial Licensure program prepares students to meet the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education regulatory requirements for the Academic Teacher, Early Childhood (PK-2) Initial teacher license.
Cambridge College has made every effort to verify the statements made in this notice. However, state licensure is controlled by each individual state’s legislature and may change without notice to college and university programs. In addition to the reviewed educational requirements, many states require additional post-graduate training hours, passing of certification examination(s), CORI check, etc., to receive a license in that given state.
Students interested in teaching outside of Massachusetts must successfully complete the program and achieve initial teacher certification in Massachusetts. The National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) interstate agreement facilitates the mobility of educators among the states and other jurisdictions that are members of NASDTEC and have signed the agreement. We recommend that students who intend to pursue licensure/credentialing review this information prior to applying.
State | Status | Licensing Board | Links |
Alabama | No | Alabama State Department of Education | https://www.alabamaachieves.org/teacher-center/teacher-certification/ |
Alaska | No | Alaska Department of Education & Early Development | https://education.alaska.gov/TeacherCertification |
American Samoa | No | American Samoa Department of Education | https://www.amsamoadoe.com/ |
Arizona | No | Arizona Department of Education | https://www.azed.gov/educator-certification/ |
Arkansas | No | Arkansas Department of Education | https://dese.ade.arkansas.gov/Offices/educator-effectiveness/licensure |
California | No | California Commission on Teacher Credentialing | https://www.ctc.ca.gov/ |
Colorado | No | Colorado Department of Education | https://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeprof |
Connecticut | No | Connecticut State Department of Education | https://portal.ct.gov/SDE/Certification/Bureau-of-Certification |
Delaware | No | Delaware Department of Education | https://www.doe.k12.de.us/Page/3476 |
District of Columbia | No | District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education | https://osse.dc.gov/ed-credentials |
Federated States of Micronesia | No | The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Teacher Certification Program | https://www.national.doe.fm/ |
Florida | No | Florida Department of Education | https://www.fldoe.org/teaching/certification/ |
Georgia | No | Georgia Professional Standards Commission | https://www.gapsc.com/Certification/ |
Guam | No | Guam Commission for Educator Certification | https://gcec.guam.gov/services-resources/certification |
Hawaii | No | Hawaii Teachers Standards Board | https://hawaiiteacherstandardsboard.org/ |
Idaho | No | Idaho State Department of Education | https://www.sde.idaho.gov/cert-psc/cert/ |
Illinois | No | Illinois State Board of Education | https://www.isbe.net/educatorlicensure |
Indiana | No | Indiana Department of Education | https://www.in.gov/doe/educators/educator-licensing/ |
Iowa | No | Iowa Board of Education Examiners | https://educate.iowa.gov/educator-licensure/apply |
Kansas | No | Kansas State Department of Education | https://www.ksde.org/Agency/Division-of-Learning-Services/Teacher-Licensure-and-Accreditation |
Kentucky | No | Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board | http://www.epsb.ky.gov/course/view.php?id=3 |
Louisiana | No | Louisiana Department of Education | https://www.louisianabelieves.com/teaching/Career-Advancement-Opportunities |
Maine | No | Maine Department of Education | https://www.maine.gov/doe/cert/ |
Maryland | No | Maryland State Department of Education | https://marylandpublicschools.org/about/Pages/DEE/index.aspx |
Massachusetts | Yes | Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | https://www.doe.mass.edu/licensure/ |
Michigan | No | Michigan Department of Education | https://www.michigan.gov/mde/services/ed-serv/ed-cert |
Minnesota | No | Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board | https://mn.gov/pelsb/aspiring-educators/requirements/ |
Mississippi | No | Mississippi Department of Education | https://www.mdek12.org/OEL |
Missouri | No | Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education | https://dese.mo.gov/educator-quality/certification |
Montana | No | Montana Office of Public Instruction | https://opi.mt.gov/Educators/Licensure/Educator-Licensure |
Nebraska | No | Nebraska Department of Education | https://www.education.ne.gov/TCERT/ |
Nevada | No | State of Nevada Department of Education | https://doe.nv.gov/Educator_Licensure/ |
New Hampshire | No | New Hampshire Department of Education | https://www.education.nh.gov/who-we-are/division-of-educator-support-and-higher-education/bureau-of-credentialing |
New Jersey | No | State of New Jersey Department of Education | https://www.nj.gov/education/license/ |
New Mexico | No | New Mexico Public Education Department | https://webnew.ped.state.nm.us/bureaus/licensure/ |
New York | No | New York Office of Teaching Intiatives | https://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/ |
North Carolina | No | North Carolina Department of Public Instruction | https://www.dpi.nc.gov/educators/educators-licensure |
North Dakota | No | North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board | https://www.nd.gov/espb/licensure |
Northern Mariana Islands | No | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands State Board of Education | https://www.cnmipss.org/state-boe-certification |
Ohio | No | Ohio Department of Education | https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Teaching/Licensure |
Oklahoma | No | Oklahoma State Department of Education | https://sde.ok.gov/teacher-certification |
Oregon | No | Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission | https://www.oregon.gov/tspc/Pages/index.aspx |
Pennsylvania | No | Pennsylvania Department of Education | https://www.education.pa.gov/Educators/Certification/Pages/default.aspx |
Puerto Rico | No | Puerto Rico Department of Education | https://de.pr.gov/ |
Republic of Palau | No | Republic of Palau Ministry of Education Division of Instructional Implementation and Teacher Training | http://moe.epsolutions.pw/ |
Republic of the Marshall Islands | No | Marshall Islands Public School System | https://pss.edu.mh/ |
Rhode Island | No | Rhode Island Department of Education | https://www.ride.ri.gov/TeachersAdministrators/EducatorCertification.aspx |
South Carolina | No | South Carolina Department of Education | https://ed.sc.gov/educators/certification/ |
South Dakota | No | South Dakota Department of Education | https://doe.sd.gov/certification/ |
Tennessee | No | Tennessee Department of Education | https://www.tn.gov/education/educators/licensing.html |
Texas | No | Texas Education Agency | https://tea.texas.gov/texas-educators/certification |
U.S. Virgin Islands | No | Virgin Islands Board of Education | https://myviboe.com/apply-for-certification/ |
Utah | No | Utah State Board of Education | https://www.schools.utah.gov/licensing |
Vermont | No | State of Vermont Agency of Education | https://education.vermont.gov/educator-licensure |
Virginia | No | Virginia Department of Education | https://www.doe.virginia.gov/teaching/licensure/ |
Washington | No | Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction | https://www.k12.wa.us/certification/teacher-certificate |
West Virginia | No | West Virginia Department of Education | https://wvde.us/certification/certification-info/ |
Wisconsin | No | Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction | https://dpi.wi.gov/licensing |
Wyoming | No | Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board | https://wyomingptsb.com/ |
The Cambridge College, School of Education and Counseling (Division of Education) M.Ed. Elementary Teacher Initial Licensure program prepares students to meet the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education regulatory requirements for the Academic Teacher, Elementary Education, 1-6 Initial teacher license.
Cambridge College has made every effort to verify the statements made in this notice. However, state licensure is controlled by each individual state’s legislature and may change without notice to college and university programs. In addition to the reviewed educational requirements, many states require additional post-graduate training hours, passing of certification examination(s), CORI check, etc., to receive a license in that given state.
Students interested in teaching outside of Massachusetts must successfully complete the program and achieve initial teacher certification in Massachusetts. The National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) interstate agreement facilitates the mobility of educators among the states and other jurisdictions that are members of NASDTEC and have signed the agreement. We recommend that students who intend to pursue licensure/credentialing review this information prior to applying.
State | Status | Licensing Board | Links |
Alabama | No | Alabama State Department of Education | https://www.alabamaachieves.org/teacher-center/teacher-certification/ |
Alaska | No | Alaska Department of Education & Early Development | https://education.alaska.gov/TeacherCertification |
American Samoa | No | American Samoa Department of Education | https://www.amsamoadoe.com/ |
Arizona | No | Arizona Department of Education | https://www.azed.gov/educator-certification/ |
Arkansas | No | Arkansas Department of Education | https://dese.ade.arkansas.gov/Offices/educator-effectiveness/licensure |
California | No | California Commission on Teacher Credentialing | https://www.ctc.ca.gov/ |
Colorado | No | Colorado Department of Education | https://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeprof |
Connecticut | No | Connecticut State Department of Education | https://portal.ct.gov/SDE/Certification/Bureau-of-Certification |
Delaware | No | Delaware Department of Education | https://www.doe.k12.de.us/Page/3476 |
District of Columbia | No | District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education | https://osse.dc.gov/ed-credentials |
Federated States of Micronesia | No | The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Teacher Certification Program | https://www.national.doe.fm/ |
Florida | No | Florida Department of Education | https://www.fldoe.org/teaching/certification/ |
Georgia | No | Georgia Professional Standards Commission | https://www.gapsc.com/Certification/ |
Guam | No | Guam Commission for Educator Certification | https://gcec.guam.gov/services-resources/certification |
Hawaii | No | Hawaii Teachers Standards Board | https://hawaiiteacherstandardsboard.org/ |
Idaho | No | Idaho State Department of Education | https://www.sde.idaho.gov/cert-psc/cert/ |
Illinois | No | Illinois State Board of Education | https://www.isbe.net/educatorlicensure |
Indiana | No | Indiana Department of Education | https://www.in.gov/doe/educators/educator-licensing/ |
Iowa | No | Iowa Board of Education Examiners | https://educate.iowa.gov/educator-licensure/apply |
Kansas | No | Kansas State Department of Education | https://www.ksde.org/Agency/Division-of-Learning-Services/Teacher-Licensure-and-Accreditation |
Kentucky | No | Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board | http://www.epsb.ky.gov/course/view.php?id=3 |
Louisiana | No | Louisiana Department of Education | https://www.louisianabelieves.com/teaching/Career-Advancement-Opportunities |
Maine | No | Maine Department of Education | https://www.maine.gov/doe/cert/ |
Maryland | No | Maryland State Department of Education | https://marylandpublicschools.org/about/Pages/DEE/index.aspx |
Massachusetts | Yes | Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | https://www.doe.mass.edu/licensure/ |
Michigan | No | Michigan Department of Education | https://www.michigan.gov/mde/services/ed-serv/ed-cert |
Minnesota | No | Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board | https://mn.gov/pelsb/aspiring-educators/requirements/ |
Mississippi | No | Mississippi Department of Education | https://www.mdek12.org/OEL |
Missouri | No | Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education | https://dese.mo.gov/educator-quality/certification |
Montana | No | Montana Office of Public Instruction | https://opi.mt.gov/Educators/Licensure/Educator-Licensure |
Nebraska | No | Nebraska Department of Education | https://www.education.ne.gov/TCERT/ |
Nevada | No | State of Nevada Department of Education | https://doe.nv.gov/Educator_Licensure/ |
New Hampshire | No | New Hampshire Department of Education | https://www.education.nh.gov/who-we-are/division-of-educator-support-and-higher-education/bureau-of-credentialing |
New Jersey | No | State of New Jersey Department of Education | https://www.nj.gov/education/license/ |
New Mexico | No | New Mexico Public Education Department | https://webnew.ped.state.nm.us/bureaus/licensure/ |
New York | No | New York Office of Teaching Intiatives | https://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/ |
North Carolina | No | North Carolina Department of Public Instruction | https://www.dpi.nc.gov/educators/educators-licensure |
North Dakota | No | North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board | https://www.nd.gov/espb/licensure |
Northern Mariana Islands | No | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands State Board of Education | https://www.cnmipss.org/state-boe-certification |
Ohio | No | Ohio Department of Education | https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Teaching/Licensure |
Oklahoma | No | Oklahoma State Department of Education | https://sde.ok.gov/teacher-certification |
Oregon | No | Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission | https://www.oregon.gov/tspc/Pages/index.aspx |
Pennsylvania | No | Pennsylvania Department of Education | https://www.education.pa.gov/Educators/Certification/Pages/default.aspx |
Puerto Rico | No | Puerto Rico Department of Education | https://de.pr.gov/ |
Republic of Palau | No | Republic of Palau Ministry of Education Division of Instructional Implementation and Teacher Training | http://moe.epsolutions.pw/ |
Republic of the Marshall Islands | No | Marshall Islands Public School System | https://pss.edu.mh/ |
Rhode Island | No | Rhode Island Department of Education | https://www.ride.ri.gov/TeachersAdministrators/EducatorCertification.aspx |
South Carolina | No | South Carolina Department of Education | https://ed.sc.gov/educators/certification/ |
South Dakota | No | South Dakota Department of Education | https://doe.sd.gov/certification/ |
Tennessee | No | Tennessee Department of Education | https://www.tn.gov/education/educators/licensing.html |
Texas | No | Texas Education Agency | https://tea.texas.gov/texas-educators/certification |
U.S. Virgin Islands | No | U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Education | https://vide.vi/ |
Utah | No | Utah State Board of Education | https://www.schools.utah.gov/licensing |
Vermont | No | State of Vermont Agency of Education | https://education.vermont.gov/educator-licensure |
Virginia | No | Virginia Department of Education | https://www.doe.virginia.gov/teaching-learning-assessment/teaching-in-virginia/licensure |
Washington | No | Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction | https://www.k12.wa.us/certification/teacher-certificate |
West Virginia | No | West Virginia Department of Education | https://wvde.us/certification/certification-info/ |
Wisconsin | No | Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction | https://dpi.wi.gov/licensing |
Wyoming | No | Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board | https://wyomingptsb.com/ |
The Cambridge College, School of Education and Counseling (Division of Education) M.Ed. English as a Second Language (5-12) Initial Licensure program prepares students to meet the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education regulatory requirements for the Academic Teacher, English as a Second Language (5-12) Initial teacher license.
Cambridge College has made every effort to verify the statements made in this notice. However, state licensure is controlled by each individual state’s legislature and may change without notice to college and university programs. In addition to the reviewed educational requirements, many states require additional post-graduate training hours, passing of certification examination(s), CORI check, etc., to receive a license in that given state.
Students interested in teaching outside of Massachusetts must successfully complete the program and achieve initial teacher certification in Massachusetts. The National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) interstate agreement facilitates the mobility of educators among the states and other jurisdictions that are members of NASDTEC and have signed the agreement. We recommend that students who intend to pursue licensure/credentialing review this information prior to applying.
State | Status | Licensing Board | Links |
Alabama | No | Alabama State Department of Education | https://www.alabamaachieves.org/teacher-center/teacher-certification/ |
Alaska | No | Alaska Department of Education & Early Development | https://education.alaska.gov/TeacherCertification |
American Samoa | No | American Samoa Department of Education | https://www.amsamoadoe.com/ |
Arizona | No | Arizona Department of Education | https://www.azed.gov/educator-certification/ |
Arkansas | No | Arkansas Department of Education | https://dese.ade.arkansas.gov/Offices/educator-effectiveness/licensure |
California | No | California Commission on Teacher Credentialing | https://www.ctc.ca.gov/ |
Colorado | No | Colorado Department of Education | https://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeprof |
Connecticut | No | Connecticut State Department of Education | https://portal.ct.gov/SDE/Certification/Bureau-of-Certification |
Delaware | No | Delaware Department of Education | https://www.doe.k12.de.us/Page/3476 |
District of Columbia | No | District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education | https://osse.dc.gov/ed-credentials |
Federated States of Micronesia | No | The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Teacher Certification Program | https://www.national.doe.fm/ |
Florida | No | Florida Department of Education | https://www.fldoe.org/teaching/certification/ |
Georgia | No | Georgia Professional Standards Commission | https://www.gapsc.com/Certification/ |
Guam | No | Guam Commission for Educator Certification | https://gcec.guam.gov/services-resources/certification |
Hawaii | No | Hawaii Teachers Standards Board | https://hawaiiteacherstandardsboard.org/ |
Idaho | No | Idaho State Department of Education | https://www.sde.idaho.gov/cert-psc/cert/ |
Illinois | No | Illinois State Board of Education | https://www.isbe.net/educatorlicensure |
Indiana | No | Indiana Department of Education | https://www.in.gov/doe/educators/educator-licensing/ |
Iowa | No | Iowa Board of Education Examiners | https://educate.iowa.gov/educator-licensure/apply |
Kansas | No | Kansas State Department of Education | https://www.ksde.org/Agency/Division-of-Learning-Services/Teacher-Licensure-and-Accreditation |
Kentucky | No | Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board | http://www.epsb.ky.gov/course/view.php?id=3 |
Louisiana | No | Louisiana Department of Education | https://www.louisianabelieves.com/teaching/Career-Advancement-Opportunities |
Maine | No | Maine Department of Education | https://www.maine.gov/doe/cert/ |
Maryland | No | Maryland State Department of Education | https://marylandpublicschools.org/about/Pages/DEE/index.aspx |
Massachusetts | Yes | Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | https://www.doe.mass.edu/licensure/ |
Michigan | No | Michigan Department of Education | https://www.michigan.gov/mde/services/ed-serv/ed-cert |
Minnesota | No | Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board | https://mn.gov/pelsb/aspiring-educators/requirements/ |
Mississippi | No | Mississippi Department of Education | https://www.mdek12.org/OEL |
Missouri | No | Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education | https://dese.mo.gov/educator-quality/certification |
Montana | No | Montana Office of Public Instruction | https://opi.mt.gov/Educators/Licensure/Educator-Licensure |
Nebraska | No | Nebraska Department of Education | https://www.education.ne.gov/TCERT/ |
Nevada | No | State of Nevada Department of Education | https://doe.nv.gov/Educator_Licensure/ |
New Hampshire | No | New Hampshire Department of Education | https://www.education.nh.gov/who-we-are/division-of-educator-support-and-higher-education/bureau-of-credentialing |
New Jersey | No | State of New Jersey Department of Education | https://www.nj.gov/education/license/ |
New Mexico | No | New Mexico Public Education Department | https://webnew.ped.state.nm.us/bureaus/licensure/ |
New York | No | New York Office of Teaching Intiatives | https://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/ |
North Carolina | No | North Carolina Department of Public Instruction | https://www.dpi.nc.gov/educators/educators-licensure |
North Dakota | No | North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board | https://www.nd.gov/espb/licensure |
Northern Mariana Islands | No | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands State Board of Education | https://www.cnmipss.org/state-boe-certification |
Ohio | No | Ohio Department of Education | https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Teaching/Licensure |
Oklahoma | No | Oklahoma State Department of Education | https://sde.ok.gov/teacher-certification |
Oregon | No | Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission | https://www.oregon.gov/tspc/Pages/index.aspx |
Pennsylvania | No | Pennsylvania Department of Education | https://www.education.pa.gov/Educators/Certification/Pages/default.aspx |
Puerto Rico | No | Puerto Rico Department of Education | https://de.pr.gov/ |
Republic of Palau | No | Republic of Palau Ministry of Education Division of Instructional Implementation and Teacher Training | http://moe.epsolutions.pw/ |
Republic of the Marshall Islands | No | Marshall Islands Public School System | https://pss.edu.mh/ |
Rhode Island | No | Rhode Island Department of Education | https://www.ride.ri.gov/TeachersAdministrators/EducatorCertification.aspx |
South Carolina | No | South Carolina Department of Education | https://ed.sc.gov/educators/certification/ |
South Dakota | No | South Dakota Department of Education | https://doe.sd.gov/certification/ |
Tennessee | No | Tennessee Department of Education | https://www.tn.gov/education/educators/licensing.html |
Texas | No | Texas Education Agency | https://tea.texas.gov/texas-educators/certification |
U.S. Virgin Islands | No | U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Education | https://vide.vi/ |
Utah | No | Utah State Board of Education | https://www.schools.utah.gov/licensing |
Vermont | No | State of Vermont Agency of Education | https://education.vermont.gov/educator-licensure |
Virginia | No | Virginia Department of Education | https://www.doe.virginia.gov/teaching/licensure/ |
Washington | No | Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction | https://www.k12.wa.us/certification/teacher-certificate |
West Virginia | No | West Virginia Department of Education | https://wvde.us/certification/certification-info/ |
Wisconsin | No | Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction | https://dpi.wi.gov/licensing |
Wyoming | No | Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board | https://wyomingptsb.com/ |
The Cambridge College, School of Education and Counseling (Division of Education) M.Ed. General Science (1-6 or 5-8) Initial Licensure program and Post-Baccalaureate General Science Teaching Certificate (1-6 or 5-8) Initial Licensure program prepare students to meet the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education regulatory requirements for the Academic Teacher, General Science (1-6 or 5-8) Initial teacher license.
Cambridge College has made every effort to verify the statements made in this notice. However, state licensure is controlled by each individual state’s legislature and may change without notice to college and university programs. In addition to the reviewed educational requirements, many states require additional post-graduate training hours, passing of certification examination(s), CORI check, etc., to receive a license in that given state.
Students interested in teaching outside of Massachusetts must successfully complete the program and achieve initial teacher certification in Massachusetts. The National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) interstate agreement facilitates the mobility of educators among the states and other jurisdictions that are members of NASDTEC and have signed the agreement. We recommend that students who intend to pursue licensure/credentialing review this information prior to applying.
State | Status | Licensing Board | Links |
Alabama | No | Alabama State Department of Education | https://www.alabamaachieves.org/teacher-center/teacher-certification/ |
Alaska | No | Alaska Department of Education & Early Development | https://education.alaska.gov/TeacherCertification |
American Samoa | No | American Samoa Department of Education | https://www.amsamoadoe.com/ |
Arizona | No | Arizona Department of Education | https://www.azed.gov/educator-certification/ |
Arkansas | No | Arkansas Department of Education | https://dese.ade.arkansas.gov/Offices/educator-effectiveness/licensure |
California | No | California Commission on Teacher Credentialing | https://www.ctc.ca.gov/ |
Colorado | No | Colorado Department of Education | https://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeprof |
Connecticut | No | Connecticut State Department of Education | https://portal.ct.gov/SDE/Certification/Bureau-of-Certification |
Delaware | No | Delaware Department of Education | https://www.doe.k12.de.us/Page/3476 |
District of Columbia | No | District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education | https://osse.dc.gov/ed-credentials |
Federated States of Micronesia | No | The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Teacher Certification Program | https://www.national.doe.fm/ |
Florida | No | Florida Department of Education | https://www.fldoe.org/teaching/certification/ |
Georgia | No | Georgia Professional Standards Commission | https://www.gapsc.com/Certification/ |
Guam | No | Guam Commission for Educator Certification | https://gcec.guam.gov/services-resources/certification |
Hawaii | No | Hawaii Teachers Standards Board | https://hawaiiteacherstandardsboard.org/ |
Idaho | No | Idaho State Department of Education | https://www.sde.idaho.gov/cert-psc/cert/ |
Illinois | No | Illinois State Board of Education | https://www.isbe.net/educatorlicensure |
Indiana | No | Indiana Department of Education | https://www.in.gov/doe/educators/educator-licensing/ |
Iowa | No | Iowa Board of Education Examiners | https://educate.iowa.gov/educator-licensure/apply |
Kansas | No | Kansas State Department of Education | https://www.ksde.org/Agency/Division-of-Learning-Services/Teacher-Licensure-and-Accreditation |
Kentucky | No | Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board | http://www.epsb.ky.gov/course/view.php?id=3 |
Louisiana | No | Louisiana Department of Education | https://www.louisianabelieves.com/teaching/Career-Advancement-Opportunities |
Maine | No | Maine Department of Education | https://www.maine.gov/doe/cert/ |
Maryland | No | Maryland State Department of Education | https://marylandpublicschools.org/about/Pages/DEE/index.aspx |
Massachusetts | Yes | Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | https://www.doe.mass.edu/licensure/ |
Michigan | No | Michigan Department of Education | https://www.michigan.gov/mde/services/ed-serv/ed-cert |
Minnesota | No | Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board | https://mn.gov/pelsb/aspiring-educators/requirements/ |
Mississippi | No | Mississippi Department of Education | https://www.mdek12.org/OEL |
Missouri | No | Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education | https://dese.mo.gov/educator-quality/certification |
Montana | No | Montana Office of Public Instruction | https://opi.mt.gov/Educators/Licensure/Educator-Licensure |
Nebraska | No | Nebraska Department of Education | https://www.education.ne.gov/TCERT/ |
Nevada | No | State of Nevada Department of Education | https://doe.nv.gov/Educator_Licensure/ |
New Hampshire | No | New Hampshire Department of Education | https://www.education.nh.gov/who-we-are/division-of-educator-support-and-higher-education/bureau-of-credentialing |
New Jersey | No | State of New Jersey Department of Education | https://www.nj.gov/education/license/ |
New Mexico | No | New Mexico Public Education Department | https://webnew.ped.state.nm.us/bureaus/licensure/ |
New York | No | New York Office of Teaching Intiatives | https://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/ |
North Carolina | No | North Carolina Department of Public Instruction | https://www.dpi.nc.gov/educators/educators-licensure |
North Dakota | No | North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board | https://www.nd.gov/espb/licensure |
Northern Mariana Islands | No | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands State Board of Education | https://www.cnmipss.org/state-boe-certification |
Ohio | No | Ohio Department of Education | https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Teaching/Licensure |
Oklahoma | No | Oklahoma State Department of Education | https://sde.ok.gov/teacher-certification |
Oregon | No | Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission | https://www.oregon.gov/tspc/Pages/index.aspx |
Pennsylvania | No | Pennsylvania Department of Education | https://www.education.pa.gov/Educators/Certification/Pages/default.aspx |
Puerto Rico | No | Puerto Rico Department of Education | https://de.pr.gov/ |
Republic of Palau | No | Republic of Palau Ministry of Education Division of Instructional Implementation and Teacher Training | http://moe.epsolutions.pw/ |
Republic of the Marshall Islands | No | Marshall Islands Public School System | https://pss.edu.mh/ |
Rhode Island | No | Rhode Island Department of Education | https://www.ride.ri.gov/TeachersAdministrators/EducatorCertification.aspx |
South Carolina | No | South Carolina Department of Education | https://ed.sc.gov/educators/certification/ |
South Dakota | No | South Dakota Department of Education | https://doe.sd.gov/certification/ |
Tennessee | No | Tennessee Department of Education | https://www.tn.gov/education/educators/licensing.html |
Texas | No | Texas Education Agency | https://tea.texas.gov/texas-educators/certification |
U.S. Virgin Islands | No | U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Education | https://vide.vi/ |
Utah | No | Utah State Board of Education | https://www.schools.utah.gov/licensing |
Vermont | No | State of Vermont Agency of Education | https://education.vermont.gov/educator-licensure |
Virginia | No | Virginia Department of Education | https://www.doe.virginia.gov/teaching/licensure/ |
Washington | No | Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction | https://www.k12.wa.us/certification/teacher-certificate |
West Virginia | No | West Virginia Department of Education | https://wvde.us/certification/certification-info/ |
Wisconsin | No | Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction | https://dpi.wi.gov/licensing |
Wyoming | No | Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board | https://wyomingptsb.com/ |
The Cambridge College, School of Education and Counseling (Division of Education) M.Ed. Mathematics (5-8 or 8-12) Initial Licensure program and Post-Baccalaureate Mathematics Specialist Certificate (5-8 or 8-12) Initial Licensure program prepare students to meet the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education regulatory requirements for the Academic Teacher, Mathematics (5-8 or 8-12) Initial teacher license.
Cambridge College has made every effort to verify the statements made in this notice. However, state licensure is controlled by each individual state’s legislature and may change without notice to college and university programs. In addition to the reviewed educational requirements, many states require additional post-graduate training hours, passing of certification examination(s), CORI check, etc., to receive a license in that given state.
Students interested in teaching outside of Massachusetts must successfully complete the program and achieve initial teacher certification in Massachusetts. The National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) interstate agreement facilitates the mobility of educators among the states and other jurisdictions that are members of NASDTEC and have signed the agreement. We recommend that students who intend to pursue licensure/credentialing review this information prior to applying.
State | Status | Licensing Board | Links |
Alabama | No | Alabama State Department of Education | https://www.alabamaachieves.org/teacher-center/teacher-certification/ |
Alaska | No | Alaska Department of Education & Early Development | https://education.alaska.gov/TeacherCertification |
American Samoa | No | American Samoa Department of Education | https://www.amsamoadoe.com/ |
Arizona | No | Arizona Department of Education | https://www.azed.gov/educator-certification/ |
Arkansas | No | Arkansas Department of Education | https://dese.ade.arkansas.gov/Offices/educator-effectiveness/licensure |
California | No | California Commission on Teacher Credentialing | https://www.ctc.ca.gov/ |
Colorado | No | Colorado Department of Education | https://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeprof |
Connecticut | No | Connecticut State Department of Education | https://portal.ct.gov/SDE/Certification/Bureau-of-Certification |
Delaware | No | Delaware Department of Education | https://www.doe.k12.de.us/Page/3476 |
District of Columbia | No | District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education | https://osse.dc.gov/ed-credentials |
Federated States of Micronesia | No | The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Teacher Certification Program | https://www.national.doe.fm/ |
Florida | No | Florida Department of Education | https://www.fldoe.org/teaching/certification/ |
Georgia | No | Georgia Professional Standards Commission | https://www.gapsc.com/Certification/ |
Guam | No | Guam Commission for Educator Certification | https://gcec.guam.gov/services-resources/certification |
Hawaii | No | Hawaii Teachers Standards Board | https://hawaiiteacherstandardsboard.org/ |
Idaho | No | Idaho State Department of Education | https://www.sde.idaho.gov/cert-psc/cert/ |
Illinois | No | Illinois State Board of Education | https://www.isbe.net/educatorlicensure |
Indiana | No | Indiana Department of Education | https://www.in.gov/doe/educators/educator-licensing/ |
Iowa | No | Iowa Board of Education Examiners | https://educate.iowa.gov/educator-licensure/apply |
Kansas | No | Kansas State Department of Education | https://www.ksde.org/Agency/Division-of-Learning-Services/Teacher-Licensure-and-Accreditation |
Kentucky | No | Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board | http://www.epsb.ky.gov/course/view.php?id=3 |
Louisiana | No | Louisiana Department of Education | https://www.louisianabelieves.com/teaching/Career-Advancement-Opportunities |
Maine | No | Maine Department of Education | https://www.maine.gov/doe/cert/ |
Maryland | No | Maryland State Department of Education | https://marylandpublicschools.org/about/Pages/DEE/index.aspx |
Massachusetts | Yes | Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | https://www.doe.mass.edu/licensure/ |
Michigan | No | Michigan Department of Education | https://www.michigan.gov/mde/services/ed-serv/ed-cert |
Minnesota | No | Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board | https://mn.gov/pelsb/aspiring-educators/requirements/ |
Mississippi | No | Mississippi Department of Education | https://www.mdek12.org/OEL |
Missouri | No | Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education | https://dese.mo.gov/educator-quality/certification |
Montana | No | Montana Office of Public Instruction | https://opi.mt.gov/Educators/Licensure/Educator-Licensure |
Nebraska | No | Nebraska Department of Education | https://www.education.ne.gov/TCERT/ |
Nevada | No | State of Nevada Department of Education | https://doe.nv.gov/Educator_Licensure/ |
New Hampshire | No | New Hampshire Department of Education | https://www.education.nh.gov/who-we-are/division-of-educator-support-and-higher-education/bureau-of-credentialing |
New Jersey | No | State of New Jersey Department of Education | https://www.nj.gov/education/license/ |
New Mexico | No | New Mexico Public Education Department | https://webnew.ped.state.nm.us/bureaus/licensure/ |
New York | No | New York Office of Teaching Intiatives | https://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/ |
North Carolina | No | North Carolina Department of Public Instruction | https://www.dpi.nc.gov/educators/educators-licensure |
North Dakota | No | North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board | https://www.nd.gov/espb/licensure |
Northern Mariana Islands | No | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands State Board of Education | https://www.cnmipss.org/state-boe-certification |
Ohio | No | Ohio Department of Education | https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Teaching/Licensure |
Oklahoma | No | Oklahoma State Department of Education | https://sde.ok.gov/teacher-certification |
Oregon | No | Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission | https://www.oregon.gov/tspc/Pages/index.aspx |
Pennsylvania | No | Pennsylvania Department of Education | https://www.education.pa.gov/Educators/Certification/Pages/default.aspx |
Puerto Rico | No | Puerto Rico Department of Education | https://de.pr.gov/ |
Republic of Palau | No | Republic of Palau Ministry of Education Division of Instructional Implementation and Teacher Training | http://moe.epsolutions.pw/ |
Republic of the Marshall Islands | No | Marshall Islands Public School System | https://pss.edu.mh/ |
Rhode Island | No | Rhode Island Department of Education | https://www.ride.ri.gov/TeachersAdministrators/EducatorCertification.aspx |
South Carolina | No | South Carolina Department of Education | https://ed.sc.gov/educators/certification/ |
South Dakota | No | South Dakota Department of Education | https://doe.sd.gov/certification/ |
Tennessee | No | Tennessee Department of Education | https://www.tn.gov/education/educators/licensing.html |
Texas | No | Texas Education Agency | https://tea.texas.gov/texas-educators/certification |
U.S. Virgin Islands | No | U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Education | https://vide.vi/ |
Utah | No | Utah State Board of Education | https://www.schools.utah.gov/licensing |
Vermont | No | State of Vermont Agency of Education | https://education.vermont.gov/educator-licensure |
Virginia | No | Virginia Department of Education | https://www.doe.virginia.gov/teaching/licensure/ |
Washington | No | Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction | https://www.k12.wa.us/certification/teacher-certificate |
West Virginia | No | West Virginia Department of Education | https://wvde.us/certification/certification-info/ |
Wisconsin | No | Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction | https://dpi.wi.gov/licensing |
Wyoming | No | Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board | https://wyomingptsb.com/ |
The Cambridge College, School of Education and Counseling (Division of Education) M.Ed. Skills-Based Health/Social Emotional Learning Initial Licensure program prepares students to meet the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education regulatory requirements for the Academic Teacher, Health/Family and Consumer Sciences (All Levels) Initial teacher license.
Cambridge College has made every effort to verify the statements made in this notice. However, state licensure is controlled by each individual state’s legislature and may change without notice to college and university programs. In addition to the reviewed educational requirements, many states require additional post-graduate training hours, passing of certification examination(s), CORI check, etc., to receive a license in that given state.
Students interested in teaching outside of Massachusetts must successfully complete the program and achieve initial teacher certification in Massachusetts. The National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) interstate agreement facilitates the mobility of educators among the states and other jurisdictions that are members of NASDTEC and have signed the agreement. We recommend that students who intend to pursue licensure/credentialing review this information prior to applying.
State | Status | Licensing Board | Links |
Alabama | No | Alabama State Department of Education | https://www.alabamaachieves.org/teacher-center/teacher-certification/ |
Alaska | No | Alaska Department of Education & Early Development | https://education.alaska.gov/TeacherCertification |
American Samoa | No | American Samoa Department of Education | https://www.amsamoadoe.com/ |
Arizona | No | Arizona Department of Education | https://www.azed.gov/educator-certification/ |
Arkansas | No | Arkansas Department of Education | https://dese.ade.arkansas.gov/Offices/educator-effectiveness/licensure |
California | No | California Commission on Teacher Credentialing | https://www.ctc.ca.gov/ |
Colorado | No | Colorado Department of Education | https://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeprof |
Connecticut | No | Connecticut State Department of Education | https://portal.ct.gov/SDE/Certification/Bureau-of-Certification |
Delaware | No | Delaware Department of Education | https://www.doe.k12.de.us/Page/3476 |
District of Columbia | No | District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education | https://osse.dc.gov/ed-credentials |
Federated States of Micronesia | No | The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Teacher Certification Program | https://www.national.doe.fm/ |
Florida | No | Florida Department of Education | https://www.fldoe.org/teaching/certification/ |
Georgia | No | Georgia Professional Standards Commission | https://www.gapsc.com/Certification/ |
Guam | No | Guam Commission for Educator Certification | https://gcec.guam.gov/services-resources/certification |
Hawaii | No | Hawaii Teachers Standards Board | https://hawaiiteacherstandardsboard.org/ |
Idaho | No | Idaho State Department of Education | https://www.sde.idaho.gov/cert-psc/cert/ |
Illinois | No | Illinois State Board of Education | https://www.isbe.net/educatorlicensure |
Indiana | No | Indiana Department of Education | https://www.in.gov/doe/educators/educator-licensing/ |
Iowa | No | Iowa Board of Education Examiners | https://educate.iowa.gov/educator-licensure/apply |
Kansas | No | Kansas State Department of Education | https://www.ksde.org/Agency/Division-of-Learning-Services/Teacher-Licensure-and-Accreditation |
Kentucky | No | Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board | http://www.epsb.ky.gov/course/view.php?id=3 |
Louisiana | No | Louisiana Department of Education | https://www.louisianabelieves.com/teaching/Career-Advancement-Opportunities |
Maine | No | Maine Department of Education | https://www.maine.gov/doe/cert/ |
Maryland | No | Maryland State Department of Education | https://marylandpublicschools.org/about/Pages/DEE/index.aspx |
Massachusetts | Yes | Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | https://www.doe.mass.edu/licensure/ |
Michigan | No | Michigan Department of Education | https://www.michigan.gov/mde/services/ed-serv/ed-cert |
Minnesota | No | Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board | https://mn.gov/pelsb/aspiring-educators/requirements/ |
Mississippi | No | Mississippi Department of Education | https://www.mdek12.org/OEL |
Missouri | No | Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education | https://dese.mo.gov/educator-quality/certification |
Montana | No | Montana Office of Public Instruction | https://opi.mt.gov/Educators/Licensure/Educator-Licensure |
Nebraska | No | Nebraska Department of Education | https://www.education.ne.gov/TCERT/ |
Nevada | No | State of Nevada Department of Education | https://doe.nv.gov/Educator_Licensure/ |
New Hampshire | No | New Hampshire Department of Education | https://www.education.nh.gov/who-we-are/division-of-educator-support-and-higher-education/bureau-of-credentialing |
New Jersey | No | State of New Jersey Department of Education | https://www.nj.gov/education/license/ |
New Mexico | No | New Mexico Public Education Department | https://webnew.ped.state.nm.us/bureaus/licensure/ |
New York | No | New York Office of Teaching Intiatives | https://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/ |
North Carolina | No | North Carolina Department of Public Instruction | https://www.dpi.nc.gov/educators/educators-licensure |
North Dakota | No | North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board | https://www.nd.gov/espb/licensure |
Northern Mariana Islands | No | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands State Board of Education | https://www.cnmipss.org/state-boe-certification |
Ohio | No | Ohio Department of Education | https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Teaching/Licensure |
Oklahoma | No | Oklahoma State Department of Education | https://sde.ok.gov/teacher-certification |
Oregon | No | Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission | https://www.oregon.gov/tspc/Pages/index.aspx |
Pennsylvania | No | Pennsylvania Department of Education | https://www.education.pa.gov/Educators/Certification/Pages/default.aspx |
Puerto Rico | No | Puerto Rico Department of Education | https://de.pr.gov/ |
Republic of Palau | No | Republic of Palau Ministry of Education Division of Instructional Implementation and Teacher Training | http://moe.epsolutions.pw/ |
Republic of the Marshall Islands | No | Marshall Islands Public School System | https://pss.edu.mh/ |
Rhode Island | No | Rhode Island Department of Education | https://www.ride.ri.gov/TeachersAdministrators/EducatorCertification.aspx |
South Carolina | No | South Carolina Department of Education | https://ed.sc.gov/educators/certification/ |
South Dakota | No | South Dakota Department of Education | https://doe.sd.gov/certification/ |
Tennessee | No | Tennessee Department of Education | https://www.tn.gov/education/educators/licensing.html |
Texas | No | Texas Education Agency | https://tea.texas.gov/texas-educators/certification |
U.S. Virgin Islands | No | U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Education | https://vide.vi/ |
Utah | No | Utah State Board of Education | https://www.schools.utah.gov/licensing |
Vermont | No | State of Vermont Agency of Education | https://education.vermont.gov/educator-licensure |
Virginia | No | Virginia Department of Education | https://www.doe.virginia.gov/teaching/licensure/ |
Washington | No | Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction | https://www.k12.wa.us/certification/teacher-certificate |
West Virginia | No | West Virginia Department of Education | https://wvde.us/certification/certification-info/ |
Wisconsin | No | Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction | https://dpi.wi.gov/licensing |
Wyoming | No | Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board | https://wyomingptsb.com/ |
The Cambridge College, School of Education and Counseling (Division of Education) M.Ed. Teacher of Students with Moderate Disabilities (PK-8 or 5-12) Initial Licensure program and M.Ed. Teacher of Students with Moderate Disabilities (PK-8 or 5-12) & Applied Behavior Analysis Initial Licensure programs prepare students to meet the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education regulatory requirements for the Academic Teacher, Moderate Disabilities (Pk-8 or 5-12) Initial teacher license.
Students in the M.Ed. Teacher of Students with Moderate Disabilities (Pk-8 or 5-12) & Applied Behavioral Analysis program should refer to the Applied Behavioral Analysis tab for the behavioral analysis certification determinations. The below determinations are strictly for the Academic Teacher, Moderate Disabilities (Pk-8 or 5-12) Initial teacher license. component of the degree.
Cambridge College has made every effort to verify the statements made in this notice. However, state licensure is controlled by each individual state’s legislature and may change without notice to college and university programs. In addition to the reviewed educational requirements, many states require additional post-graduate training hours, passing of certification examination(s), CORI check, etc., to receive a license in that given state.
Students interested in teaching outside of Massachusetts must successfully complete the program and achieve initial teacher certification in Massachusetts. The National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) interstate agreement facilitates the mobility of educators among the states and other jurisdictions that are members of NASDTEC and have signed the agreement. We recommend that students who intend to pursue licensure/credentialing review this information prior to applying.
State | Status | Licensing Board | Links |
Alabama | No | Alabama State Department of Education | https://www.alabamaachieves.org/teacher-center/teacher-certification/ |
Alaska | No | Alaska Department of Education & Early Development | https://education.alaska.gov/TeacherCertification |
American Samoa | No | American Samoa Department of Education | https://www.amsamoadoe.com/ |
Arizona | No | Arizona Department of Education | https://www.azed.gov/educator-certification/ |
Arkansas | No | Arkansas Department of Education | https://dese.ade.arkansas.gov/Offices/educator-effectiveness/licensure |
California | No | California Commission on Teacher Credentialing | https://www.ctc.ca.gov/ |
Colorado | No | Colorado Department of Education | https://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeprof |
Connecticut | No | Connecticut State Department of Education | https://portal.ct.gov/SDE/Certification/Bureau-of-Certification |
Delaware | No | Delaware Department of Education | https://www.doe.k12.de.us/Page/3476 |
District of Columbia | No | District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education | https://osse.dc.gov/ed-credentials |
Federated States of Micronesia | No | The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Teacher Certification Program | https://www.national.doe.fm/ |
Florida | No | Florida Department of Education | https://www.fldoe.org/teaching/certification/ |
Georgia | No | Georgia Professional Standards Commission | https://www.gapsc.com/Certification/ |
Guam | No | Guam Commission for Educator Certification | https://gcec.guam.gov/services-resources/certification |
Hawaii | No | Hawaii Teachers Standards Board | https://hawaiiteacherstandardsboard.org/ |
Idaho | No | Idaho State Department of Education | https://www.sde.idaho.gov/cert-psc/cert/ |
Illinois | No | Illinois State Board of Education | https://www.isbe.net/educatorlicensure |
Indiana | No | Indiana Department of Education | https://www.in.gov/doe/educators/educator-licensing/ |
Iowa | No | Iowa Board of Education Examiners | https://educate.iowa.gov/educator-licensure/apply |
Kansas | No | Kansas State Department of Education | https://www.ksde.org/Agency/Division-of-Learning-Services/Teacher-Licensure-and-Accreditation |
Kentucky | No | Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board | http://www.epsb.ky.gov/course/view.php?id=3 |
Louisiana | No | Louisiana Department of Education | https://www.louisianabelieves.com/teaching/Career-Advancement-Opportunities |
Maine | No | Maine Department of Education | https://www.maine.gov/doe/cert/ |
Maryland | No | Maryland State Department of Education | https://marylandpublicschools.org/about/Pages/DEE/index.aspx |
Massachusetts | Yes | Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | https://www.doe.mass.edu/licensure/ |
Michigan | No | Michigan Department of Education | https://www.michigan.gov/mde/services/ed-serv/ed-cert |
Minnesota | No | Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board | https://mn.gov/pelsb/aspiring-educators/requirements/ |
Mississippi | No | Mississippi Department of Education | https://www.mdek12.org/OEL |
Missouri | No | Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education | https://dese.mo.gov/educator-quality/certification |
Montana | No | Montana Office of Public Instruction | https://opi.mt.gov/Educators/Licensure/Educator-Licensure |
Nebraska | No | Nebraska Department of Education | https://www.education.ne.gov/TCERT/ |
Nevada | No | State of Nevada Department of Education | https://doe.nv.gov/Educator_Licensure/ |
New Hampshire | No | New Hampshire Department of Education | https://www.education.nh.gov/who-we-are/division-of-educator-support-and-higher-education/bureau-of-credentialing |
New Jersey | No | State of New Jersey Department of Education | https://www.nj.gov/education/license/ |
New Mexico | No | New Mexico Public Education Department | https://webnew.ped.state.nm.us/bureaus/licensure/ |
New York | No | New York Office of Teaching Intiatives | https://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/ |
North Carolina | No | North Carolina Department of Public Instruction | https://www.dpi.nc.gov/educators/educators-licensure |
North Dakota | No | North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board | https://www.nd.gov/espb/licensure |
Northern Mariana Islands | No | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands State Board of Education | https://www.cnmipss.org/state-boe-certification |
Ohio | No | Ohio Department of Education | https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Teaching/Licensure |
Oklahoma | No | Oklahoma State Department of Education | https://sde.ok.gov/teacher-certification |
Oregon | No | Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission | https://www.oregon.gov/tspc/Pages/index.aspx |
Pennsylvania | No | Pennsylvania Department of Education | https://www.education.pa.gov/Educators/Certification/Pages/default.aspx |
Puerto Rico | No | Puerto Rico Department of Education | https://de.pr.gov/ |
Republic of Palau | No | Republic of Palau Ministry of Education Division of Instructional Implementation and Teacher Training | http://moe.epsolutions.pw/ |
Republic of the Marshall Islands | No | Marshall Islands Public School System | https://pss.edu.mh/ |
Rhode Island | No | Rhode Island Department of Education | https://www.ride.ri.gov/TeachersAdministrators/EducatorCertification.aspx |
South Carolina | No | South Carolina Department of Education | https://ed.sc.gov/educators/certification/ |
South Dakota | No | South Dakota Department of Education | https://doe.sd.gov/certification/ |
Tennessee | No | Tennessee Department of Education | https://www.tn.gov/education/educators/licensing.html |
Texas | No | Texas Education Agency | https://tea.texas.gov/texas-educators/certification |
U.S. Virgin Islands | No | U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Education | https://vide.vi/ |
Utah | No | Utah State Board of Education | https://www.schools.utah.gov/licensing |
Vermont | No | State of Vermont Agency of Education | https://education.vermont.gov/educator-licensure |
Virginia | No | Virginia Department of Education | https://www.doe.virginia.gov/teaching/licensure/ |
Washington | No | Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction | https://www.k12.wa.us/certification/teacher-certificate |
West Virginia | No | West Virginia Department of Education | https://wvde.us/certification/certification-info/ |
Wisconsin | No | Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction | https://dpi.wi.gov/licensing |
Wyoming | No | Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board | https://wyomingptsb.com/ |
The Cambridge College, School of Education and Counseling (Division of Education) Post-master’s Autism Specialist Endorsement Certificate program prepares students to meet the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education regulatory requirements for the Autism Endorsement (Level depends on prerequisite license).
Cambridge College has made every effort to verify the statements made in this notice. However, state licensure is controlled by each individual state’s legislature and may change without notice to college and university programs. In addition to the reviewed educational requirements, many states require additional post-graduate training hours, passing of certification examination(s), CORI check, etc., to receive a license in that given state.
Students interested in teaching outside of Massachusetts must successfully complete the program and achieve initial teacher certification in Massachusetts. The National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) interstate agreement facilitates the mobility of educators among the states and other jurisdictions that are members of NASDTEC and have signed the agreement. We recommend that students who intend to pursue licensure/credentialing review this information prior to applying.
State | Status | Licensing Board | Links |
Alabama | No | Alabama State Department of Education | https://www.alabamaachieves.org/teacher-center/teacher-certification/ |
Alaska | No | Alaska Department of Education & Early Development | https://education.alaska.gov/TeacherCertification |
American Samoa | No | American Samoa Department of Education | https://www.amsamoadoe.com/ |
Arizona | No | Arizona Department of Education | https://www.azed.gov/educator-certification/ |
Arkansas | No | Arkansas Department of Education | https://dese.ade.arkansas.gov/Offices/educator-effectiveness/licensure |
California | No | California Commission on Teacher Credentialing | https://www.ctc.ca.gov/ |
Colorado | No | Colorado Department of Education | https://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeprof |
Connecticut | No | Connecticut State Department of Education | https://portal.ct.gov/SDE/Certification/Bureau-of-Certification |
Delaware | No | Delaware Department of Education | https://www.doe.k12.de.us/Page/3476 |
District of Columbia | No | District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education | https://osse.dc.gov/ed-credentials |
Federated States of Micronesia | No | The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Teacher Certification Program | https://www.national.doe.fm/ |
Florida | No | Florida Department of Education | https://www.fldoe.org/teaching/certification/ |
Georgia | No | Georgia Professional Standards Commission | https://www.gapsc.com/Certification/ |
Guam | No | Guam Commission for Educator Certification | https://gcec.guam.gov/services-resources/certification |
Hawaii | No | Hawaii Teachers Standards Board | https://hawaiiteacherstandardsboard.org/ |
Idaho | No | Idaho State Department of Education | https://www.sde.idaho.gov/cert-psc/cert/ |
Illinois | No | Illinois State Board of Education | https://www.isbe.net/educatorlicensure |
Indiana | No | Indiana Department of Education | https://www.in.gov/doe/educators/educator-licensing/ |
Iowa | No | Iowa Board of Education Examiners | https://educate.iowa.gov/educator-licensure/apply |
Kansas | No | Kansas State Department of Education | https://www.ksde.org/Agency/Division-of-Learning-Services/Teacher-Licensure-and-Accreditation |
Kentucky | No | Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board | http://www.epsb.ky.gov/course/view.php?id=3 |
Louisiana | No | Louisiana Department of Education | https://www.louisianabelieves.com/teaching/Career-Advancement-Opportunities |
Maine | No | Maine Department of Education | https://www.maine.gov/doe/cert/ |
Maryland | No | Maryland State Department of Education | https://marylandpublicschools.org/about/Pages/DEE/index.aspx |
Massachusetts | Yes | Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | https://www.doe.mass.edu/licensure/ |
Michigan | No | Michigan Department of Education | https://www.michigan.gov/mde/services/ed-serv/ed-cert |
Minnesota | No | Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board | https://mn.gov/pelsb/aspiring-educators/requirements/ |
Mississippi | No | Mississippi Department of Education | https://www.mdek12.org/OEL |
Missouri | No | Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education | https://dese.mo.gov/educator-quality/certification |
Montana | No | Montana Office of Public Instruction | https://opi.mt.gov/Educators/Licensure/Educator-Licensure |
Nebraska | No | Nebraska Department of Education | https://www.education.ne.gov/TCERT/ |
Nevada | No | State of Nevada Department of Education | https://doe.nv.gov/Educator_Licensure/ |
New Hampshire | No | New Hampshire Department of Education | https://www.education.nh.gov/who-we-are/division-of-educator-support-and-higher-education/bureau-of-credentialing |
New Jersey | No | State of New Jersey Department of Education | https://www.nj.gov/education/license/ |
New Mexico | No | New Mexico Public Education Department | https://webnew.ped.state.nm.us/bureaus/licensure/ |
New York | No | New York Office of Teaching Intiatives | https://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/ |
North Carolina | No | North Carolina Department of Public Instruction | https://www.dpi.nc.gov/educators/educators-licensure |
North Dakota | No | North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board | https://www.nd.gov/espb/licensure |
Northern Mariana Islands | No | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands State Board of Education | https://www.cnmipss.org/state-boe-certification |
Ohio | No | Ohio Department of Education | https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Teaching/Licensure |
Oklahoma | No | Oklahoma State Department of Education | https://sde.ok.gov/teacher-certification |
Oregon | No | Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission | https://www.oregon.gov/tspc/Pages/index.aspx |
Pennsylvania | No | Pennsylvania Department of Education | https://www.education.pa.gov/Educators/Certification/Pages/default.aspx |
Puerto Rico | No | Puerto Rico Department of Education | https://de.pr.gov/ |
Republic of Palau | No | Republic of Palau Ministry of Education Division of Instructional Implementation and Teacher Training | http://moe.epsolutions.pw/ |
Republic of the Marshall Islands | No | Marshall Islands Public School System | https://pss.edu.mh/ |
Rhode Island | No | Rhode Island Department of Education | https://www.ride.ri.gov/TeachersAdministrators/EducatorCertification.aspx |
South Carolina | No | South Carolina Department of Education | https://ed.sc.gov/educators/certification/ |
South Dakota | No | South Dakota Department of Education | https://doe.sd.gov/certification/ |
Tennessee | No | Tennessee Department of Education | https://www.tn.gov/education/educators/licensing.html |
Texas | No | Texas Education Agency | https://tea.texas.gov/texas-educators/certification |
U.S. Virgin Islands | No | U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Education | https://vide.vi/ |
Utah | No | Utah State Board of Education | https://www.schools.utah.gov/licensing |
Vermont | No | State of Vermont Agency of Education | https://education.vermont.gov/educator-licensure |
Virginia | No | Virginia Department of Education | https://www.doe.virginia.gov/teaching/licensure/ |
Washington | No | Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction | https://www.k12.wa.us/certification/teacher-certificate |
West Virginia | No | West Virginia Department of Education | https://wvde.us/certification/certification-info/ |
Wisconsin | No | Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction | https://dpi.wi.gov/licensing |
Wyoming | No | Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board | https://wyomingptsb.com/ |
The Cambridge College, School of Education and Counseling (Division of Education) Post-master’s Digital Literacy Computer Science Certificate program provides MA educators who hold an initial or professional license with the coursework that prepares them to add the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Academic Teacher, Digital Literacy/Computer Science (PK-6 or 5-12) teacher license to their existing license upon receiving a passing score on the Digital Literacy & Computer Science MTEL and successfully completing a district-sponsored 150-hour internship that meets the regulatory requirements for the license.
Cambridge College has made every effort to verify the statements made in this notice. However, state licensure is controlled by each individual state’s legislature and may change without notice to college and university programs. In addition to the reviewed educational requirements, many states require additional post-graduate training hours, passing of certification examination(s), CORI check, etc., to receive a license in that given state.
Students interested in teaching outside of Massachusetts must successfully complete the program and achieve initial teacher certification in Massachusetts. The National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) interstate agreement facilitates the mobility of educators among the states and other jurisdictions that are members of NASDTEC and have signed the agreement. We recommend that students who intend to pursue licensure/credentialing review this information prior to applying.
State | Status | Licensing Board | Links |
Alabama | No | Alabama State Department of Education | https://www.alabamaachieves.org/teacher-center/teacher-certification/ |
Alaska | No | Alaska Department of Education & Early Development | https://education.alaska.gov/TeacherCertification |
American Samoa | No | American Samoa Department of Education | https://www.amsamoadoe.com/ |
Arizona | No | Arizona Department of Education | https://www.azed.gov/educator-certification/ |
Arkansas | No | Arkansas Department of Education | https://dese.ade.arkansas.gov/Offices/educator-effectiveness/licensure |
California | No | California Commission on Teacher Credentialing | https://www.ctc.ca.gov/ |
Colorado | No | Colorado Department of Education | https://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeprof |
Connecticut | No | Connecticut State Department of Education | https://portal.ct.gov/SDE/Certification/Bureau-of-Certification |
Delaware | No | Delaware Department of Education | https://www.doe.k12.de.us/Page/3476 |
District of Columbia | No | District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education | https://osse.dc.gov/ed-credentials |
Federated States of Micronesia | No | The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Teacher Certification Program | https://www.national.doe.fm/ |
Florida | No | Florida Department of Education | https://www.fldoe.org/teaching/certification/ |
Georgia | No | Georgia Professional Standards Commission | https://www.gapsc.com/Certification/ |
Guam | No | Guam Commission for Educator Certification | https://gcec.guam.gov/services-resources/certification |
Hawaii | No | Hawaii Teachers Standards Board | https://hawaiiteacherstandardsboard.org/ |
Idaho | No | Idaho State Department of Education | https://www.sde.idaho.gov/cert-psc/cert/ |
Illinois | No | Illinois State Board of Education | https://www.isbe.net/educatorlicensure |
Indiana | No | Indiana Department of Education | https://www.in.gov/doe/educators/educator-licensing/ |
Iowa | No | Iowa Board of Education Examiners | https://educate.iowa.gov/educator-licensure/apply |
Kansas | No | Kansas State Department of Education | https://www.ksde.org/Agency/Division-of-Learning-Services/Teacher-Licensure-and-Accreditation |
Kentucky | No | Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board | http://www.epsb.ky.gov/course/view.php?id=3 |
Louisiana | No | Louisiana Department of Education | https://www.louisianabelieves.com/teaching/Career-Advancement-Opportunities |
Maine | No | Maine Department of Education | https://www.maine.gov/doe/cert/ |
Maryland | No | Maryland State Department of Education | https://marylandpublicschools.org/about/Pages/DEE/index.aspx |
Massachusetts | Yes | Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | https://www.doe.mass.edu/licensure/ |
Michigan | No | Michigan Department of Education | https://www.michigan.gov/mde/services/ed-serv/ed-cert |
Minnesota | No | Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board | https://mn.gov/pelsb/aspiring-educators/requirements/ |
Mississippi | No | Mississippi Department of Education | https://www.mdek12.org/OEL |
Missouri | No | Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education | https://dese.mo.gov/educator-quality/certification |
Montana | No | Montana Office of Public Instruction | https://opi.mt.gov/Educators/Licensure/Educator-Licensure |
Nebraska | No | Nebraska Department of Education | https://www.education.ne.gov/TCERT/ |
Nevada | No | State of Nevada Department of Education | https://doe.nv.gov/Educator_Licensure/ |
New Hampshire | No | New Hampshire Department of Education | https://www.education.nh.gov/who-we-are/division-of-educator-support-and-higher-education/bureau-of-credentialing |
New Jersey | No | State of New Jersey Department of Education | https://www.nj.gov/education/license/ |
New Mexico | No | New Mexico Public Education Department | https://webnew.ped.state.nm.us/bureaus/licensure/ |
New York | No | New York Office of Teaching Intiatives | https://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/ |
North Carolina | No | North Carolina Department of Public Instruction | https://www.dpi.nc.gov/educators/educators-licensure |
North Dakota | No | North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board | https://www.nd.gov/espb/licensure |
Northern Mariana Islands | No | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands State Board of Education | https://www.cnmipss.org/state-boe-certification |
Ohio | No | Ohio Department of Education | https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Teaching/Licensure |
Oklahoma | No | Oklahoma State Department of Education | https://sde.ok.gov/teacher-certification |
Oregon | No | Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission | https://www.oregon.gov/tspc/Pages/index.aspx |
Pennsylvania | No | Pennsylvania Department of Education | https://www.education.pa.gov/Educators/Certification/Pages/default.aspx |
Puerto Rico | No | Puerto Rico Department of Education | https://de.pr.gov/ |
Republic of Palau | No | Republic of Palau Ministry of Education Division of Instructional Implementation and Teacher Training | http://moe.epsolutions.pw/ |
Republic of the Marshall Islands | No | Marshall Islands Public School System | https://pss.edu.mh/ |
Rhode Island | No | Rhode Island Department of Education | https://www.ride.ri.gov/TeachersAdministrators/EducatorCertification.aspx |
South Carolina | No | South Carolina Department of Education | https://ed.sc.gov/educators/certification/ |
South Dakota | No | South Dakota Department of Education | https://doe.sd.gov/certification/ |
Tennessee | No | Tennessee Department of Education | https://www.tn.gov/education/educators/licensing.html |
Texas | No | Texas Education Agency | https://tea.texas.gov/texas-educators/certification |
U.S. Virgin Islands | No | U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Education | https://vide.vi/ |
Utah | No | Utah State Board of Education | https://www.schools.utah.gov/licensing |
Vermont | No | State of Vermont Agency of Education | https://education.vermont.gov/educator-licensure |
Virginia | No | Virginia Department of Education | https://www.doe.virginia.gov/teaching/licensure/ |
Washington | No | Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction | https://www.k12.wa.us/certification/teacher-certificate |
West Virginia | No | West Virginia Department of Education | https://wvde.us/certification/certification-info/ |
Wisconsin | No | Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction | https://dpi.wi.gov/licensing |
Wyoming | No | Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board | https://wyomingptsb.com/ |
The Cambridge College, School of Education and Counseling (Division of Education) Post-master’s Elementary Science Specialist (1-6) Certificate program provides MA educators who hold an initial or professional license with the coursework that prepares them to add the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Academic Teacher, General Science (1-6) teacher license to their existing license upon receiving a passing score on MA DESE required MTELs and successfully completing a district-sponsored 150-hour internship that meets the regulatory requirements for the license.
Cambridge College has made every effort to verify the statements made in this notice. However, state licensure is controlled by each individual state’s legislature and may change without notice to college and university programs. In addition to the reviewed educational requirements, many states require additional post-graduate training hours, passing of certification examination(s), CORI check, etc., to receive a license in that given state.
Students interested in teaching outside of Massachusetts must successfully complete the program and achieve initial teacher certification in Massachusetts. The National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) interstate agreement facilitates the mobility of educators among the states and other jurisdictions that are members of NASDTEC and have signed the agreement. We recommend that students who intend to pursue licensure/credentialing review this information prior to applying.
State | Status | Licensing Board | Links |
Alabama | No | Alabama State Department of Education | https://www.alabamaachieves.org/teacher-center/teacher-certification/ |
Alaska | No | Alaska Department of Education & Early Development | https://education.alaska.gov/TeacherCertification |
American Samoa | No | American Samoa Department of Education | https://www.amsamoadoe.com/ |
Arizona | No | Arizona Department of Education | https://www.azed.gov/educator-certification/ |
Arkansas | No | Arkansas Department of Education | https://dese.ade.arkansas.gov/Offices/educator-effectiveness/licensure |
California | No | California Commission on Teacher Credentialing | https://www.ctc.ca.gov/ |
Colorado | No | Colorado Department of Education | https://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeprof |
Connecticut | No | Connecticut State Department of Education | https://portal.ct.gov/SDE/Certification/Bureau-of-Certification |
Delaware | No | Delaware Department of Education | https://www.doe.k12.de.us/Page/3476 |
District of Columbia | No | District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education | https://osse.dc.gov/ed-credentials |
Federated States of Micronesia | No | The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Teacher Certification Program | https://www.national.doe.fm/ |
Florida | No | Florida Department of Education | https://www.fldoe.org/teaching/certification/ |
Georgia | No | Georgia Professional Standards Commission | https://www.gapsc.com/Certification/ |
Guam | No | Guam Commission for Educator Certification | https://gcec.guam.gov/services-resources/certification |
Hawaii | No | Hawaii Teachers Standards Board | https://hawaiiteacherstandardsboard.org/ |
Idaho | No | Idaho State Department of Education | https://www.sde.idaho.gov/cert-psc/cert/ |
Illinois | No | Illinois State Board of Education | https://www.isbe.net/educatorlicensure |
Indiana | No | Indiana Department of Education | https://www.in.gov/doe/educators/educator-licensing/ |
Iowa | No | Iowa Board of Education Examiners | https://educate.iowa.gov/educator-licensure/apply |
Kansas | No | Kansas State Department of Education | https://www.ksde.org/Agency/Division-of-Learning-Services/Teacher-Licensure-and-Accreditation |
Kentucky | No | Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board | http://www.epsb.ky.gov/course/view.php?id=3 |
Louisiana | No | Louisiana Department of Education | https://www.louisianabelieves.com/teaching/Career-Advancement-Opportunities |
Maine | No | Maine Department of Education | https://www.maine.gov/doe/cert/ |
Maryland | No | Maryland State Department of Education | https://marylandpublicschools.org/about/Pages/DEE/index.aspx |
Massachusetts | Yes | Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | https://www.doe.mass.edu/licensure/ |
Michigan | No | Michigan Department of Education | https://www.michigan.gov/mde/services/ed-serv/ed-cert |
Minnesota | No | Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board | https://mn.gov/pelsb/aspiring-educators/requirements/ |
Mississippi | No | Mississippi Department of Education | https://www.mdek12.org/OEL |
Missouri | No | Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education | https://dese.mo.gov/educator-quality/certification |
Montana | No | Montana Office of Public Instruction | https://opi.mt.gov/Educators/Licensure/Educator-Licensure |
Nebraska | No | Nebraska Department of Education | https://www.education.ne.gov/TCERT/ |
Nevada | No | State of Nevada Department of Education | https://doe.nv.gov/Educator_Licensure/ |
New Hampshire | No | New Hampshire Department of Education | https://www.education.nh.gov/who-we-are/division-of-educator-support-and-higher-education/bureau-of-credentialing |
New Jersey | No | State of New Jersey Department of Education | https://www.nj.gov/education/license/ |
New Mexico | No | New Mexico Public Education Department | https://webnew.ped.state.nm.us/bureaus/licensure/ |
New York | No | New York Office of Teaching Intiatives | https://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/ |
North Carolina | No | North Carolina Department of Public Instruction | https://www.dpi.nc.gov/educators/educators-licensure |
North Dakota | No | North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board | https://www.nd.gov/espb/licensure |
Northern Mariana Islands | No | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands State Board of Education | https://www.cnmipss.org/state-boe-certification |
Ohio | No | Ohio Department of Education | https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Teaching/Licensure |
Oklahoma | No | Oklahoma State Department of Education | https://sde.ok.gov/teacher-certification |
Oregon | No | Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission | https://www.oregon.gov/tspc/Pages/index.aspx |
Pennsylvania | No | Pennsylvania Department of Education | https://www.education.pa.gov/Educators/Certification/Pages/default.aspx |
Puerto Rico | No | Puerto Rico Department of Education | https://de.pr.gov/ |
Republic of Palau | No | Republic of Palau Ministry of Education Division of Instructional Implementation and Teacher Training | http://moe.epsolutions.pw/ |
Republic of the Marshall Islands | No | Marshall Islands Public School System | https://pss.edu.mh/ |
Rhode Island | No | Rhode Island Department of Education | https://www.ride.ri.gov/TeachersAdministrators/EducatorCertification.aspx |
South Carolina | No | South Carolina Department of Education | https://ed.sc.gov/educators/certification/ |
South Dakota | No | South Dakota Department of Education | https://doe.sd.gov/certification/ |
Tennessee | No | Tennessee Department of Education | https://www.tn.gov/education/educators/licensing.html |
Texas | No | Texas Education Agency | https://tea.texas.gov/texas-educators/certification |
U.S. Virgin Islands | No | U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Education | https://vide.vi/ |
Utah | No | Utah State Board of Education | https://www.schools.utah.gov/licensing |
Vermont | No | State of Vermont Agency of Education | https://education.vermont.gov/educator-licensure |
Virginia | No | Virginia Department of Education | https://www.doe.virginia.gov/teaching/licensure/ |
Washington | No | Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction | https://www.k12.wa.us/certification/teacher-certificate |
West Virginia | No | West Virginia Department of Education | https://wvde.us/certification/certification-info/ |
Wisconsin | No | Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction | https://dpi.wi.gov/licensing |
Wyoming | No | Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board | https://wyomingptsb.com/ |
The Cambridge College, School of Education and Counseling (Division of Education) Post-master’s Transition Specialist Endorsement Certificate program prepares students to meet the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education regulatory requirements for the Transition Specialist Endorsement (Level depends on prerequisite license).
Cambridge College has made every effort to verify the statements made in this notice. However, state licensure is controlled by each individual state’s legislature and may change without notice to college and university programs. In addition to the reviewed educational requirements, many states require additional post-graduate training hours, passing of certification examination(s), CORI check, etc., to receive a license in that given state.
Students interested in teaching outside of Massachusetts must successfully complete the program and achieve initial teacher certification in Massachusetts. The National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) interstate agreement facilitates the mobility of educators among the states and other jurisdictions that are members of NASDTEC and have signed the agreement. We recommend that students who intend to pursue licensure/credentialing review this information prior to applying.
State | Status | Licensing Board | Links |
Alabama | No | Alabama State Department of Education | https://www.alabamaachieves.org/teacher-center/teacher-certification/ |
Alaska | No | Alaska Department of Education & Early Development | https://education.alaska.gov/TeacherCertification |
American Samoa | No | American Samoa Department of Education | https://www.amsamoadoe.com/ |
Arizona | No | Arizona Department of Education | https://www.azed.gov/educator-certification/ |
Arkansas | No | Arkansas Department of Education | https://dese.ade.arkansas.gov/Offices/educator-effectiveness/licensure |
California | No | California Commission on Teacher Credentialing | https://www.ctc.ca.gov/ |
Colorado | No | Colorado Department of Education | https://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeprof |
Connecticut | No | Connecticut State Department of Education | https://portal.ct.gov/SDE/Certification/Bureau-of-Certification |
Delaware | No | Delaware Department of Education | https://www.doe.k12.de.us/Page/3476 |
District of Columbia | No | District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education | https://osse.dc.gov/ed-credentials |
Federated States of Micronesia | No | The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Teacher Certification Program | https://www.national.doe.fm/ |
Florida | No | Florida Department of Education | https://www.fldoe.org/teaching/certification/ |
Georgia | No | Georgia Professional Standards Commission | https://www.gapsc.com/Certification/ |
Guam | No | Guam Commission for Educator Certification | https://gcec.guam.gov/services-resources/certification |
Hawaii | No | Hawaii Teachers Standards Board | https://hawaiiteacherstandardsboard.org/ |
Idaho | No | Idaho State Department of Education | https://www.sde.idaho.gov/cert-psc/cert/ |
Illinois | No | Illinois State Board of Education | https://www.isbe.net/educatorlicensure |
Indiana | No | Indiana Department of Education | https://www.in.gov/doe/educators/educator-licensing/ |
Iowa | No | Iowa Board of Education Examiners | https://educate.iowa.gov/educator-licensure/apply |
Kansas | No | Kansas State Department of Education | https://www.ksde.org/Agency/Division-of-Learning-Services/Teacher-Licensure-and-Accreditation |
Kentucky | No | Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board | http://www.epsb.ky.gov/course/view.php?id=3 |
Louisiana | No | Louisiana Department of Education | https://www.louisianabelieves.com/teaching/Career-Advancement-Opportunities |
Maine | No | Maine Department of Education | https://www.maine.gov/doe/cert/ |
Maryland | No | Maryland State Department of Education | https://marylandpublicschools.org/about/Pages/DEE/index.aspx |
Massachusetts | Yes | Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | https://www.doe.mass.edu/licensure/ |
Michigan | No | Michigan Department of Education | https://www.michigan.gov/mde/services/ed-serv/ed-cert |
Minnesota | No | Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board | https://mn.gov/pelsb/aspiring-educators/requirements/ |
Mississippi | No | Mississippi Department of Education | https://www.mdek12.org/OEL |
Missouri | No | Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education | https://dese.mo.gov/educator-quality/certification |
Montana | No | Montana Office of Public Instruction | https://opi.mt.gov/Educators/Licensure/Educator-Licensure |
Nebraska | No | Nebraska Department of Education | https://www.education.ne.gov/TCERT/ |
Nevada | No | State of Nevada Department of Education | https://doe.nv.gov/Educator_Licensure/ |
New Hampshire | No | New Hampshire Department of Education | https://www.education.nh.gov/who-we-are/division-of-educator-support-and-higher-education/bureau-of-credentialing |
New Jersey | No | State of New Jersey Department of Education | https://www.nj.gov/education/license/ |
New Mexico | No | New Mexico Public Education Department | https://webnew.ped.state.nm.us/bureaus/licensure/ |
New York | No | New York Office of Teaching Intiatives | https://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/ |
North Carolina | No | North Carolina Department of Public Instruction | https://www.dpi.nc.gov/educators/educators-licensure |
North Dakota | No | North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board | https://www.nd.gov/espb/licensure |
Northern Mariana Islands | No | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands State Board of Education | https://www.cnmipss.org/state-boe-certification |
Ohio | No | Ohio Department of Education | https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Teaching/Licensure |
Oklahoma | No | Oklahoma State Department of Education | https://sde.ok.gov/teacher-certification |
Oregon | No | Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission | https://www.oregon.gov/tspc/Pages/index.aspx |
Pennsylvania | No | Pennsylvania Department of Education | https://www.education.pa.gov/Educators/Certification/Pages/default.aspx |
Puerto Rico | No | Puerto Rico Department of Education | https://de.pr.gov/ |
Republic of Palau | No | Republic of Palau Ministry of Education Division of Instructional Implementation and Teacher Training | http://moe.epsolutions.pw/ |
Republic of the Marshall Islands | No | Marshall Islands Public School System | https://pss.edu.mh/ |
Rhode Island | No | Rhode Island Department of Education | https://www.ride.ri.gov/TeachersAdministrators/EducatorCertification.aspx |
South Carolina | No | South Carolina Department of Education | https://ed.sc.gov/educators/certification/ |
South Dakota | No | South Dakota Department of Education | https://doe.sd.gov/certification/ |
Tennessee | No | Tennessee Department of Education | https://www.tn.gov/education/educators/licensing.html |
Texas | No | Texas Education Agency | https://tea.texas.gov/texas-educators/certification |
U.S. Virgin Islands | No | U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Education | https://vide.vi/ |
Utah | No | Utah State Board of Education | https://www.schools.utah.gov/licensing |
Vermont | No | State of Vermont Agency of Education | https://education.vermont.gov/educator-licensure |
Virginia | No | Virginia Department of Education | https://www.doe.virginia.gov/teaching/licensure/ |
Washington | No | Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction | https://www.k12.wa.us/certification/teacher-certificate |
West Virginia | No | West Virginia Department of Education | https://wvde.us/certification/certification-info/ |
Wisconsin | No | Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction | https://dpi.wi.gov/licensing |
Wyoming | No | Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board | https://wyomingptsb.com/ |
Academic Administrator Licensure Programs
The Cambridge College, School of Education and Counseling (Division of Education) M.Ed. Educational Leadership Principal/Assistant Principal PK-8 or 5-12 Initial Licensure program, CAGS Educational Leadership Principal/Assistant Principal PK-8 or 5-12 Initial Licensure programs prepare students to meet the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education regulatory requirements for the Academic Administrator, Principal/Assistant Principal PK-8 or 5-12 Initial Administrator license.
Cambridge College has made every effort to verify the statements made in this notice. However, state licensure is controlled by each individual state’s legislature and may change without notice to college and university programs. In addition to the reviewed educational requirements, many states require additional post-graduate training hours, passing of certification examination(s), CORI check, etc., to receive a license in that given state.
State | Status | Licensing Board | Links |
Alabama | No | Alabama State Department of Education | https://www.alabamaachieves.org/teacher-center/teacher-certification/ |
Alaska | No | Alaska Department of Education & Early Development | https://education.alaska.gov/TeacherCertification |
American Samoa | No | American Samoa Department of Education | https://www.amsamoadoe.com/ |
Arizona | No | Arizona Department of Education | https://www.azed.gov/educator-certification/ |
Arkansas | No | Arkansas Department of Education | https://dese.ade.arkansas.gov/Offices/educator-effectiveness/licensure |
California | No | California Commission on Teacher Credentialing | https://www.ctc.ca.gov/ |
Colorado | No | Colorado Department of Education | https://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeprof |
Connecticut | No | Connecticut State Department of Education | https://portal.ct.gov/SDE/Certification/Bureau-of-Certification |
Delaware | No | Delaware Department of Education | https://www.doe.k12.de.us/Page/3476 |
District of Columbia | No | District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education | https://osse.dc.gov/ed-credentials |
Federated States of Micronesia | No | The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Teacher Certification Program | https://www.national.doe.fm/ |
Florida | No | Florida Department of Education | https://www.fldoe.org/teaching/certification/ |
Georgia | No | Georgia Professional Standards Commission | https://www.gapsc.com/Certification/ |
Guam | No | Guam Commission for Educator Certification | https://gcec.guam.gov/services-resources/certification |
Hawaii | No | Hawaii Teachers Standards Board | https://hawaiiteacherstandardsboard.org/ |
Idaho | No | Idaho State Department of Education | https://www.sde.idaho.gov/cert-psc/cert/ |
Illinois | No | Illinois State Board of Education | https://www.isbe.net/educatorlicensure |
Indiana | No | Indiana Department of Education | https://www.in.gov/doe/educators/educator-licensing/ |
Iowa | No | Iowa Board of Education Examiners | https://educate.iowa.gov/educator-licensure/apply |
Kansas | No | Kansas State Department of Education | https://www.ksde.org/Agency/Division-of-Learning-Services/Teacher-Licensure-and-Accreditation |
Kentucky | No | Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board | http://www.epsb.ky.gov/course/view.php?id=3 |
Louisiana | No | Louisiana Department of Education | https://www.louisianabelieves.com/teaching/Career-Advancement-Opportunities |
Maine | No | Maine Department of Education | https://www.maine.gov/doe/cert/ |
Maryland | No | Maryland State Department of Education | https://marylandpublicschools.org/about/Pages/DEE/index.aspx |
Massachusetts | Yes | Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | https://www.doe.mass.edu/licensure/ |
Michigan | No | Michigan Department of Education | https://www.michigan.gov/mde/services/ed-serv/ed-cert |
Minnesota | No | Minnesota Board of School Administrators | https://bosa.mn.gov/BOSA/index.htm |
Mississippi | No | Mississippi Department of Education | https://www.mdek12.org/OEL |
Missouri | No | Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education | https://dese.mo.gov/educator-quality/certification |
Montana | No | Montana Office of Public Instruction | https://opi.mt.gov/Educators/Licensure/Educator-Licensure |
Nebraska | No | Nebraska Department of Education | https://www.education.ne.gov/TCERT/ |
Nevada | No | State of Nevada Department of Education | https://doe.nv.gov/Educator_Licensure/ |
New Hampshire | No | New Hampshire Department of Education | https://www.education.nh.gov/who-we-are/division-of-educator-support-and-higher-education/bureau-of-credentialing |
New Jersey | No | State of New Jersey Department of Education | https://www.nj.gov/education/license/ |
New Mexico | No | New Mexico Public Education Department | https://webnew.ped.state.nm.us/bureaus/licensure/ |
New York | No | New York Office of Teaching Intiatives | https://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/ |
North Carolina | No | North Carolina Department of Public Instruction | https://www.dpi.nc.gov/educators/educators-licensure |
North Dakota | No | North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board | https://www.nd.gov/espb/licensure |
Northern Mariana Islands | No | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands State Board of Education | https://www.cnmipss.org/state-boe-certification |
Ohio | No | Ohio Department of Education | https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Teaching/Licensure |
Oklahoma | No | Oklahoma State Department of Education | https://sde.ok.gov/teacher-certification |
Oregon | No | Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission | https://www.oregon.gov/tspc/Pages/index.aspx |
Pennsylvania | No | Pennsylvania Department of Education | https://www.education.pa.gov/Educators/Certification/Pages/default.aspx |
Puerto Rico | No | Puerto Rico Department of Education | https://de.pr.gov/ |
Republic of Palau | No | Republic of Palau Ministry of Education Division of Instructional Implementation and Teacher Training | http://moe.epsolutions.pw/ |
Republic of the Marshall Islands | No | Marshall Islands Public School System | https://pss.edu.mh/ |
Rhode Island | No | Rhode Island Department of Education | https://www.ride.ri.gov/TeachersAdministrators/EducatorCertification.aspx |
South Carolina | No | South Carolina Department of Education | https://ed.sc.gov/educators/certification/ |
South Dakota | No | South Dakota Department of Education | https://doe.sd.gov/certification/ |
Tennessee | No | Tennessee Department of Education | https://www.tn.gov/education/educators/licensing.html |
Texas | No | Texas Education Agency | https://tea.texas.gov/texas-educators/certification |
U.S. Virgin Islands | No | U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Education | https://vide.vi/ |
Utah | No | Utah State Board of Education | https://www.schools.utah.gov/licensing |
Vermont | No | State of Vermont Agency of Education | https://education.vermont.gov/educator-licensure |
Virginia | No | Virginia Department of Education | https://www.doe.virginia.gov/teaching/licensure/ |
Washington | No | Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction | https://www.k12.wa.us/certification/teacher-certificate |
West Virginia | No | West Virginia Department of Education | https://wvde.us/certification/certification-info/ |
Wisconsin | No | Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction | https://dpi.wi.gov/licensing |
Wyoming | No | Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board | https://wyomingptsb.com/ |
Accounting Programs
Cambridge College offers an accounting program at the master’s level, the Master of Science in Accounting (MACC), designed to help students prepare to sit for the Uniform Certified Public Accounting Exam. Please note that students cannot earn a CPA certification/license simply by earning a college degree. According to the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) website, you should first determine where you plan to sit for the CPA exam since the education and experience requirements to sit for the CPA exam are different for every state*. As a result, Cambridge College strongly encourages you to review your state's CPA exam and licensure requirements and criteria.
*See the table below for licensure requirements in your state or territory.
State | Status | Licensing Board | Links |
Alabama | Yes1 | Alabama State Board of Public Accountancy | https://www.asbpa.alabama.gov/ |
Alaska | Yes1 | Alaska Board of Public Accountancy | https://www.commerce.alaska.gov/web/cbpl/ProfessionalLicensing/BoardofPublicAccountancy.aspx |
American Samoa | N/A | No known License | N/A |
Arizona | Yes1 | Arizona State Board of Accountancy | https://www.azaccountancy.gov/ |
Arkansas | Yes | Arkansas State Board of Public Accountancy | https://www.labor.arkansas.gov/licensing/state-board-of-public-accountancy/ |
California | Yes1 | California Board of Accountancy | https://www.dca.ca.gov/cba/ |
Colorado | Yes2 | Colorado State Board of Accountancy | https://dpo.colorado.gov/Accountancy |
Connecticut | Yes1 | Connecticut State Board of Accountancy | https://portal.ct.gov/dcp/occupational-and-professional-division/occupational-boards/state-board-of-accountancy |
Delaware | Yes | Delaware Board of Accountancy | https://dpr.delaware.gov/boards/accountancy/ |
District of Columbia | Yes | Greater Washington Society of CPAs | https://www.gwscpa.org/ |
Federated States of Micronesia | N/A | No known License | N/A |
Florida | Yes3 | Florida Board of Accountancy | https://www2.myfloridalicense.com/certified-public-accounting/ |
Georgia | Yes1 | Georgia State Board of Accountancy | https://gsba.georgia.gov/ |
Guam | Yes | Guam Board of Accountancy | https://www.guamboa.org/ |
Hawaii | Yes | Hawaii Board of Public Accountancy | https://cca.hawaii.gov/pvl/boards/accountancy/ |
Idaho | Yes | Idaho State Board of Accountancy | https://dopl.idaho.gov/boa/ |
Illinois | Yes | Illinois Board of Examiners | https://www.ilboe.org/ |
Indiana | Yes | Indiana State Board of Accountancy | https://www.in.gov/pla/professions/accountancy-home/ |
Iowa | Yes | Iowa Accountancy Examining Board | https://plb.iowa.gov/board/accountants |
Kansas | Yes | Kansas Board of Accountancy | https://ksboa.kansas.gov/ |
Kentucky | Yes | Kentucky State Board of Accountancy | https://cpa.ky.gov/Pages/default.aspx |
Louisiana | Yes | State Board of CPAs of Louisiana | https://cpaboard.state.la.us/ |
Maine | Yes | Maine Board of Accountancy | https://www.maine.gov/pfr/professionallicensing/professions/accountancy |
Maryland | Yes1 | Maryland State Board of Public Accountancy | https://www.dllr.state.md.us/license/cpa/ |
Massachusetts | Yes1 | Massachusetts Board of Public Accountancy | https://www.mass.gov/orgs/board-of-public-accountancy |
Michigan | Yes1 | Michigan Board of Accountancy | https://www.michigan.gov/lara/bureau-list/bpl/occ/prof/accountancy |
Minnesota | Yes | Minnesota State Board of Accountancy | https://www.boa.state.mn.us/ |
Mississippi | Yes | Mississippi State Board of Public Accountancy | https://www.msbpa.ms.gov/ |
Missouri | Yes1 | Missouri Board of Accountancy | https://pr.mo.gov/accountancy.asp |
Montana | Yes1 | Montana Board of Public Accountants | https://boards.bsd.dli.mt.gov/public-accountants/ |
Nebraska | Yes | Nebraska Board of Public Accountancy | https://nbpa.nebraska.gov/ |
Nevada | Yes1 | Nevada State Board of Accountancy | https://nvboaprod.glsuite.us/GLSuiteWeb/Clients/NVBOA/Private/Index.aspx |
New Hampshire | Yes | New Hampshire Board of Accountancy | https://www.oplc.nh.gov/applications-accountancy |
New Jersey | Yes | New Jersey State Board of Accountancy | https://www.njconsumeraffairs.gov/acc/Pages/applications.aspx |
New Mexico | Yes | New Mexico Public Accountancy Board | https://www.rld.nm.gov/boards-and-commissions/individual-boards-and-commissions/accountancy/instructors-training-requirements-and-continuing-education-2/ |
New York | Yes1 | New York State Board for Public Accountancy | https://www.op.nysed.gov/about/general-information-policies |
North Carolina | Yes | North Carolina State Board of CPA Examiners | https://nccpaboard.gov/ |
North Dakota | Yes | North Dakota State Board of Accountancy | https://www.ndsba.nd.gov/ |
Northern Mariana Islands | Yes1 | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands | https://www.alllibrary.com/license/list_license?id=57 |
Ohio | Yes | Accountancy Board of Ohio | https://www.acc.ohio.gov/ |
Oklahoma | Yes | Oklahoma Accountancy Board | https://oklahoma.gov/oab.html |
Oregon | Yes | Oregon State Board of Accountancy | https://www.oregon.gov/BOA/Pages/Home.aspx |
Pennsylvania | Yes1 | Pennsylvania State Board of Accountancy | https://www.pa.gov/en/agencies/dos/department-and-offices/bpoa/boards-commissions/accountancy-board.html |
Puerto Rico | Yes5 | Puerto Rico Society of CPAs | https://www.colegiocpa.com/ |
Republic of Palau | N/A | No known License | N/A |
Republic of the Marshall Islands | N/A | No known License | N/A |
Rhode Island | Yes | Rhode Island Board of Accountancy | https://dbr.ri.gov/divisions/accountancy/ |
South Carolina | Yes1 | South Carolina Board of Accountancy | https://llr.sc.gov/acct/ |
South Dakota | Yes1 | South Dakota Board of Accountancy | https://dlr.sd.gov/accountancy/default.aspx |
Tennessee | Yes | Tennessee State Board of Accountancy | https://www.tn.gov/commerce/regboards/accountancy.html |
Texas | Yes4 | Texas State Board of Public Accountancy | https://www.tsbpa.texas.gov/ |
U.S. Virgin Islands | Yes | The U.S. Virgin Islands Society of Certified Public Accounts | https://www.viscpa.org/ |
Utah | No | Utah Board of Accountancy | https://dopl.utah.gov/accountancy/ |
Vermont | Yes | Vermont Board of Public Accountancy | https://sos.vermont.gov/accountancy/board-meetings-members/ |
Virginia | Yes | Virginia Board of Accountancy | https://boa.virginia.gov/ |
Washington | Yes | Washington State Board of Accountancy | https://acb.wa.gov/ |
West Virginia | Yes5 | West Virginia Board of Accountancy | https://www.boa.wv.gov/ |
Wisconsin | Yes | Wisconsin Accounting Examining Board | https://dsps.wi.gov/pages/BoardsCouncils/Accounting/Default.aspx |
Wyoming | Yes | Wyoming Board of Certified Public Accountants | https://sites.google.com/a/wyo.gov/wyoming-cpa/ |
1 Meets requirements with a bachelor’s in business or accounting
2 Meets requirements with a bachelor’s in business or accounting, and at least 3 business/accounting credit hours at C or greater; 6 credit hours in auditing; and 3 credit hours in business ethics
3 Meets requirements with a bachelor’s in business or accounting and coursework in business law
4 Meets requirements with a bachelor’s in business or accounting and ethics course
5 Meets requirements with a bachelor’s in business
Education Licensure Programs - Puerto Rico
The Cambridge College, School of Education and Counseling (Division of Education) M.Ed. Autism Education Program (PR) provides Puerto Rico-licensed educators who hold an active teaching license with the educational requirements to add the Puerto Rico Special Education and Autism Teacher License to their existing license.
Cambridge College has made every effort to verify the statements made in this notice. However, state licensure is controlled by each individual state’s legislature and may change without notice to college and university programs. In addition to the reviewed educational requirements, many states require additional post-graduate training hours, passing of certification examination(s), CORI check, etc., to receive a license in that given state.
Students interested in teaching outside of Puerto Rico must successfully complete the program and achieve initial teacher certification in Puerto Rico. The National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) interstate agreement facilitates the mobility of educators among the states and other jurisdictions that are members of NASDTEC and have signed the agreement. We recommend that students who intend to pursue licensure/credentialing review this information prior to applying.
State | Status | Licensing Board | Links |
Alabama | No | Alabama State Department of Education | https://www.alabamaachieves.org/teacher-center/teacher-certification/ |
Alaska | No | Alaska Department of Education & Early Development | https://education.alaska.gov/TeacherCertification |
American Samoa | No | American Samoa Department of Education | https://www.amsamoadoe.com/ |
Arizona | No | Arizona Department of Education | https://www.azed.gov/educator-certification/ |
Arkansas | No | Arkansas Department of Education | https://dese.ade.arkansas.gov/Offices/educator-effectiveness/licensure |
California | No | California Commission on Teacher Credentialing | https://www.ctc.ca.gov/ |
Colorado | No | Colorado Department of Education | https://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeprof |
Connecticut | No | Connecticut State Department of Education | https://portal.ct.gov/SDE/Certification/Bureau-of-Certification |
Delaware | No | Delaware Department of Education | https://www.doe.k12.de.us/Page/3476 |
District of Columbia | No | District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education | https://osse.dc.gov/ed-credentials |
Federated States of Micronesia | No | The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Teacher Certification Program | https://www.national.doe.fm/ |
Florida | No | Florida Department of Education | https://www.fldoe.org/teaching/certification/ |
Georgia | No | Georgia Professional Standards Commission | https://www.gapsc.com/Certification/ |
Guam | No | Guam Commission for Educator Certification | https://gcec.guam.gov/services-resources/certification |
Hawaii | No | Hawaii Teachers Standards Board | https://hawaiiteacherstandardsboard.org/ |
Idaho | No | Idaho State Department of Education | https://www.sde.idaho.gov/cert-psc/cert/ |
Illinois | No | Illinois State Board of Education | https://www.isbe.net/educatorlicensure |
Indiana | No | Indiana Department of Education | https://www.in.gov/doe/educators/educator-licensing/ |
Iowa | No | Iowa Board of Education Examiners | https://educate.iowa.gov/educator-licensure/apply |
Kansas | No | Kansas State Department of Education | https://www.ksde.org/Agency/Division-of-Learning-Services/Teacher-Licensure-and-Accreditation |
Kentucky | No | Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board | http://www.epsb.ky.gov/course/view.php?id=3 |
Louisiana | No | Louisiana Department of Education | https://www.louisianabelieves.com/teaching/Career-Advancement-Opportunities |
Maine | No | Maine Department of Education | https://www.maine.gov/doe/cert/ |
Maryland | No | Maryland State Department of Education | https://marylandpublicschools.org/about/Pages/DEE/index.aspx |
Massachusetts | No | Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | https://www.doe.mass.edu/licensure/ |
Michigan | No | Michigan Department of Education | https://www.michigan.gov/mde/services/ed-serv/ed-cert |
Minnesota | No | Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board | https://mn.gov/pelsb/aspiring-educators/requirements/ |
Mississippi | No | Mississippi Department of Education | https://www.mdek12.org/OEL |
Missouri | No | Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education | https://dese.mo.gov/educator-quality/certification |
Montana | No | Montana Office of Public Instruction | https://opi.mt.gov/Educators/Licensure/Educator-Licensure |
Nebraska | No | Nebraska Department of Education | https://www.education.ne.gov/TCERT/ |
Nevada | No | State of Nevada Department of Education | https://doe.nv.gov/Educator_Licensure/ |
New Hampshire | No | New Hampshire Department of Education | https://www.education.nh.gov/who-we-are/division-of-educator-support-and-higher-education/bureau-of-credentialing |
New Jersey | No | State of New Jersey Department of Education | https://www.nj.gov/education/license/ |
New Mexico | No | New Mexico Public Education Department | https://webnew.ped.state.nm.us/bureaus/licensure/ |
New York | No | New York Office of Teaching Intiatives | http://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/ |
North Carolina | No | North Carolina Department of Public Instruction | https://www.dpi.nc.gov/educators/educators-licensure |
North Dakota | No | North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board | https://www.nd.gov/espb/licensure |
Northern Mariana Islands | No | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands State Board of Education | https://www.cnmipss.org/state-boe-certification |
Ohio | No | Ohio Department of Education | https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Teaching/Licensure |
Oklahoma | No | Oklahoma State Department of Education | https://sde.ok.gov/teacher-certification |
Oregon | No | Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission | https://www.oregon.gov/tspc/Pages/index.aspx |
Pennsylvania | No | Pennsylvania Department of Education | https://www.education.pa.gov/Educators/Certification/Pages/default.aspx |
Puerto Rico | Yes | Puerto Rico Department of Education | https://de.pr.gov/ |
Republic of Palau | No | Republic of Palau Ministry of Education Division of Instructional Implementation and Teacher Training | http://moe.epsolutions.pw/ |
Republic of the Marshall Islands | No | Marshall Islands Public School System | https://pss.edu.mh/ |
Rhode Island | No | Rhode Island Department of Education | https://www.ride.ri.gov/TeachersAdministrators/EducatorCertification.aspx |
South Carolina | No | South Carolina Department of Education | https://ed.sc.gov/educators/certification/ |
South Dakota | No | South Dakota Department of Education | https://doe.sd.gov/certification/ |
Tennessee | No | Tennessee Department of Education | https://www.tn.gov/education/educators/licensing.html |
Texas | No | Texas Education Agency | https://tea.texas.gov/texas-educators/certification |
U.S. Virgin Islands | No | Virgin Islands Board of Education | https://myviboe.com/apply-for-certification/ |
Utah | No | Utah State Board of Education | https://www.schools.utah.gov/licensing |
Vermont | No | State of Vermont Agency of Education | https://education.vermont.gov/educator-licensure |
Virginia | No | Virginia Department of Education | https://www.doe.virginia.gov/teaching/licensure/ |
Washington | No | Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction | https://www.k12.wa.us/certification/teacher-certificate |
West Virginia | No | West Virginia Department of Education | https://wvde.us/certification/certification-info/ |
Wisconsin | No | Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction | https://dpi.wi.gov/licensing |
Wyoming | No | Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board | https://wyomingptsb.com/ |
The Cambridge College, School of Education and Counseling (Division of Education) M.Ed. Education Administration (PR) provides Puerto Rico-licensed educators who hold an active teaching license with the educational requirements to add the Puerto Rico Special Education and Autism Teacher License to their existing license.
Cambridge College has made every effort to verify the statements made in this notice. However, state licensure is controlled by each individual state’s legislature and may change without notice to college and university programs. In addition to the reviewed educational requirements, many states require additional post-graduate training hours, passing of certification examination(s), CORI check, etc., to receive a license in that given state.
Students interested in teaching outside of Puerto Rico must successfully complete the program and achieve initial teacher certification in Puerto Rico. The National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) interstate agreement facilitates the mobility of educators among the states and other jurisdictions that are members of NASDTEC and have signed the agreement. We recommend that students who intend to pursue licensure/credentialing review this information prior to applying.
State | Status | Licensing Board | Links |
Alabama | No | Alabama State Department of Education | https://www.alabamaachieves.org/teacher-center/teacher-certification/ |
Alaska | No | Alaska Department of Education & Early Development | https://education.alaska.gov/TeacherCertification |
American Samoa | No | American Samoa Department of Education | https://www.amsamoadoe.com/ |
Arizona | No | Arizona Department of Education | https://www.azed.gov/educator-certification/ |
Arkansas | No | Arkansas Department of Education | https://dese.ade.arkansas.gov/Offices/educator-effectiveness/licensure |
California | No | California Commission on Teacher Credentialing | https://www.ctc.ca.gov/ |
Colorado | No | Colorado Department of Education | https://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeprof |
Connecticut | No | Connecticut State Department of Education | https://portal.ct.gov/SDE/Certification/Bureau-of-Certification |
Delaware | No | Delaware Department of Education | https://www.doe.k12.de.us/Page/3476 |
District of Columbia | No | District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education | https://osse.dc.gov/ed-credentials |
Federated States of Micronesia | No | The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Teacher Certification Program | https://www.national.doe.fm/ |
Florida | No | Florida Department of Education | https://www.fldoe.org/teaching/certification/ |
Georgia | No | Georgia Professional Standards Commission | https://www.gapsc.com/Certification/ |
Guam | No | Guam Commission for Educator Certification | https://gcec.guam.gov/services-resources/certification |
Hawaii | No | Hawaii Teachers Standards Board | https://hawaiiteacherstandardsboard.org/ |
Idaho | No | Idaho State Department of Education | https://www.sde.idaho.gov/cert-psc/cert/ |
Illinois | No | Illinois State Board of Education | https://www.isbe.net/educatorlicensure |
Indiana | No | Indiana Department of Education | https://www.in.gov/doe/educators/educator-licensing/ |
Iowa | No | Iowa Board of Education Examiners | https://educate.iowa.gov/educator-licensure/apply |
Kansas | No | Kansas State Department of Education | https://www.ksde.org/Agency/Division-of-Learning-Services/Teacher-Licensure-and-Accreditation |
Kentucky | No | Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board | http://www.epsb.ky.gov/course/view.php?id=3 |
Louisiana | No | Louisiana Department of Education | https://www.louisianabelieves.com/teaching/Career-Advancement-Opportunities |
Maine | No | Maine Department of Education | https://www.maine.gov/doe/cert/ |
Maryland | No | Maryland State Department of Education | https://marylandpublicschools.org/about/Pages/DEE/index.aspx |
Massachusetts | No | Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | https://www.doe.mass.edu/licensure/ |
Michigan | No | Michigan Department of Education | https://www.michigan.gov/mde/services/ed-serv/ed-cert |
Minnesota | No | Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board | https://mn.gov/pelsb/aspiring-educators/requirements/ |
Mississippi | No | Mississippi Department of Education | https://www.mdek12.org/OEL |
Missouri | No | Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education | https://dese.mo.gov/educator-quality/certification |
Montana | No | Montana Office of Public Instruction | https://opi.mt.gov/Educators/Licensure/Educator-Licensure |
Nebraska | No | Nebraska Department of Education | https://www.education.ne.gov/TCERT/ |
Nevada | No | State of Nevada Department of Education | https://doe.nv.gov/Educator_Licensure/ |
New Hampshire | No | New Hampshire Department of Education | https://www.education.nh.gov/who-we-are/division-of-educator-support-and-higher-education/bureau-of-credentialing |
New Jersey | No | State of New Jersey Department of Education | https://www.nj.gov/education/license/ |
New Mexico | No | New Mexico Public Education Department | https://webnew.ped.state.nm.us/bureaus/licensure/ |
New York | No | New York Office of Teaching Intiatives | http://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/ |
North Carolina | No | North Carolina Department of Public Instruction | https://www.dpi.nc.gov/educators/educators-licensure |
North Dakota | No | North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board | https://www.nd.gov/espb/licensure |
Northern Mariana Islands | No | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands State Board of Education | https://www.cnmipss.org/state-boe-certification |
Ohio | No | Ohio Department of Education | https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Teaching/Licensure |
Oklahoma | No | Oklahoma State Department of Education | https://sde.ok.gov/teacher-certification |
Oregon | No | Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission | https://www.oregon.gov/tspc/Pages/index.aspx |
Pennsylvania | No | Pennsylvania Department of Education | https://www.education.pa.gov/Educators/Certification/Pages/default.aspx |
Puerto Rico | Yes | Puerto Rico Department of Education | https://de.pr.gov/ |
Republic of Palau | No | Republic of Palau Ministry of Education Division of Instructional Implementation and Teacher Training | http://moe.epsolutions.pw/ |
Republic of the Marshall Islands | No | Marshall Islands Public School System | https://pss.edu.mh/ |
Rhode Island | No | Rhode Island Department of Education | https://www.ride.ri.gov/TeachersAdministrators/EducatorCertification.aspx |
South Carolina | No | South Carolina Department of Education | https://ed.sc.gov/educators/certification/ |
South Dakota | No | South Dakota Department of Education | https://doe.sd.gov/certification/ |
Tennessee | No | Tennessee Department of Education | https://www.tn.gov/education/educators/licensing.html |
Texas | No | Texas Education Agency | https://tea.texas.gov/texas-educators/certification |
U.S. Virgin Islands | No | Virgin Islands Board of Education | https://myviboe.com/apply-for-certification/ |
Utah | No | Utah State Board of Education | https://www.schools.utah.gov/licensing |
Vermont | No | State of Vermont Agency of Education | https://education.vermont.gov/educator-licensure |
Virginia | No | Virginia Department of Education | https://www.doe.virginia.gov/teaching/licensure/ |
Washington | No | Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction | https://www.k12.wa.us/certification/teacher-certificate |
West Virginia | No | West Virginia Department of Education | https://wvde.us/certification/certification-info/ |
Wisconsin | No | Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction | https://dpi.wi.gov/licensing |
Wyoming | No | Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board | https://wyomingptsb.com/ |
The Cambridge College, School of Education and Counseling (Division of Education) M.Ed. Elementary Education Program (PR) and M.Ed. Elementary Education Program with Subspecialization of Teaching Spanish as a Second Language (PR) provide Puerto Rico-licensed educators who hold an active teaching license with the educational requirements to add the Puerto Rico Elementary Education License to their existing license.
Cambridge College has made every effort to verify the statements made in this notice. However, state licensure is controlled by each individual state’s legislature and may change without notice to college and university programs. In addition to the reviewed educational requirements, many states require additional post-graduate training hours, passing of certification examination(s), CORI check, etc., to receive a license in that given state.
Students in the M.Ed. Elementary Education Program with Subspecialization of Teaching Spanish as a Second Language (PR) should note that the subspecialization in teaching Spanish is a concentration and not a licensure track pathway to any level of license.
Students interested in teaching outside of Puerto Rico must successfully complete the program and achieve initial teacher certification in Puerto Rico. The National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) interstate agreement facilitates the mobility of educators among the states and other jurisdictions that are members of NASDTEC and have signed the agreement. We recommend that students who intend to pursue licensure/credentialing review this information prior to applying.
State | Status | Licensing Board | Links |
Alabama | No | Alabama State Department of Education | https://www.alabamaachieves.org/teacher-center/teacher-certification/ |
Alaska | No | Alaska Department of Education & Early Development | https://education.alaska.gov/TeacherCertification |
American Samoa | No | American Samoa Department of Education | https://www.amsamoadoe.com/ |
Arizona | No | Arizona Department of Education | https://www.azed.gov/educator-certification/ |
Arkansas | No | Arkansas Department of Education | https://dese.ade.arkansas.gov/Offices/educator-effectiveness/licensure |
California | No | California Commission on Teacher Credentialing | https://www.ctc.ca.gov/ |
Colorado | No | Colorado Department of Education | https://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeprof |
Connecticut | No | Connecticut State Department of Education | https://portal.ct.gov/SDE/Certification/Bureau-of-Certification |
Delaware | No | Delaware Department of Education | https://www.doe.k12.de.us/Page/3476 |
District of Columbia | No | District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education | https://osse.dc.gov/ed-credentials |
Federated States of Micronesia | No | The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Teacher Certification Program | https://www.national.doe.fm/ |
Florida | No | Florida Department of Education | https://www.fldoe.org/teaching/certification/ |
Georgia | No | Georgia Professional Standards Commission | https://www.gapsc.com/Certification/ |
Guam | No | Guam Commission for Educator Certification | https://gcec.guam.gov/services-resources/certification |
Hawaii | No | Hawaii Teachers Standards Board | https://hawaiiteacherstandardsboard.org/ |
Idaho | No | Idaho State Department of Education | https://www.sde.idaho.gov/cert-psc/cert/ |
Illinois | No | Illinois State Board of Education | https://www.isbe.net/educatorlicensure |
Indiana | No | Indiana Department of Education | https://www.in.gov/doe/educators/educator-licensing/ |
Iowa | No | Iowa Board of Education Examiners | https://educate.iowa.gov/educator-licensure/apply |
Kansas | No | Kansas State Department of Education | https://www.ksde.org/Agency/Division-of-Learning-Services/Teacher-Licensure-and-Accreditation |
Kentucky | No | Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board | http://www.epsb.ky.gov/course/view.php?id=3 |
Louisiana | No | Louisiana Department of Education | https://www.louisianabelieves.com/teaching/Career-Advancement-Opportunities |
Maine | No | Maine Department of Education | https://www.maine.gov/doe/cert/ |
Maryland | No | Maryland State Department of Education | https://marylandpublicschools.org/about/Pages/DEE/index.aspx |
Massachusetts | No | Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | https://www.doe.mass.edu/licensure/ |
Michigan | No | Michigan Department of Education | https://www.michigan.gov/mde/services/ed-serv/ed-cert |
Minnesota | No | Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board | https://mn.gov/pelsb/aspiring-educators/requirements/ |
Mississippi | No | Mississippi Department of Education | https://www.mdek12.org/OEL |
Missouri | No | Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education | https://dese.mo.gov/educator-quality/certification |
Montana | No | Montana Office of Public Instruction | https://opi.mt.gov/Educators/Licensure/Educator-Licensure |
Nebraska | No | Nebraska Department of Education | https://www.education.ne.gov/TCERT/ |
Nevada | No | State of Nevada Department of Education | https://doe.nv.gov/Educator_Licensure/ |
New Hampshire | No | New Hampshire Department of Education | https://www.education.nh.gov/who-we-are/division-of-educator-support-and-higher-education/bureau-of-credentialing |
New Jersey | No | State of New Jersey Department of Education | https://www.nj.gov/education/license/ |
New Mexico | No | New Mexico Public Education Department | https://webnew.ped.state.nm.us/bureaus/licensure/ |
New York | No | New York Office of Teaching Intiatives | http://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/ |
North Carolina | No | North Carolina Department of Public Instruction | https://www.dpi.nc.gov/educators/educators-licensure |
North Dakota | No | North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board | https://www.nd.gov/espb/licensure |
Northern Mariana Islands | No | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands State Board of Education | https://www.cnmipss.org/state-boe-certification |
Ohio | No | Ohio Department of Education | https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Teaching/Licensure |
Oklahoma | No | Oklahoma State Department of Education | https://sde.ok.gov/teacher-certification |
Oregon | No | Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission | https://www.oregon.gov/tspc/Pages/index.aspx |
Pennsylvania | No | Pennsylvania Department of Education | https://www.education.pa.gov/Educators/Certification/Pages/default.aspx |
Puerto Rico | Yes | Puerto Rico Department of Education | https://de.pr.gov/ |
Republic of Palau | No | Republic of Palau Ministry of Education Division of Instructional Implementation and Teacher Training | http://moe.epsolutions.pw/ |
Republic of the Marshall Islands | No | Marshall Islands Public School System | https://pss.edu.mh/ |
Rhode Island | No | Rhode Island Department of Education | https://www.ride.ri.gov/TeachersAdministrators/EducatorCertification.aspx |
South Carolina | No | South Carolina Department of Education | https://ed.sc.gov/educators/certification/ |
South Dakota | No | South Dakota Department of Education | https://doe.sd.gov/certification/ |
Tennessee | No | Tennessee Department of Education | https://www.tn.gov/education/educators/licensing.html |
Texas | No | Texas Education Agency | https://tea.texas.gov/texas-educators/certification |
U.S. Virgin Islands | No | Virgin Islands Board of Education | https://myviboe.com/apply-for-certification/ |
Utah | No | Utah State Board of Education | https://www.schools.utah.gov/licensing |
Vermont | No | State of Vermont Agency of Education | https://education.vermont.gov/educator-licensure |
Virginia | No | Virginia Department of Education | https://www.doe.virginia.gov/teaching/licensure/ |
Washington | No | Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction | https://www.k12.wa.us/certification/teacher-certificate |
West Virginia | No | West Virginia Department of Education | https://wvde.us/certification/certification-info/ |
Wisconsin | No | Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction | https://dpi.wi.gov/licensing |
Wyoming | No | Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board | https://wyomingptsb.com/ |
The Cambridge College, School of Education and Counseling (Division of Education) M.Ed. Health Program (PR) provides Puerto Rico-licensed educators who hold an active teaching license with the educational requirements to add the Puerto Rico School Health Teacher License to their existing license.
Cambridge College has made every effort to verify the statements made in this notice. However, state licensure is controlled by each individual state’s legislature and may change without notice to college and university programs. In addition to the reviewed educational requirements, many states require additional post-graduate training hours, passing of certification examination(s), CORI check, etc., to receive a license in that given state.
Students interested in teaching outside of Puerto Rico must successfully complete the program and achieve initial teacher certification in Puerto Rico. The National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) interstate agreement facilitates the mobility of educators among the states and other jurisdictions that are members of NASDTEC and have signed the agreement. We recommend that students who intend to pursue licensure/credentialing review this information prior to applying.
State | Status | Licensing Board | Links |
Alabama | No | Alabama State Department of Education | https://www.alabamaachieves.org/teacher-center/teacher-certification/ |
Alaska | No | Alaska Department of Education & Early Development | https://education.alaska.gov/TeacherCertification |
American Samoa | No | American Samoa Department of Education | https://www.amsamoadoe.com/ |
Arizona | No | Arizona Department of Education | https://www.azed.gov/educator-certification/ |
Arkansas | No | Arkansas Department of Education | https://dese.ade.arkansas.gov/Offices/educator-effectiveness/licensure |
California | No | California Commission on Teacher Credentialing | https://www.ctc.ca.gov/ |
Colorado | No | Colorado Department of Education | https://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeprof |
Connecticut | No | Connecticut State Department of Education | https://portal.ct.gov/SDE/Certification/Bureau-of-Certification |
Delaware | No | Delaware Department of Education | https://www.doe.k12.de.us/Page/3476 |
District of Columbia | No | District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education | https://osse.dc.gov/ed-credentials |
Federated States of Micronesia | No | The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Teacher Certification Program | https://www.national.doe.fm/ |
Florida | No | Florida Department of Education | https://www.fldoe.org/teaching/certification/ |
Georgia | No | Georgia Professional Standards Commission | https://www.gapsc.com/Certification/ |
Guam | No | Guam Commission for Educator Certification | https://gcec.guam.gov/services-resources/certification |
Hawaii | No | Hawaii Teachers Standards Board | https://hawaiiteacherstandardsboard.org/ |
Idaho | No | Idaho State Department of Education | https://www.sde.idaho.gov/cert-psc/cert/ |
Illinois | No | Illinois State Board of Education | https://www.isbe.net/educatorlicensure |
Indiana | No | Indiana Department of Education | https://www.in.gov/doe/educators/educator-licensing/ |
Iowa | No | Iowa Board of Education Examiners | https://educate.iowa.gov/educator-licensure/apply |
Kansas | No | Kansas State Department of Education | https://www.ksde.org/Agency/Division-of-Learning-Services/Teacher-Licensure-and-Accreditation |
Kentucky | No | Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board | http://www.epsb.ky.gov/course/view.php?id=3 |
Louisiana | No | Louisiana Department of Education | https://www.louisianabelieves.com/teaching/Career-Advancement-Opportunities |
Maine | No | Maine Department of Education | https://www.maine.gov/doe/cert/ |
Maryland | No | Maryland State Department of Education | https://marylandpublicschools.org/about/Pages/DEE/index.aspx |
Massachusetts | No | Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | https://www.doe.mass.edu/licensure/ |
Michigan | No | Michigan Department of Education | https://www.michigan.gov/mde/services/ed-serv/ed-cert |
Minnesota | No | Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board | https://mn.gov/pelsb/aspiring-educators/requirements/ |
Mississippi | No | Mississippi Department of Education | https://www.mdek12.org/OEL |
Missouri | No | Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education | https://dese.mo.gov/educator-quality/certification |
Montana | No | Montana Office of Public Instruction | https://opi.mt.gov/Educators/Licensure/Educator-Licensure |
Nebraska | No | Nebraska Department of Education | https://www.education.ne.gov/TCERT/ |
Nevada | No | State of Nevada Department of Education | https://doe.nv.gov/Educator_Licensure/ |
New Hampshire | No | New Hampshire Department of Education | https://www.education.nh.gov/who-we-are/division-of-educator-support-and-higher-education/bureau-of-credentialing |
New Jersey | No | State of New Jersey Department of Education | https://www.nj.gov/education/license/ |
New Mexico | No | New Mexico Public Education Department | https://webnew.ped.state.nm.us/bureaus/licensure/ |
New York | No | New York Office of Teaching Intiatives | http://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/ |
North Carolina | No | North Carolina Department of Public Instruction | https://www.dpi.nc.gov/educators/educators-licensure |
North Dakota | No | North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board | https://www.nd.gov/espb/licensure |
Northern Mariana Islands | No | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands State Board of Education | https://www.cnmipss.org/state-boe-certification |
Ohio | No | Ohio Department of Education | https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Teaching/Licensure |
Oklahoma | No | Oklahoma State Department of Education | https://sde.ok.gov/teacher-certification |
Oregon | No | Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission | https://www.oregon.gov/tspc/Pages/index.aspx |
Pennsylvania | No | Pennsylvania Department of Education | https://www.education.pa.gov/Educators/Certification/Pages/default.aspx |
Puerto Rico | Yes | Puerto Rico Department of Education | https://de.pr.gov/ |
Republic of Palau | No | Republic of Palau Ministry of Education Division of Instructional Implementation and Teacher Training | http://moe.epsolutions.pw/ |
Republic of the Marshall Islands | No | Marshall Islands Public School System | https://pss.edu.mh/ |
Rhode Island | No | Rhode Island Department of Education | https://www.ride.ri.gov/TeachersAdministrators/EducatorCertification.aspx |
South Carolina | No | South Carolina Department of Education | https://ed.sc.gov/educators/certification/ |
South Dakota | No | South Dakota Department of Education | https://doe.sd.gov/certification/ |
Tennessee | No | Tennessee Department of Education | https://www.tn.gov/education/educators/licensing.html |
Texas | No | Texas Education Agency | https://tea.texas.gov/texas-educators/certification |
U.S. Virgin Islands | No | Virgin Islands Board of Education | https://myviboe.com/apply-for-certification/ |
Utah | No | Utah State Board of Education | https://www.schools.utah.gov/licensing |
Vermont | No | State of Vermont Agency of Education | https://education.vermont.gov/educator-licensure |
Virginia | No | Virginia Department of Education | https://www.doe.virginia.gov/teaching/licensure/ |
Washington | No | Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction | https://www.k12.wa.us/certification/teacher-certificate |
West Virginia | No | West Virginia Department of Education | https://wvde.us/certification/certification-info/ |
Wisconsin | No | Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction | https://dpi.wi.gov/licensing |
Wyoming | No | Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board | https://wyomingptsb.com/ |
The Cambridge College, School of Education and Counseling (Division of Education) M.Ed. Librarianship Education Program (PR) provides Puerto Rico-licensed educators who hold an active teaching license with the educational requirements to add the Puerto Rico Library Teacher License to their existing license.
Cambridge College has made every effort to verify the statements made in this notice. However, state licensure is controlled by each individual state’s legislature and may change without notice to college and university programs. In addition to the reviewed educational requirements, many states require additional post-graduate training hours, passing of certification examination(s), CORI check, etc., to receive a license in that given state.
Students interested in teaching outside of Puerto Rico must successfully complete the program and achieve initial teacher certification in Puerto Rico. The National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) interstate agreement facilitates the mobility of educators among the states and other jurisdictions that are members of NASDTEC and have signed the agreement. We recommend that students who intend to pursue licensure/credentialing review this information prior to applying.
State | Status | Licensing Board | Links |
Alabama | No | Alabama State Department of Education | https://www.alabamaachieves.org/teacher-center/teacher-certification/ |
Alaska | No | Alaska Department of Education & Early Development | https://education.alaska.gov/TeacherCertification |
American Samoa | No | American Samoa Department of Education | https://www.amsamoadoe.com/ |
Arizona | No | Arizona Department of Education | https://www.azed.gov/educator-certification/ |
Arkansas | No | Arkansas Department of Education | https://dese.ade.arkansas.gov/Offices/educator-effectiveness/licensure |
California | No | California Commission on Teacher Credentialing | https://www.ctc.ca.gov/ |
Colorado | No | Colorado Department of Education | https://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeprof |
Connecticut | No | Connecticut State Department of Education | https://portal.ct.gov/SDE/Certification/Bureau-of-Certification |
Delaware | No | Delaware Department of Education | https://www.doe.k12.de.us/Page/3476 |
District of Columbia | No | District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education | https://osse.dc.gov/ed-credentials |
Federated States of Micronesia | No | The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Teacher Certification Program | https://www.national.doe.fm/ |
Florida | No | Florida Department of Education | https://www.fldoe.org/teaching/certification/ |
Georgia | No | Georgia Professional Standards Commission | https://www.gapsc.com/Certification/ |
Guam | No | Guam Commission for Educator Certification | https://gcec.guam.gov/services-resources/certification |
Hawaii | No | Hawaii Teachers Standards Board | https://hawaiiteacherstandardsboard.org/ |
Idaho | No | Idaho State Department of Education | https://www.sde.idaho.gov/cert-psc/cert/ |
Illinois | No | Illinois State Board of Education | https://www.isbe.net/educatorlicensure |
Indiana | No | Indiana Department of Education | https://www.in.gov/doe/educators/educator-licensing/ |
Iowa | No | Iowa Board of Education Examiners | https://educate.iowa.gov/educator-licensure/apply |
Kansas | No | Kansas State Department of Education | https://www.ksde.org/Agency/Division-of-Learning-Services/Teacher-Licensure-and-Accreditation |
Kentucky | No | Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board | http://www.epsb.ky.gov/course/view.php?id=3 |
Louisiana | No | Louisiana Department of Education | https://www.louisianabelieves.com/teaching/Career-Advancement-Opportunities |
Maine | No | Maine Department of Education | https://www.maine.gov/doe/cert/ |
Maryland | No | Maryland State Department of Education | https://marylandpublicschools.org/about/Pages/DEE/index.aspx |
Massachusetts | No | Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | https://www.doe.mass.edu/licensure/ |
Michigan | No | Michigan Department of Education | https://www.michigan.gov/mde/services/ed-serv/ed-cert |
Minnesota | No | Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board | https://mn.gov/pelsb/aspiring-educators/requirements/ |
Mississippi | No | Mississippi Department of Education | https://www.mdek12.org/OEL |
Missouri | No | Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education | https://dese.mo.gov/educator-quality/certification |
Montana | No | Montana Office of Public Instruction | https://opi.mt.gov/Educators/Licensure/Educator-Licensure |
Nebraska | No | Nebraska Department of Education | https://www.education.ne.gov/TCERT/ |
Nevada | No | State of Nevada Department of Education | https://doe.nv.gov/Educator_Licensure/ |
New Hampshire | No | New Hampshire Department of Education | https://www.education.nh.gov/who-we-are/division-of-educator-support-and-higher-education/bureau-of-credentialing |
New Jersey | No | State of New Jersey Department of Education | https://www.nj.gov/education/license/ |
New Mexico | No | New Mexico Public Education Department | https://webnew.ped.state.nm.us/bureaus/licensure/ |
New York | No | New York Office of Teaching Intiatives | http://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/ |
North Carolina | No | North Carolina Department of Public Instruction | https://www.dpi.nc.gov/educators/educators-licensure |
North Dakota | No | North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board | https://www.nd.gov/espb/licensure |
Northern Mariana Islands | No | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands State Board of Education | https://www.cnmipss.org/state-boe-certification |
Ohio | No | Ohio Department of Education | https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Teaching/Licensure |
Oklahoma | No | Oklahoma State Department of Education | https://sde.ok.gov/teacher-certification |
Oregon | No | Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission | https://www.oregon.gov/tspc/Pages/index.aspx |
Pennsylvania | No | Pennsylvania Department of Education | https://www.education.pa.gov/Educators/Certification/Pages/default.aspx |
Puerto Rico | Yes | Puerto Rico Department of Education | https://de.pr.gov/ |
Republic of Palau | No | Republic of Palau Ministry of Education Division of Instructional Implementation and Teacher Training | http://moe.epsolutions.pw/ |
Republic of the Marshall Islands | No | Marshall Islands Public School System | https://pss.edu.mh/ |
Rhode Island | No | Rhode Island Department of Education | https://www.ride.ri.gov/TeachersAdministrators/EducatorCertification.aspx |
South Carolina | No | South Carolina Department of Education | https://ed.sc.gov/educators/certification/ |
South Dakota | No | South Dakota Department of Education | https://doe.sd.gov/certification/ |
Tennessee | No | Tennessee Department of Education | https://www.tn.gov/education/educators/licensing.html |
Texas | No | Texas Education Agency | https://tea.texas.gov/texas-educators/certification |
U.S. Virgin Islands | No | Virgin Islands Board of Education | https://myviboe.com/apply-for-certification/ |
Utah | No | Utah State Board of Education | https://www.schools.utah.gov/licensing |
Vermont | No | State of Vermont Agency of Education | https://education.vermont.gov/educator-licensure |
Virginia | No | Virginia Department of Education | https://www.doe.virginia.gov/teaching/licensure/ |
Washington | No | Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction | https://www.k12.wa.us/certification/teacher-certificate |
West Virginia | No | West Virginia Department of Education | https://wvde.us/certification/certification-info/ |
Wisconsin | No | Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction | https://dpi.wi.gov/licensing |
Wyoming | No | Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board | https://wyomingptsb.com/ |
The Cambridge College, School of Education and Counseling (Division of Education) M.Ed. Mathematics Education Program (PR) provides Puerto Rico-licensed educators who hold an active teaching license with the educational requirements to add the Puerto Rico Secondary Mathematics Teacher License to their existing license.
Cambridge College has made every effort to verify the statements made in this notice. However, state licensure is controlled by each individual state’s legislature and may change without notice to college and university programs. In addition to the reviewed educational requirements, many states require additional post-graduate training hours, passing of certification examination(s), CORI check, etc., to receive a license in that given state.
Students interested in teaching outside of Puerto Rico must successfully complete the program and achieve initial teacher certification in Puerto Rico. The National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) interstate agreement facilitates the mobility of educators among the states and other jurisdictions that are members of NASDTEC and have signed the agreement. We recommend that students who intend to pursue licensure/credentialing review this information prior to applying.
State | Status | Licensing Board | Links |
Alabama | No | Alabama State Department of Education | https://www.alabamaachieves.org/teacher-center/teacher-certification/ |
Alaska | No | Alaska Department of Education & Early Development | https://education.alaska.gov/TeacherCertification |
American Samoa | No | American Samoa Department of Education | https://www.amsamoadoe.com/ |
Arizona | No | Arizona Department of Education | https://www.azed.gov/educator-certification/ |
Arkansas | No | Arkansas Department of Education | https://dese.ade.arkansas.gov/Offices/educator-effectiveness/licensure |
California | No | California Commission on Teacher Credentialing | https://www.ctc.ca.gov/ |
Colorado | No | Colorado Department of Education | https://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeprof |
Connecticut | No | Connecticut State Department of Education | https://portal.ct.gov/SDE/Certification/Bureau-of-Certification |
Delaware | No | Delaware Department of Education | https://www.doe.k12.de.us/Page/3476 |
District of Columbia | No | District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education | https://osse.dc.gov/ed-credentials |
Federated States of Micronesia | No | The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Teacher Certification Program | https://www.national.doe.fm/ |
Florida | No | Florida Department of Education | https://www.fldoe.org/teaching/certification/ |
Georgia | No | Georgia Professional Standards Commission | https://www.gapsc.com/Certification/ |
Guam | No | Guam Commission for Educator Certification | https://gcec.guam.gov/services-resources/certification |
Hawaii | No | Hawaii Teachers Standards Board | https://hawaiiteacherstandardsboard.org/ |
Idaho | No | Idaho State Department of Education | https://www.sde.idaho.gov/cert-psc/cert/ |
Illinois | No | Illinois State Board of Education | https://www.isbe.net/educatorlicensure |
Indiana | No | Indiana Department of Education | https://www.in.gov/doe/educators/educator-licensing/ |
Iowa | No | Iowa Board of Education Examiners | https://educate.iowa.gov/educator-licensure/apply |
Kansas | No | Kansas State Department of Education | https://www.ksde.org/Agency/Division-of-Learning-Services/Teacher-Licensure-and-Accreditation |
Kentucky | No | Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board | http://www.epsb.ky.gov/course/view.php?id=3 |
Louisiana | No | Louisiana Department of Education | https://www.louisianabelieves.com/teaching/Career-Advancement-Opportunities |
Maine | No | Maine Department of Education | https://www.maine.gov/doe/cert/ |
Maryland | No | Maryland State Department of Education | https://marylandpublicschools.org/about/Pages/DEE/index.aspx |
Massachusetts | No | Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | https://www.doe.mass.edu/licensure/ |
Michigan | No | Michigan Department of Education | https://www.michigan.gov/mde/services/ed-serv/ed-cert |
Minnesota | No | Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board | https://mn.gov/pelsb/aspiring-educators/requirements/ |
Mississippi | No | Mississippi Department of Education | https://www.mdek12.org/OEL |
Missouri | No | Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education | https://dese.mo.gov/educator-quality/certification |
Montana | No | Montana Office of Public Instruction | https://opi.mt.gov/Educators/Licensure/Educator-Licensure |
Nebraska | No | Nebraska Department of Education | https://www.education.ne.gov/TCERT/ |
Nevada | No | State of Nevada Department of Education | https://doe.nv.gov/Educator_Licensure/ |
New Hampshire | No | New Hampshire Department of Education | https://www.education.nh.gov/who-we-are/division-of-educator-support-and-higher-education/bureau-of-credentialing |
New Jersey | No | State of New Jersey Department of Education | https://www.nj.gov/education/license/ |
New Mexico | No | New Mexico Public Education Department | https://webnew.ped.state.nm.us/bureaus/licensure/ |
New York | No | New York Office of Teaching Intiatives | http://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/ |
North Carolina | No | North Carolina Department of Public Instruction | https://www.dpi.nc.gov/educators/educators-licensure |
North Dakota | No | North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board | https://www.nd.gov/espb/licensure |
Northern Mariana Islands | No | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands State Board of Education | https://www.cnmipss.org/state-boe-certification |
Ohio | No | Ohio Department of Education | https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Teaching/Licensure |
Oklahoma | No | Oklahoma State Department of Education | https://sde.ok.gov/teacher-certification |
Oregon | No | Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission | https://www.oregon.gov/tspc/Pages/index.aspx |
Pennsylvania | No | Pennsylvania Department of Education | https://www.education.pa.gov/Educators/Certification/Pages/default.aspx |
Puerto Rico | Yes | Puerto Rico Department of Education | https://de.pr.gov/ |
Republic of Palau | No | Republic of Palau Ministry of Education Division of Instructional Implementation and Teacher Training | http://moe.epsolutions.pw/ |
Republic of the Marshall Islands | No | Marshall Islands Public School System | https://pss.edu.mh/ |
Rhode Island | No | Rhode Island Department of Education | https://www.ride.ri.gov/TeachersAdministrators/EducatorCertification.aspx |
South Carolina | No | South Carolina Department of Education | https://ed.sc.gov/educators/certification/ |
South Dakota | No | South Dakota Department of Education | https://doe.sd.gov/certification/ |
Tennessee | No | Tennessee Department of Education | https://www.tn.gov/education/educators/licensing.html |
Texas | No | Texas Education Agency | https://tea.texas.gov/texas-educators/certification |
U.S. Virgin Islands | No | Virgin Islands Board of Education | https://myviboe.com/apply-for-certification/ |
Utah | No | Utah State Board of Education | https://www.schools.utah.gov/licensing |
Vermont | No | State of Vermont Agency of Education | https://education.vermont.gov/educator-licensure |
Virginia | No | Virginia Department of Education | https://www.doe.virginia.gov/teaching/licensure/ |
Washington | No | Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction | https://www.k12.wa.us/certification/teacher-certificate |
West Virginia | No | West Virginia Department of Education | https://wvde.us/certification/certification-info/ |
Wisconsin | No | Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction | https://dpi.wi.gov/licensing |
Wyoming | No | Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board | https://wyomingptsb.com/ |
The Cambridge College, School of Education & Counseling (SEC), Division of Counseling, M.Ed. Mental Health Counseling Program (PR) prepares students to meet the Pre-Master’s Degree education and experience requirements for Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) application in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
Cambridge College has made every effort to verify the statements made in this notice. However, state licensure is controlled by each individual state’s legislature and may change without notice to college and university programs. In addition to the reviewed educational requirements, many states require additional post-graduate training hours, passing of certification examination(s), CORI check, etc., to receive a license in that given state.
Students interested in teaching outside of Puerto Rico must successfully complete the program and achieve initial teacher certification in Puerto Rico. The National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) interstate agreement facilitates the mobility of educators among the states and other jurisdictions that are members of NASDTEC and have signed the agreement. We recommend that students who intend to pursue licensure/credentialing review this information prior to applying.
State | Status | Licensing Board | Links |
Alabama | Yes | Alabama Board of Examiners in Counseling 2777 Zelda Road Montgomery, AL 36106 334-420-7229 Questions@abec.alabama.gov | |
Alaska | Yes | Alaska Board of Professional Counselors P.O. Box 110806 Juneau, AK 99811-0806 970-465-1074 ProfessionalCounselors@Alaska.Gov | |
American Samoa | No1 | American Samoa Health Services Regulatory Board Department of Health Pago Pago, AS 96799 684.633.1222 | Department of Human and Social Services |
Arizona | Yes | Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners 1740 West Adams St., #3600 Phoenix, AZ 85007 6002-542-1882 information@azbbhe.us | |
Arkansas | Yes2 | Arkansas Board of Examiners in Counseling and Marriage & Family Therapy 101 East Capitol, Suite 202 Little Rock, AR 72201 501-683-5800 | AR Board of Examiners in Counseling and Marriage & Family Therapy |
California | Yes | Board of Behavioral Sciences 1625 N. Market Blvd., Suite S-200 Sacramento, CA 95834 | Each institution preparing applicants to qualify for licensure shall notify each of its students by means of its public documents or otherwise in writing that its degree program is designed to meet the requirements of Section 4999.32 or 4999.33 and shall certify to the board that it has so notified its students. |
Colorado | Yes | Colorado State Board of Licensed Professional Counselor Examiners 1560 Broadway, Suite 1350 Denver, CO 80202 303-894-7800 dora_dpo_licensing@state.co.us | |
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands | No1 | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Mailing Address: | |
Connecticut | Yes | Connecticut Department of Public Health Professional Counselor Licensure 410 Capitol Ave., MS #12 APP P. O. Box 340308 Hartford, CT 06134 860.509.7603 dph.counselorsteam@ct.gov | |
Delaware | Yes | Delaware Board of Mental Health and Chemical Dependency Professionals Cannon Building, Suite 203 861 Silver Lake Blvd. Dover, DE 19904 302-744-4500 | Professional Counselor of Mental Health Licensure Board of Professional Counselors of Mental Health and Chemical Dependency Professionals Mental Health Professional Counselors and Associate Counselors Code Post-Masters Mental Health Counseling Experience Requirements |
District of Columbia | Yes | DC Board of Professional Counseling 899 North Capitol Street NE Washington, DC 20002 202-442-5955 dcbopc@dc.gov | Municipal Regulations for Graduate Professional Counselor |
Federated States of Micronesia | No1 | FSM Department of Health and Social Affairs Behavioral Health and Wellness Advisory (BHW) Council P.O. Box PS 70 Palikir, Pohnpei, FM 96941 (691) 320 2619 health@fsmhealth.fm | Public Health, Safety & Welfare |
Florida | No | Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling Office of Mental Health Professions 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-08 Tallahassee, FL 32399-3258 850-488-0595 | Licensed Mental Health Counselor |
Georgia | Yes2 | Georgia Board of Professional Counselors, Social Workers, and Marriage & Family Therapists 237 Coliseum Drive Macon, GA 31217 404-424-9966 | GA Rules & Regulations |
Guam | No1 | Guam Health Professional Licensing Office 194 Hernan Cortez Avenue Terlaje Professional Building, Suite 213 Hagatna, Guam, 96910 hplo@dphss.guam.gov | |
Hawaii | Yes | Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Professional & Vocational Licensing Division Mental Health Counselor Licensing Program PO Box 3469 Honolulu, HI 96801 808-586-2693 | Mental Health Counselor Licensing Program Mental Health Counselors Revised Statutes |
Idaho | Yes | Idaho Licensing Board of Professional Counselors and Marriage and Family Therapists Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses 11351 W. Chinden Bldg. #6 Boise, ID 83714 208-334-3233 ibol@ibol.idaho.gov | Rules of the Idaho Licensing Board of Professional Counselors and Marriage and Family Therapists Board of Professional Counselors and Marriage and Family Therapists |
Illinois | No | Illinois Division of Professional Regulation 555 West Monroe St., 5th Floor Chicago, IL 60661 888-473-4858 | IL Compiled Statutes (These regulations are scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2028.) |
Indiana | Yes | Indiana Professional Licensing Agency 402 W. Washington St., Room W072 Indianapolis, IN 46204 317-232-2960 pla8@pla.IN.gov | |
Iowa | Yes5 | Iowa Board of Behavioral Science 321 East 12th Street Des Moines, IA 50319 515-281-0254 | Iowa Board of Behavioral Science |
Kansas | No3 | Kansas Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board 700 SW Harrison St., Suite 420 Topeka, KS 66603 785-296-3240 | |
Kentucky | No | Kentucky Board of Licensed Professional Counselors 500 Mero Street, 2 SC 32 Frankfort, KY 40601 502-782-8803 lpc@ky.gov | Licensed Professional Counselor Application Licensing Information |
Louisiana | Yes | Louisiana State Board of Licensed Professional Counselors 11410 Lake Sherwood Ave N., Suite A Baton Rouge, LA 70816 225-295-8444 lpcboard@lpcboard.org | |
Maine | Yes6 | Maine Board of Counseling Professionals Licensure 35 State House Station August, ME 04333-0035 207-624-8623 | Board of Counseling Professionals Licensure |
Maryland | Yes | Maryland Department of Health Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists 4201 Patterson Ave., Suite 316 Baltimore, MD 21215 410-764-4732 | |
Massachusetts | Yes | Massachusetts Board of Allied Mental Health and Human Services Professions 1000 Washington St, Suite 710 Boston, MA 02118-6100 617-701-8683 amh.board@mass.gov | |
Michigan | Yes5 | Michigan Board of Counseling Bureau of Professional Licensing P.O. Box 30670 Lansing, MI 48909 517-241-0199 | |
Minnesota | Yes | Minnesota Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy (BBHT) 335 Randolph Ave., Suite 290 St. Paul, MN 55102 Kristin Loomer 651-201-2738 bbht.board@state.mn.us | Licensed Professional Counselor Requirements |
Mississippi | Yes7 | Mississippi State Board of Examiners for Licensed Professional Counselors 239 North Lamar St, Suite 402 Jackson, MS 39201 601-359-1010 info@lpc.ms.gov | |
Missouri | No | Missouri Division of Professional Registration 3605 Missouri Blvd. PO Box 1335 Jefferson City, MO 65102-1335 573-751-0018 profcounselor@pr.mo.gov | Professional Counselors Licensure Overview |
Montana | Yes | Montana Board of Behavioral Health PO Box 200513 Helena, MT 59620-0513 406-444-6880 | Labor & Industry Notice Files List |
Nebraska | Yes2 | Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Board of Mental Health Practice 301 Centennial Mall South, Third Floor PO Box 94986 Lincoln, NE 68509-4986 | Mental Health And Social Work Practice Professional and Occupational Licensure Nebraska Revised Statute 38-2104 Nebraska Revised Statutes Chapters - Health Occupations & Professions Nebraska Revised Statute 38-2123 See 2nd and last links for MFT, AC, CSW |
Nevada | Yes | Nevada Board of Examiners for Marriage and Family Therapists & Clinical Professional Counselors 7324 West Cheyenne, Suite #10 Las Vegas, NV 89129 702-486-7388 mftbd2@mftbd.nv.gov | Clinical Professional Counselors (CPC) Licensing |
New Hampshire | Yes | New Hampshire Board of Mental Health Practice 121 South Fruit St. Concord, NH 03301 630.271.6762 | MHP License and Registration Requirements Board of Mental Health Practice Board of Mental Health Practice Laws and Rules |
New Jersey | Yes | New Jersey Professional Counselor Examiners Committee P. O. Box 45007 Newark, NJ 07101 973.504.6582 CollazoM@dca.njoag.gov | NJ Division of Consumer Affairs |
New Mexico | Yes | New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department New standards go into effect July 1, 2028. | Counseling and Therapy Practice: Overview Counseling and Therapy Practice: Licensing, Registration, and Renewal Counseling and Therapy Practice: Requirements and Continuing Education |
New York | No | New York State Education Department Office of the Professions Division of Professional Licensing Services Mental Health Practitioners Unit 89 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12234-1000 518.474.3817 ext. 592 | Article 163, Mental Health Counselors Subpart 79-9, Mental Health Counseling Part 52, Registration of Curricula for Mental Health Counseling |
North Carolina | No | North Carolina Board of Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors PO Box 77819 Greensboro, NC 27417 844-622-3572 LCMHCinfo@ncblcmhc.org | Clinical Mental Health Counselor Licensure Board Definition of Practicum & Internship Coursework Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors Act Board of Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors General Information |
North Dakota | Yes | North Dakota Board of Counselor Examiners 2112 10th Ave. SE Mandan, ND 58554 Dr. Kirby Schmidgall 701-667-5969 | |
Ohio | Yes2 | Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage and Family Therapist Board 77 S. High Street, 24th Floor, Room 2468 Columbus, OH 43215 614-466-0912 | |
Oklahoma | Yes | Oklahoma State Board of Behavioral Health 3815 N. Santa Fe Oklahoma City, OK 73118 405-522-3696 | |
Oregon | Yes | Oregon Board of Licensed Professional Counselors and Therapists 3218 Pringle Rd. SE, Suite 120 Salem, OR 97302 503-378-5499 lpct.board@mhra.oregon.gov | |
Pennsylvania | Yes | Pennsylvania State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors One Penn Center 2601 N. 3rd Street Harrisburg, PA 17110 717-783-1389 | |
Puerto Rico | Yes | Puerto Rico Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors P. O. Box 10200 San Juan, PR 00908 787-765-2929 | |
Republic of Palau | No1 | Ministry of Health & Human Services One Hospital Road P.O. Box 6027 Koror, Republic of Palau 96940 (680) 488-2552/2553 mohrop@palauhealth.org | |
Republic of the Marshall Islands | No1 | RMI Ministry of Health and Human Services Board of Health Professions PO Box 16 96960 Delap, Majuro 692 625-7710 | Marshall Islands Health Professional Licensing Act of 2009 |
Rhode Island | Yes3 | Rhode Island Board of Mental Health Counselors and Marriage & Family Therapists Room 104 3 Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908-5097 401.222.2828 https://health.ri.gov/licenses/ | Rules and Regulations for Licensing Licensing Clinical Mental Health Counselors and Marriage and Family Therapists |
South Carolina | Yes2 | South Carolina Board of Examiners for Licensure of Professional Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists, Addiction Counselors and Psycho-Educational Specialists 110 Centerview Dr. Columbia, SC 29210 803-896-4658 | |
South Dakota | Yes | South Dakota Department of Social Services 700 Governors Drive Pierre, SD 57501 605-773-3165 | |
Tennessee | Yes | Tennessee Board for Licensed Professional Counselors, Licensed Marital and Family Therapists and Licensed Clinical Pastoral Therapists 710 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243 615-741-5735 | |
Texas | Yes | Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors 333 Guadalupe St., Ste. 3-900 Austin, TX 78701 512-305-7700 | |
Utah | Yes | Utah Department of Commerce Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing 801-530-6628 b3@utah.gov | Clinical Mental Health Counseling Clinical Mental Health Counselor Licensing Act Rule |
Vermont | Yes | Vermont Board of Allied Mental Health Practitioners National Life Building, North FL2 Montpelier, VT 05602-3402 802-828-2390 | Administrative Rules of the Board of Allied Mental Health Practitioners |
Virgin Islands | Yes | U.S. Virgin Island Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs Golden Rock Shopping Center, Suite #9 Christiansted, VI 00820-4311 OR 8201 Sub Base, Suite 1 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | |
Virginia | Yes | Virginia Board of Counseling Perimeter Center 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300 Henrico, VA 23233-1463 804-367-4610 | |
Washington | Yes | Washington State Department of Health Mental Health Counselor Credentialing PO Box 47877 Olympia, WA 98504-7877 360-236-4700 | |
West Virginia | Yes | West Virginia Board of Examiners in Counseling 815 Quarrier Street, Suite 212 Charleston, WV 25301 307-558-5494 800-520-3852 | |
Wisconsin | Yes2 | Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services Professional Counselor Section PO Box 8366 Madison, WI 53708-8366 608-266-2112 | |
Wyoming | Yes | Wyoming Mental Health Professions Licensing Board 2001 Capitol Ave., Room 127 Cheyenne, WY 82002 307-777-7788 Greag.Searls@wyo.gov | Mental Health Professions Board Rules and Regulations |
1 We have not yet been able to determine if our programs meet licensure requirements in this state or territory.
2 Requires board approval.
3 Please consult your academic advisor/program chair for more details on how to ensure your program meets licensure requirements for this state or territory.
4 Will not meet licensure requirements after regulatory changes in 2025.
5 Requires program equivalency evaluation by the CCE.
6 Requres board approval and state education in spousal abuse.
7 The board is in the process of revising their rules and regulations. See https://www.lpc.ms.gov for updates.
The Cambridge College, School of Education and Counseling (Division of Education) M.Ed. Teaching English as a Second Language Program (PR) provides Puerto Rico-licensed educators who hold an active teaching license with the educational requirements to add the Puerto Rico English Teacher K-12 License to their existing license.
Cambridge College has made every effort to verify the statements made in this notice. However, state licensure is controlled by each individual state’s legislature and may change without notice to college and university programs. In addition to the reviewed educational requirements, many states require additional post-graduate training hours, passing of certification examination(s), CORI check, etc., to receive a license in that given state.
Students interested in teaching outside of Puerto Rico must successfully complete the program and achieve initial teacher certification in Puerto Rico. The National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) interstate agreement facilitates the mobility of educators among the states and other jurisdictions that are members of NASDTEC and have signed the agreement. We recommend that students who intend to pursue licensure/credentialing review this information prior to applying.
State | Status | Licensing Board | Links |
Alabama | No | Alabama State Department of Education | https://www.alabamaachieves.org/teacher-center/teacher-certification/ |
Alaska | No | Alaska Department of Education & Early Development | https://education.alaska.gov/TeacherCertification |
American Samoa | No | American Samoa Department of Education | https://www.amsamoadoe.com/ |
Arizona | No | Arizona Department of Education | https://www.azed.gov/educator-certification/ |
Arkansas | No | Arkansas Department of Education | https://dese.ade.arkansas.gov/Offices/educator-effectiveness/licensure |
California | No | California Commission on Teacher Credentialing | https://www.ctc.ca.gov/ |
Colorado | No | Colorado Department of Education | https://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeprof |
Connecticut | No | Connecticut State Department of Education | https://portal.ct.gov/SDE/Certification/Bureau-of-Certification |
Delaware | No | Delaware Department of Education | https://www.doe.k12.de.us/Page/3476 |
District of Columbia | No | District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education | https://osse.dc.gov/ed-credentials |
Federated States of Micronesia | No | The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Teacher Certification Program | https://www.national.doe.fm/ |
Florida | No | Florida Department of Education | https://www.fldoe.org/teaching/certification/ |
Georgia | No | Georgia Professional Standards Commission | https://www.gapsc.com/Certification/ |
Guam | No | Guam Commission for Educator Certification | https://gcec.guam.gov/services-resources/certification |
Hawaii | No | Hawaii Teachers Standards Board | https://hawaiiteacherstandardsboard.org/ |
Idaho | No | Idaho State Department of Education | https://www.sde.idaho.gov/cert-psc/cert/ |
Illinois | No | Illinois State Board of Education | https://www.isbe.net/educatorlicensure |
Indiana | No | Indiana Department of Education | https://www.in.gov/doe/educators/educator-licensing/ |
Iowa | No | Iowa Board of Education Examiners | https://educate.iowa.gov/educator-licensure/apply |
Kansas | No | Kansas State Department of Education | https://www.ksde.org/Agency/Division-of-Learning-Services/Teacher-Licensure-and-Accreditation |
Kentucky | No | Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board | http://www.epsb.ky.gov/course/view.php?id=3 |
Louisiana | No | Louisiana Department of Education | https://www.louisianabelieves.com/teaching/Career-Advancement-Opportunities |
Maine | No | Maine Department of Education | https://www.maine.gov/doe/cert/ |
Maryland | No | Maryland State Department of Education | https://marylandpublicschools.org/about/Pages/DEE/index.aspx |
Massachusetts | No | Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | https://www.doe.mass.edu/licensure/ |
Michigan | No | Michigan Department of Education | https://www.michigan.gov/mde/services/ed-serv/ed-cert |
Minnesota | No | Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board | https://mn.gov/pelsb/aspiring-educators/requirements/ |
Mississippi | No | Mississippi Department of Education | https://www.mdek12.org/OEL |
Missouri | No | Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education | https://dese.mo.gov/educator-quality/certification |
Montana | No | Montana Office of Public Instruction | https://opi.mt.gov/Educators/Licensure/Educator-Licensure |
Nebraska | No | Nebraska Department of Education | https://www.education.ne.gov/TCERT/ |
Nevada | No | State of Nevada Department of Education | https://doe.nv.gov/Educator_Licensure/ |
New Hampshire | No | New Hampshire Department of Education | https://www.education.nh.gov/who-we-are/division-of-educator-support-and-higher-education/bureau-of-credentialing |
New Jersey | No | State of New Jersey Department of Education | https://www.nj.gov/education/license/ |
New Mexico | No | New Mexico Public Education Department | https://webnew.ped.state.nm.us/bureaus/licensure/ |
New York | No | New York Office of Teaching Intiatives | http://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/ |
North Carolina | No | North Carolina Department of Public Instruction | https://www.dpi.nc.gov/educators/educators-licensure |
North Dakota | No | North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board | https://www.nd.gov/espb/licensure |
Northern Mariana Islands | No | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands State Board of Education | https://www.cnmipss.org/state-boe-certification |
Ohio | No | Ohio Department of Education | https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Teaching/Licensure |
Oklahoma | No | Oklahoma State Department of Education | https://sde.ok.gov/teacher-certification |
Oregon | No | Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission | https://www.oregon.gov/tspc/Pages/index.aspx |
Pennsylvania | No | Pennsylvania Department of Education | https://www.education.pa.gov/Educators/Certification/Pages/default.aspx |
Puerto Rico | Yes | Puerto Rico Department of Education | https://de.pr.gov/ |
Republic of Palau | No | Republic of Palau Ministry of Education Division of Instructional Implementation and Teacher Training | http://moe.epsolutions.pw/ |
Republic of the Marshall Islands | No | Marshall Islands Public School System | https://pss.edu.mh/ |
Rhode Island | No | Rhode Island Department of Education | https://www.ride.ri.gov/TeachersAdministrators/EducatorCertification.aspx |
South Carolina | No | South Carolina Department of Education | https://ed.sc.gov/educators/certification/ |
South Dakota | No | South Dakota Department of Education | https://doe.sd.gov/certification/ |
Tennessee | No | Tennessee Department of Education | https://www.tn.gov/education/educators/licensing.html |
Texas | No | Texas Education Agency | https://tea.texas.gov/texas-educators/certification |
U.S. Virgin Islands | No | Virgin Islands Board of Education | https://myviboe.com/apply-for-certification/ |
Utah | No | Utah State Board of Education | https://www.schools.utah.gov/licensing |
Vermont | No | State of Vermont Agency of Education | https://education.vermont.gov/educator-licensure |
Virginia | No | Virginia Department of Education | https://www.doe.virginia.gov/teaching/licensure/ |
Washington | No | Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction | https://www.k12.wa.us/certification/teacher-certificate |
West Virginia | No | West Virginia Department of Education | https://wvde.us/certification/certification-info/ |
Wisconsin | No | Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction | https://dpi.wi.gov/licensing |
Wyoming | No | Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board | https://wyomingptsb.com/ |
Mental Health & Counseling Licensure Programs
The Cambridge College, School of Education & Counseling (SEC), Division of Counseling, Licensed Mental Health Counselor Preparation Programs (M.Ed. Mental Health Counseling, M.Ed. Mental Health and School Counseling, M.Ed. School Adjustment & Mental Health Counseling) prepare students to meet the Pre-Master’s Degree education and experience requirements for Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) application in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Students who are considering application for licensure in another state are strongly advised to meet with their Program Chair to review licensure requirements in that state. A state’s Pre-Master’s Degree Education and Experience requirements may be met through careful planning of elective courses as well as Field Experience hours. Reviewing the licensure requirements of the state where a student intends to seek licensure will inform the student about their chosen state's requirements and assist the student in planning the course of their program.
Cambridge College has made every effort to verify the statements made in this notice. However, state licensure is controlled by each individual state’s legislature and may change without notice to college and university programs. In addition to the reviewed educational requirements, many states require additional post-graduate training hours, passing of certification examination(s), CORI check, etc., in order to receive a license in that given state.
State | Status | Licensing Board | Links |
Alabama | Yes | Alabama Board of Examiners in Counseling 2777 Zelda Road Montgomery, AL 36106 334-420-7229 Questions@abec.alabama.gov | |
Alaska | Yes | Alaska Board of Professional Counselors P.O. Box 110806 Juneau, AK 99811-0806 970-465-1074 ProfessionalCounselors@Alaska.Gov | |
American Samoa | No1 | American Samoa Health Services Regulatory Board Department of Health Pago Pago, AS 96799 684.633.1222 | Department of Human and Social Services |
Arizona | Yes | Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners 1740 West Adams St., #3600 Phoenix, AZ 85007 6002-542-1882 information@azbbhe.us | |
Arkansas | Yes2 | Arkansas Board of Examiners in Counseling and Marriage & Family Therapy 101 East Capitol, Suite 202 Little Rock, AR 72201 501-683-5800 | AR Board of Examiners in Counseling and Marriage & Family Therapy |
California | Yes | Board of Behavioral Sciences 1625 N. Market Blvd., Suite S-200 Sacramento, CA 95834 | Each institution preparing applicants to qualify for licensure shall notify each of its students by means of its public documents or otherwise in writing that its degree program is designed to meet the requirements of Section 4999.32 or 4999.33 and shall certify to the board that it has so notified its students. |
Colorado | Yes | Colorado State Board of Licensed Professional Counselor Examiners 1560 Broadway, Suite 1350 Denver, CO 80202 303-894-7800 dora_dpo_licensing@state.co.us | |
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands | No1 | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Mailing Address: | |
Connecticut | Yes | Connecticut Department of Public Health Professional Counselor Licensure 410 Capitol Ave., MS #12 APP P. O. Box 340308 Hartford, CT 06134 860.509.7603 dph.counselorsteam@ct.gov | |
Delaware | Yes | Delaware Board of Mental Health and Chemical Dependency Professionals Cannon Building, Suite 203 861 Silver Lake Blvd. Dover, DE 19904 302-744-4500 | Professional Counselor of Mental Health Licensure Board of Professional Counselors of Mental Health and Chemical Dependency Professionals Mental Health Professional Counselors and Associate Counselors Code Post-Masters Mental Health Counseling Experience Requirements |
District of Columbia | Yes | DC Board of Professional Counseling 899 North Capitol Street NE Washington, DC 20002 202-442-5955 dcbopc@dc.gov | Municipal Regulations for Graduate Professional Counselor |
Federated States of Micronesia | No1 | FSM Department of Health and Social Affairs Behavioral Health and Wellness Advisory (BHW) Council P.O. Box PS 70 Palikir, Pohnpei, FM 96941 (691) 320 2619 health@fsmhealth.fm | Public Health, Safety & Welfare |
Florida | No | Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling Office of Mental Health Professions 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-08 Tallahassee, FL 32399-3258 850-488-0595 | Licensed Mental Health Counselor |
Georgia | Yes2 | Georgia Board of Professional Counselors, Social Workers, and Marriage & Family Therapists 237 Coliseum Drive Macon, GA 31217 404-424-9966 | GA Rules & Regulations |
Guam | No1 | Guam Health Professional Licensing Office 194 Hernan Cortez Avenue Terlaje Professional Building, Suite 213 Hagatna, Guam, 96910 hplo@dphss.guam.gov | |
Hawaii | Yes | Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Professional & Vocational Licensing Division Mental Health Counselor Licensing Program PO Box 3469 Honolulu, HI 96801 808-586-2693 | Mental Health Counselor Licensing Program Mental Health Counselors Revised Statutes |
Idaho | Yes | Idaho Licensing Board of Professional Counselors and Marriage and Family Therapists Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses 11351 W. Chinden Bldg. #6 Boise, ID 83714 208-334-3233 ibol@ibol.idaho.gov | Rules of the Idaho Licensing Board of Professional Counselors and Marriage and Family Therapists Board of Professional Counselors and Marriage and Family Therapists |
Illinois | No | Illinois Division of Professional Regulation 555 West Monroe St., 5th Floor Chicago, IL 60661 888-473-4858 | IL Compiled Statutes (These regulations are scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2028.) |
Indiana | Yes | Indiana Professional Licensing Agency 402 W. Washington St., Room W072 Indianapolis, IN 46204 317-232-2960 pla8@pla.IN.gov | |
Iowa | Yes5 | Iowa Board of Behavioral Science 321 East 12th Street Des Moines, IA 50319 515-281-0254 | Iowa Board of Behavioral Science |
Kansas | No3 | Kansas Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board 700 SW Harrison St., Suite 420 Topeka, KS 66603 785-296-3240 | |
Kentucky | No | Kentucky Board of Licensed Professional Counselors 500 Mero Street, 2 SC 32 Frankfort, KY 40601 502-782-8803 lpc@ky.gov | Licensed Professional Counselor Application Licensing Information |
Louisiana | Yes | Louisiana State Board of Licensed Professional Counselors 11410 Lake Sherwood Ave N., Suite A Baton Rouge, LA 70816 225-295-8444 lpcboard@lpcboard.org | |
Maine | Yes6 | Maine Board of Counseling Professionals Licensure 35 State House Station August, ME 04333-0035 207-624-8623 | Board of Counseling Professionals Licensure |
Maryland | Yes | Maryland Department of Health Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists 4201 Patterson Ave., Suite 316 Baltimore, MD 21215 410-764-4732 | |
Massachusetts | Yes | Massachusetts Board of Allied Mental Health and Human Services Professions 1000 Washington St, Suite 710 Boston, MA 02118-6100 617-701-8683 amh.board@mass.gov | |
Michigan | Yes5 | Michigan Board of Counseling Bureau of Professional Licensing P.O. Box 30670 Lansing, MI 48909 517-241-0199 | |
Minnesota | Yes | Minnesota Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy (BBHT) 335 Randolph Ave., Suite 290 St. Paul, MN 55102 Kristin Loomer 651-201-2738 bbht.board@state.mn.us | Licensed Professional Counselor Requirements |
Mississippi | Yes7 | Mississippi State Board of Examiners for Licensed Professional Counselors 239 North Lamar St, Suite 402 Jackson, MS 39201 601-359-1010 info@lpc.ms.gov | |
Missouri | No | Missouri Division of Professional Registration 3605 Missouri Blvd. PO Box 1335 Jefferson City, MO 65102-1335 573-751-0018 profcounselor@pr.mo.gov | Professional Counselors Licensure Overview |
Montana | Yes | Montana Board of Behavioral Health PO Box 200513 Helena, MT 59620-0513 406-444-6880 | Labor & Industry Notice Files List |
Nebraska | Yes2 | Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Board of Mental Health Practice 301 Centennial Mall South, Third Floor PO Box 94986 Lincoln, NE 68509-4986 | Mental Health And Social Work Practice Professional and Occupational Licensure Nebraska Revised Statute 38-2104 Nebraska Revised Statutes Chapters - Health Occupations & Professions Nebraska Revised Statute 38-2123 See 2nd and last links for MFT, AC, CSW |
Nevada | Yes | Nevada Board of Examiners for Marriage and Family Therapists & Clinical Professional Counselors 7324 West Cheyenne, Suite #10 Las Vegas, NV 89129 702-486-7388 mftbd2@mftbd.nv.gov | Clinical Professional Counselors (CPC) Licensing |
New Hampshire | Yes | New Hampshire Board of Mental Health Practice 121 South Fruit St. Concord, NH 03301 630.271.6762 | MHP License and Registration Requirements Board of Mental Health Practice Board of Mental Health Practice Laws and Rules |
New Jersey | Yes | New Jersey Professional Counselor Examiners Committee P. O. Box 45007 Newark, NJ 07101 973.504.6582 CollazoM@dca.njoag.gov | NJ Division of Consumer Affairs |
New Mexico | Yes | New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department New standards go into effect July 1, 2028. | Counseling and Therapy Practice: Overview Counseling and Therapy Practice: Licensing, Registration, and Renewal Counseling and Therapy Practice: Requirements and Continuing Education |
New York | No | New York State Education Department Office of the Professions Division of Professional Licensing Services Mental Health Practitioners Unit 89 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12234-1000 518.474.3817 ext. 592 | Article 163, Mental Health Counselors Subpart 79-9, Mental Health Counseling Part 52, Registration of Curricula for Mental Health Counseling |
North Carolina | No | North Carolina Board of Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors PO Box 77819 Greensboro, NC 27417 844-622-3572 LCMHCinfo@ncblcmhc.org | Clinical Mental Health Counselor Licensure Board Definition of Practicum & Internship Coursework Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors Act Board of Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors General Information |
North Dakota | Yes | North Dakota Board of Counselor Examiners 2112 10th Ave. SE Mandan, ND 58554 Dr. Kirby Schmidgall 701-667-5969 | |
Ohio | Yes2 | Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage and Family Therapist Board 77 S. High Street, 24th Floor, Room 2468 Columbus, OH 43215 614-466-0912 | |
Oklahoma | Yes | Oklahoma State Board of Behavioral Health 3815 N. Santa Fe Oklahoma City, OK 73118 405-522-3696 | |
Oregon | Yes | Oregon Board of Licensed Professional Counselors and Therapists 3218 Pringle Rd. SE, Suite 120 Salem, OR 97302 503-378-5499 lpct.board@mhra.oregon.gov | |
Pennsylvania | Yes | Pennsylvania State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors One Penn Center 2601 N. 3rd Street Harrisburg, PA 17110 717-783-1389 | |
Puerto Rico | Yes | Puerto Rico Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors P. O. Box 10200 San Juan, PR 00908 787-765-2929 | |
Republic of Palau | No1 | Ministry of Health & Human Services One Hospital Road P.O. Box 6027 Koror, Republic of Palau 96940 (680) 488-2552/2553 mohrop@palauhealth.org | |
Republic of the Marshall Islands | No1 | RMI Ministry of Health and Human Services Board of Health Professions PO Box 16 96960 Delap, Majuro 692 625-7710 | Marshall Islands Health Professional Licensing Act of 2009 |
Rhode Island | Yes3 | Rhode Island Board of Mental Health Counselors and Marriage & Family Therapists Room 104 3 Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908-5097 401.222.2828 https://health.ri.gov/licenses/ | Rules and Regulations for Licensing Licensing Clinical Mental Health Counselors and Marriage and Family Therapists |
South Carolina | Yes2 | South Carolina Board of Examiners for Licensure of Professional Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists, Addiction Counselors and Psycho-Educational Specialists 110 Centerview Dr. Columbia, SC 29210 803-896-4658 | |
South Dakota | Yes | South Dakota Department of Social Services 700 Governors Drive Pierre, SD 57501 605-773-3165 | |
Tennessee | Yes | Tennessee Board for Licensed Professional Counselors, Licensed Marital and Family Therapists and Licensed Clinical Pastoral Therapists 710 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243 615-741-5735 | |
Texas | Yes | Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors 333 Guadalupe St., Ste. 3-900 Austin, TX 78701 512-305-7700 | |
Utah | Yes | Utah Department of Commerce Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing 801-530-6628 b3@utah.gov | Clinical Mental Health Counseling Clinical Mental Health Counselor Licensing Act Rule |
Vermont | Yes | Vermont Board of Allied Mental Health Practitioners National Life Building, North FL2 Montpelier, VT 05602-3402 802-828-2390 | Administrative Rules of the Board of Allied Mental Health Practitioners |
Virgin Islands | Yes | U.S. Virgin Island Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs Golden Rock Shopping Center, Suite #9 Christiansted, VI 00820-4311 OR 8201 Sub Base, Suite 1 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | |
Virginia | Yes | Virginia Board of Counseling Perimeter Center 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300 Henrico, VA 23233-1463 804-367-4610 | |
Washington | Yes | Washington State Department of Health Mental Health Counselor Credentialing PO Box 47877 Olympia, WA 98504-7877 360-236-4700 | |
West Virginia | Yes | West Virginia Board of Examiners in Counseling 815 Quarrier Street, Suite 212 Charleston, WV 25301 307-558-5494 800-520-3852 | |
Wisconsin | Yes2 | Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services Professional Counselor Section PO Box 8366 Madison, WI 53708-8366 608-266-2112 | |
Wyoming | Yes | Wyoming Mental Health Professions Licensing Board 2001 Capitol Ave., Room 127 Cheyenne, WY 82002 307-777-7788 Greag.Searls@wyo.gov | Mental Health Professions Board Rules and Regulations |
1 We have not yet been able to determine if our programs meet licensure requirements in this state or territory.
2 Requires board approval.
3 Please consult your academic advisor/program chair for more details on how to ensure your program meets licensure requirements for this state or territory.
4 Will not meet licensure requirements after regulatory changes in 2025.
5 Requires program equivalency evaluation by the CCE.
6 Requres board approval and state education in spousal abuse.
7 The board is in the process of revising their rules and regulations. See https://www.lpc.ms.gov for updates.
The Cambridge College, School of Education & Counseling (SEC), Division of Counseling, Pre- or Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Alcohol and Drug Counseling Certificate, M.Ed. Psychological Studies with Addictions Concentration and Addictions concentration within the M.Ed. Mental Health Counseling, M.Ed. Mental Health and School Counseling, M.Ed. School Adjustment & Mental Health Counseling degrees prepare students to meet the Pre-Master’s Degree education and experience requirements for Licensed Alcohol & Drug Counselor (LADC) application in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Students who are considering application for licensure in another state are strongly advised to meet with their Program Chair to review licensure requirements in that state. Reviewing the licensure requirements of the state where a student intends to seek licensure will inform the student about their chosen state's requirements and assist the student in planning the course of their program.
Cambridge College has made every effort to verify the statements made in this notice. However, state licensure is controlled by each individual state’s legislature and may change without notice to college and university programs. In addition to the reviewed educational requirements, many states require additional post-graduate training hours, passing of certification examination(s), CORI check, etc., in order to receive a license in that given state.
State | Status | Licensing Board | Links |
Alabama | Yes3 | Alabama Department of Mental Health The Alabama Department of Mental Health recognizes certifications granted by the following:
| Substance Abuse Counselor Requirements in Alabama Ala. Admin. Code r. 580-9-44-.02 |
Alaska | Yes3 | Alaska Commission for Behavioral Health Certification PO Box 220109 Anchorage, AK 99522-0109 907-332-4333 | AK Commission for Behavioral Health Certification |
American Samoa | No1 | American Samoa Health Services Regulatory Board Department of Health Pago Pago, AS 96799 684.633.1222 | Department of Human and Social Services |
Arizona | Yes3 | Arizona State Board of Behavioral Health Examiners 1740 West Adams St., #3600 Phoenix, AZ 85007 602-542-1882 | Substance Abuse Counseling |
Arkansas | Yes | Arkansas Department of Health Arkansas Substance Abuse Certification Board (a third party organization) 4815 W. Markham St., Box 42A Little Rock, AR 72205 501-295-1100 | AK State Board of Examiners of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors |
California | No | California Association for Alcohol and Drug Educators (CAADE) 4182 N. Viking Way Suite 213 Long Beach, CA 90808 562-304-5261 (Accredited Program - Certified Addiction Treatment Counselors) | |
California | No | California Association of DUI Treatment Programs (CADTP) (Accredited Program - Substance Use Disorder Certified Counselor) CADTP is one of 3 SUD counselor certifying organizations recognized by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), Licensing and Certification Division (LCD). As required in the regulations, all certifying agencies are currently accredited by the Institute for Credentialing Excellence (ICE), a part of the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA). | |
California | No4 | California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals (CCAPP) 2400 Marconi Ave. P.O. Box 214127 Sacramento, CA 95821 916-338-9460 (Accredited Program - Certified Alcohol Drug Counselor II) | |
Colorado | Yes3 | Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies Division of Professions and Occupations Colorado State Board of Addiction Counselor Examiners 1560 Broadway, Suite 1350 Denver, CO 80202 303-894-7800 | State Board of Addiction Counselor Examiners: Handbook State Board of Addiction Counselor Examiners: Rules & Regulations State Board of Addiction Counselor Examiners: Applications and Forms |
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands | No1 | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Mailing Address: | |
Connecticut | No | Connecticut Department of Public Health Alcohol and Drug Counselor Licensure 410 Capitol Ave., MS #12 APP P. O. Box 340308 Hartford, CT 06134 860.509.7603 | |
Delaware | Yes3 | Delaware Board of Mental Health and Chemical Dependency Professionals Cannon Building, Suite 203 861 Silver Lake Blvd. Dover, DE 19904 302-744-4500 | Board of Professional Counselors of Mental Health and Chemical Dependency Professionals Chemical Dependency Professional – Post-Masters Counseling Experience Requirements |
District of Columbia | Yes3 | DC Board of Professional Counseling 899 North Capitol Street NE Washington, DC 20002 202-442-5955 dcbopc@dc.gov | Addiction Counselors Regulations |
Federated States of Micronesia | No1 | FSM Department of Health and Social Affairs Behavioral Health and Wellness Advisory (BHW) Council P.O. Box PS 70 Palikir, Pohnpei, FM 96941 (691) 320 2619 health@fsmhealth.fm | Public Health, Safety & Welfare |
Florida | Yes3 | Florida Certification Board 1715 S. Gadsden Street Tallahassee, FL 32301 850-222-6314 | Addiction Counselor Requirements in Florida |
Georgia | Yes3 | GA does not license addiction counselors. However, it addresses qualifications in state code. Counselors demonstrate qualifications through 3rd party certification. There are 2 GA certifying agencies: The Georgia Addiction Counselors Association Certification Board is affiliated with the Association for Addiction Professionals (NAADAC). The Alcohol and Drug Abuse Certification Board of GA is a member of the IC&RC. | Addiction Counselor Requirements in Georgia Georgia Addiction Counselors Association (GACA) Alcohol & Drug Abuse Certification Board of Georgia (ADACBGA) |
Guam | No1 | Guam Health Professional Licensing Office 194 Hernan Cortez Avenue Terlaje Professional Building, Suite 213 Hagatna, Guam, 96910 hplo@dphss.guam.gov | |
Hawaii | No | Hawaii Department of Health Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division 601 Kamokila Blvd., #360 Kapolei, HI 96707 808-692-7506 | Alcohol & Drug Abuse - Professional Certification |
Idaho | Yes3 | Idaho Board of Alcohol Drug Counselor Certification (IBADCC) 2095 Daniels St., #963 Long Lake, MN 55356 952-377-8806 | Steps To Become A Substance Abuse Counselor In Idaho Idaho Board of Alcohol/Drug Counselor Certification (IBADCC) |
Illinois | Yes | Illinois Certification Board 401 E. Sangamon Ave. Springfield, IL 62702 217-698-8110 | How To Become A Substance Abuse Counselor In Illinois |
Indiana | Yes3 | Indiana Professional Licensing Agency 402 W. Washington St. Indianapolis, IN 46204 317-232-2960 | Indiana Professional Licensing Agency Addiction Counselor and Clinical Addiction Counselor Licensure |
Iowa | No4 | Iowa Board of Certification 225 NW School St. Ankeny, IA 50023 515-965-5509 | Cerfified Alcohol & Drug Counselors (TCADC, CADC, IADC, IAADC) |
Kansas | No | Kansas Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board 700 SW Harrison St. Suite 420 Topeka, KS 66603 785-296-3240 | Statutes & Regulations for Addiction Counselors |
Kentucky | No | Kentucky Board of Alcohol and Drug Counselors 500 Mero Street, 2 SC 32 Frankfort, KY 40601 | |
Louisiana | Yes3 | Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals Office for Addictive Disorder Regulatory Authority (ADRA) 4919 Jamestown Ave., Suite 203 Baton Rouge, LA 70808 225-361-0698 | |
Maine | No | Maine Board of Alcohol & Drug Counselors 35 State House Station August, ME 04333-0035 207-624-8623 | Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselors Revised Statutes |
Maryland | No | Maryland Department of Health Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists 201 W. Preston St. Baltimore, MD 21201-2399 410-767-6500 | |
Massachusetts | Yes | For LADC I and LADC II licensure: For CADC Certification: | Apply for an Alcohol and Drug Counselor license |
Michigan | No4 | Michigan Certification Board for Addiction Professionals (MCBAP) 616 S. Creyts Rd., Ste A Lansing, MI 48917 517-347-0891 | Michigan Certification Board for Addiction Professionals (MCBAP) |
Minnesota | Yes | Minnesota Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy 335 Randolph Ave., Suite 290 St. Paul, MN 55102 651-201-2756 | |
Mississippi | Yes | Mississippi Department of Mental Health Applicants w/ or w/out graduate degrees who provide services to individuals with substance abuse disorders may be certified by the Mississippi Assoc. of Addiction Professionals (MAAP); which is a member of IC&RC. Mississippi Association of Addiction Professionals | Addiction Counselor Requirements in MS |
Missouri | Yes3 | Missouri Office of Administration 301 West High Street, Room 430 P.O. Box 809 Jefferson City, MO 65102 573-751-4162 | Addiction Counselors |
Montana | No4 | Montana Board of Behavioral Health PO Box 200513 301 S Park, 4th Floor Helena, MT 59620-0512 406-444-6880 | Licensed Addiction Counselor |
Nebraska | Yes | Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services DHHS Licensure Unit Attn: Alcohol & Drug Counselors PO Box 94986 Lincoln, NE 68509-4986 402-471-2117 | |
Nevada | Yes3 | Nevada State Board of Examiners for Alcohol, Drug and Gambling Counselors 4600 Kietzke Lane, B-115 Reno, NV 89502 775-689-0563 | |
New Hampshire | Yes | New Hampshire Office of Professional Licensure and Certification Board of Licensing for Alcohol and Other Drug Use Professionals 7 Eagle Square Concord, NH 03301 630.271.2152 | Board of Licensing for Alcohol and Other Drug Use Professionals |
New Jersey | Yes3 | New Jersey Department of Human Services Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services 5. Commerce Way, Suite 100 PO Box 362 Trenton, NJ 08625-0362 800-382-6717 | |
New Mexico | No4 | New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department Counseling and Therapy Practicing Board 2550 Cerrillos Rd. Santa Fe, NM 87505 505-476-4875 | Counseling and Therapy Practice: Licensing, Registration, and Renewal |
New York | No | New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports 1450 Western Ave. Albany, NY 12203-3526 | Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counselor (CASAC) |
North Carolina | Yes | North Carolina Substance Abuse Professional Practice Board (NCSAPB) PO Box 10126 Raleigh, NC 27605 919-832-09755 | NC Addictions Specialist Professional Practice Board (NCASPPB) |
North Dakota | No | North Dakota Board of Addiction Counseling Examiners PO Box 175 Carrington, ND 58421 701-255-1439 | NDBACE Licensure Requirements |
Ohio | Yes3 | Ohio Chemical Dependency Professionals Board 77 South High Street, 16th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 614-387-1110 | Ohio Chemical Dependency Professionals (OCDP) Board |
Oklahoma | No1 | Oklahoma State Board of Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors 101 NE 51st St. PO Box 54388 Oklahoma City, OK 73154-0817 405-521-0779 | |
Oregon | Yes3 | Oregon Mental Health and Addiction Certification Board 2209 Lloyd Center Portland, Oregon 97232 503-231-8164 | Qualified Mental Health Associate Certification |
Pennsylvania | No4 | Pennsylvania Certification Board 298 S. Progress Ave. Harrisburg, PA 17109 717-540-4455 | PA Certification Board |
Puerto Rico | Yes | Two agencies: Certification Board for Professionals in Addiction & Alcoholism of Puerto Rico (a member of IC&RC) Commission Certificadora de Profesionales de Ayuda en Sustancias Sioactivas de Puerto Rico (Certification Commission) (CCPASS) | Alcohol and Drug Counselor Requirements |
Republic of Palau | No1 | Ministry of Health & Human Services One Hospital Road P.O. Box 6027 Koror, Republic of Palau 96940 (680) 488-2552/2553 mohrop@palauhealth.org | |
Republic of the Marshall Islands | No1 | RMI Ministry of Health and Human services Board of Health Professions PO Box 16 96960 Delap, Majuro 692 625-7710 | Marshall Islands Health Professional Licensing Act of 2009 |
Rhode Island | Yes3 | Two agencies: Rhode Island Board for the Certification of Chemical Dependency Professionals (RIBCCDP) Rhode Island Department of Health | Chemical Dependency Professionals Regulations |
South Carolina | No | South Carolina Board of Examiners for Licensure of Professional Counselors, Marriage and Family therapists, Addiction Counselors and Psycho-Educational Specialists 110 Centerview Dr. Columbia, SC 803-896-4658 | Examiners for Licensure of Professional Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists, Addiction Counselors and Psycho-Educational Specialists |
South Dakota | No | South Dakota Department of Social Services Board of Addiction and Prevention Professionals 700 Governors Drive Pierre, SD 57501 605.773.3165 | Board of Addiction and Prevention Professionals Licensing Requirements |
Tennessee | Yes | Tennessee Department of Health Board of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors 665 Mainstream Drive, 2nd Floor Nashville, TN 37243 615-741-5735 | Board of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors Rules and Regulations |
Texas | Yes3 | Texas Health and Human Services Regulatory Services Division PO Box 149347, Mail Code 1982 Austin, TX 78714-9347 512-834-6658 | Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor Program Texas Administrative Code: Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselors Texas Education Requirements & Certification for Substance Abuse Counselors |
Utah | No1 | Utah Department of Commerce Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing PO Box 146741 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6741 801-530-6628 | Substance Use Disorder Counseling |
Vermont | Yes | Vermont Department of Health Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Programs Office of Professional Regulation ATTN: Alcohol and Drug Counseling 89 Main Street, 3rd Floor Montpelier, VT 05620-3402 | |
Virgin Islands | No1 | U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs Golden Rock Shopping Center, Suite #9 Christiansted, VI 00820-4311 OR 8201 Sub Base, Suite 1 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | Requirements for Counselors |
Virginia | Yes3 | Virginia Board of Counseling Permitter Center 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300 Henrico, VA 23233-1463 804-367-4610 | Board of Counseling Regulated Professions |
Washington | No | Washington State Department of Health River View Corporate Center, Ste. 1500 16201 E. Indiana Ave. Spokane Valley, WA 99216 360-236-4700 | Substance Use Disorder Professional Certification Requirements |
West Virginia | No4 | West Virginia Certification Board for Addiction and Prevention Professionals (WVCBAPP) 436 12th Street, Suite C Dunbar, WV 25064 304-768-2942 | WV Certification Board for Addiction & Prevention Professionals |
Wisconsin | Yes3 | Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services 4822 Madison Yards Way Madison, WI 53705 608-266-2112 | Substance Abuse Counselor |
Wyoming | Yes3 | Wyoming Mental Health Professions Licensing Board 2001 Capitol Ave., Rm 127 Cheyenne, WY 82002 307-777-7788 | WY Mental Health Professions Licensing Board Rules & Regulations |
1 We have not yet been able to determine if our programs meet licensure requirements in this state or territory.
2 Requires board approval.
3 Please consult your academic advisor/program chair for more details on how to ensure your program meets licensure requirements for this state or territory.
4 Does not meet minimum hour requirement. May be able to contact the state board and inquire about additional education hours.
The Cambridge College, School of Education & Counseling (SEC), Division of Counseling, Licensed School Counselor Preparations Programs (M.Ed School Counseling, M.Ed Mental Health and School Counseling) prepare students to meet the Pre-Master’s Degree education and experience requirements for Initial School Counseling License (SC) application in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Students in the M.Ed Mental Health and School Counseling program should refer to the Licensed Mental Health Counseling Program tab for the mental health licensure portion of their program. The below determinations are strictly for the school counseling licensure.
Cambridge College has made every effort to verify the statements made in this notice. However, state licensure is controlled by each individual state’s legislature and may change without notice to college and university programs. In addition to the reviewed educational requirements, many states require additional post-graduate training hours, passing of certification examination(s), CORI check, etc., in order to receive a license in that given state.
State | Status | Licensing Board | Links |
Alabama | No | Alabama Department of Education 50 N. Ripley Street PO Box 302101 Montgomery, AL 36104 334-694-44900 | How to Become a School Counselor in Alabama (The Advocate) How to Become an Alabama School Counselor (School-Counselor.org) |
Alaska | No | Alaska Department of Education & Early Development PO Box 110500 Juneau, AK 99811-0500 907-465-2800 | Type C Special Services Certificate |
American Samoa | No1 | American Samoa Health Services Regulatory Board Department of Health Pago Pago, AS 96799 684.633.1222 | Department of Human and Social Services |
Arizona | No2 | Arizona Department of Education 1535 W. Jefferson St. Phoenix, AZ 85007 602-542-4367 ext. 8 | School Counselor, PreK-12 Certificate Information |
Arkansas | No | Arkansas Department of Education Office of Educator Licensure Four Capitol Mall, Room 106 B Little Rock, AR 72201-1071 501-682-4342 | Becoming a School Counselor in Arkansas |
California | No2 | California Commission on Teacher Credentialing credentials@ctc.ca.gov | Pupil Personnel Services Credential For Individuals Prepared In California (CL-606C) Pupil Personnel Services Credential For Individuals Prepared Out-of-State (CL-606) |
Colorado | No | Colorado Department of Education 303-866-6628 CDELicensing@cde.state.co.us | Pupil Personnel Services Credential For Individuals Prepared Out-of-State (CL-606) |
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands | No1 | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Mailing Address: | |
Connecticut | No2 | Connecticut State Board of Education 860-713-6969 teacher.cert@ct.gov | School Counselor Certification Connecticut School Counselor Certification State Certification Requirements Comprehensive School Counseling and College/Career and Citizen-Ready |
Delaware | No2 | Delaware Department of Education Professional Standards Board The Townsend Building 401 Federal Street, Suite 2 Dover, DE 19901-3639 302-735-4000 | |
District of Columbia | No2 | District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent 1200 First Street NE Washington, DC 20002 202-442-5885 | |
Federated States of Micronesia | No1 | FSM Department of Health and Social Affairs Behavioral Health and Wellness Advisory (BHW) Council P.O. Box PS 70 Palikir, Pohnpei, FM 96941 (691) 320 2619 health@fsmhealth.fm | Public Health, Safety & Welfare |
Florida | No | Florida Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, FL 32399 850-245-0505 | Specialization Requirements for Certification in School Counseling (Grades PK-12) |
Georgia | No | Georgia Department of Education 205 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive SE Atlanta, GA 30334 800-311-3627 | State Board of Education Rules: School Counseling |
Guam | No1 | Guam Health Professional Licensing Office 194 Hernan Cortez Avenue Terlaje Professional Building, Suite 213 Hagatna, Guam, 96910 hplo@dphss.guam.gov | |
Hawaii | No2 | Hawaii Teacher Standards Board Last names beginning with A-H and V-Z: Last names beginning with I-U: | |
Idaho | No | Idaho State Department of Education | State Certification Requirements |
Illinois | No | Illinois State Board of Education Educator Effectiveness Department | State Certification Requirements |
Indiana | No2 | Indiana Department of Education Indiana Government Center North, 9th floor 100 N. Senate Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46204 | |
Iowa | No2 | Iowa Board of Educational Examiners 701 E Court Ave., Suite A Des Moines, IA 50309 | |
Kansas | No2 | Kansas State Department of Education 900 SW Jackson St. Topeka, KS 66612 | |
Kentucky | No2 | Kentucky Department of Education Educators Professional Standards Board Division of Educator Licensure and Quality Frankfort, KY 40601 502-892-6555 | School Counselor Certification, Grades P-12 |
Louisiana | No | Division of Certification and Preparation Louisiana Department of Education P.O. Box 94064 Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9064 | School Counseling Information |
Maine | No2 | Maine Department of Education 23 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0023 207-624-6600 | |
Maryland | No2 | Maryland State Department of Education Division of Student Support, Academic Enrichment, and Educational Policy Jonathan Turner - Lead Specialist 200 West Baltimore St. Baltimore, MD 21201-2595 410-767-0288 | |
Massachusetts | Yes | Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 75 Pleasant Street Malden, MA 02148-4906 781-338-3000 | Educator Licensure and Preparation Program Approval Regulations |
Michigan | No2 | Michigan Department of Education 608 W. Allegan Street PO Box 30008 Lansing, MI 48909 833-633-5788 | School Counselor License |
Minnesota | No2 | Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board 1021 Bandana Blvd. E., Suite 222 St. Paul, MN 55108 651-539-4200 | Minnesota Administrative Rules |
Mississippi | No2 | Mississippi Department of Education Educator Licensure PO Box 771 Jackson, MS 39205 601-359-3483 | |
Missouri | No | Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Educator Certification PO Box 480 Jefferson City, MO 65102 | Become Certified Student Services Area |
Montana | No2 | Montana Office of Public Instruction PO Box 202501 Helena, MT 59620-2501 406-444-3150 | |
Nebraska | No | Nebraska Department of Education PO Box 94987 Lincoln, NE 68509-4987 402-471-0117 | |
Nevada | No | Nevada Department of Education 700 E. Fifth Street Carson City, NV 89701 775-687-9115 | |
New Hampshire | No2 | New Hampshire Department of Education Bureau of Credentialing Division of Educator Support and Higher Education 101 Pleasant Street Concord, NH 03301 603-271-2409 | |
New Jersey | No2 | New Jersey Department of Education Office of Certification and Induction PO Box 500 Trenton, NJ 08625-0500 609-292-2070 | School Counselor Standard Certificate |
New Mexico | No | New Mexico Public Education Department 300 Don Gaspar, Room 103 Santa Fe, NM 87501 | State Certification Requirements |
New York | No | New York State Education Department | |
North Carolina | No2 | North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Mailing address: | |
North Dakota | No2 | North Dakota Department of Public Instruction 600 East Boulevard Ave., Dept. 201 Bismarck, ND 58505-0440 701-328-2260 | |
Ohio | No2 | Ohio Department of Education Office of Educator Licensure 25 South Front Street Columbus, OH 43215-4183 614-644-6338 | |
Oklahoma | No2 | Oklahoma State Department of Education Oliver Hodge Building 2500 North Lincoln Blvd Oklahoma City, OK | |
Oregon | No2 | Oregon Department of Education 255 Capitol Street NE Salem, OR 97310-0203 503-947-5600 | Comprehensive School Counseling |
Pennsylvania | No2 | Pennsylvania Department of Education 333 Market Street Harrisburg, PA 17126 717-783-6788 | |
Puerto Rico | No | Puerto Rico Department of Education PR Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors PO Box 190759 San Juan, PR 00919-0759 787-765-2929 www.salud.pr.gov https://www.pr.gov/ | Professional Counselor Licensure Requirements |
Republic of Palau | No1 | Ministry of Health & Human Services One Hospital Road P.O. Box 6027 Koror, Republic of Palau 96940 (680) 488-2552/2553 mohrop@palauhealth.org | |
Republic of the Marshall Islands | No1 | RMI Ministry of Health and Human services Board of Health Professions PO Box 16 96960 Delap, Majuro 692 625-7710 | Marshall Islands Health Professional Licensing Act of 2009 |
Rhode Island | No2 | Rhode Island Department of Education 255 Westminster Street Providence, RI 02903 401-422-4600 | |
South Carolina | No2 | South Carolina Department of Education Office of Educator Services 8301 Parklane Rd. Columbia, SC 29223 803-896-0325 certification@ed.sc.gov | Guidance for Prospective Educators |
South Dakota | No | South Dakota Department of Education 800 Governors Drive Pierre, SD 57501 605-773-3134 | |
Tennessee | No | Tennessee Department of Education 9th Floor, Andrew Johnson Tower 710 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243 615-532-4885 | |
Texas | No2 | Texas Education Agency 1701 N. Congress Ave. Austin, TX 78701 512-463-9734 or 512-238-3200 | |
Utah | No | Utah State Board of Education 250 East 500 South PO Box 144200 Salt Lake City, UT 84111-3204 801-538-7500 | |
Vermont | No2 | Vermont Agency of Education 1 National Life Drive, Davis 5 Montpelier, VT 05620-2501 802-828-2445 | Licensing Endorsement Areas |
Virgin Islands | No2 | Virgin Island Department of Education PO Box 11900 Dronningens Gade Nos. 60B, 61, and 62 St. Thomas, VI 00801 340-74-4546 | The Virgin Islands Department of Education |
Virginia | No2 | Virginia Department of Education James Monroe Building 101 N. 14th St. Richmond, VA 23219 800-292-3820 | |
Washington | No2 | Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Old Capitol Building PO Box 47200 600 Washington St. SE Olympia, WA 98504-7200 360-725-6000 | |
West Virginia | No2 | West Virginia Department of Education 1900 Kanawha Blvd. East Charleston, WV 25305 833-627-2833 | |
Wisconsin | No2 | Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Teacher Education, Professional Development and Licensing 125 S. Webster St. PO Box 7841 Madison, WI 53707-7841 608-266-1028 | |
Wyoming | No2 | Wyoming Department of Education Professional Teaching Standards Board 2001 Capitol Ave. Emerson Building, Room 128 Cheyenne, WY 82002 307-777-7291 |
1 We have not yet been able to determine if our programs meet licensure requirements in this state or territory.
2 The state requires students to submit for a panel review of their field placement and coursework. The final determination is made by the state following that review.
The Cambridge College, School of Education & Counseling (SEC), Division of Counseling, Licensed School Adjustment Counselor Preparation Programs (M.Ed. School Adjustment & Mental Health Counseling, Post-Master's Certificate School Adjustment Counseling for Mental Health Counselors) prepare students to meet the Pre-Master’s Degree education and experience requirements for Initial School Adjustment Counselor License (SAC) application in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Students in the M.Ed. School Adjustment and Mental Health Counseling program should refer to the Licensed Mental Health Counseling Program tab for the mental health licensure portion of their program. The below determinations are strictly for the school adjustment licensure.
Cambridge College has made every effort to verify the statements made in this notice. However, state licensure is controlled by each individual state’s legislature and may change without notice to college and university programs. In addition to the reviewed educational requirements, many states require additional post-graduate training hours, passing of certification examination(s), CORI check, etc., in order to receive a license in that given state.
State | Status | Licensing Board | Links |
Alabama | No | Alabama State Board of Social Work Examiners | AL State Board of Social Work Examiners |
Alaska | No | Alaska Board of Social Work Examiners | AK Social License Requirements |
American Samoa | No1 | American Samoa Health Services Regulatory Board Department of Health Pago Pago, AS 96799 684.633.1222 | Department of Human and Social Services |
Arizona | No | Arizona Department of Education | School Social Work Certification |
Arkansas | No | Arkansas Social Work Licensing Board | AR Social Work Licensing Board |
California3 | No2 | California Commission on Teacher Credentialing 1900 Capitol Ave. Sacramento, CA 95811 | Standards: Educator Preparation |
Colorado | No | California Commission on Teacher Credentialing 1900 Capitol Ave. Sacramento, CA 95811 | |
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands | No1 | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Mailing Address: | |
Connecticut | No | Connecticut State Department of Education Bureau of Health, Nutrition, Family Services and Adult Education 450 Columbus Blvd., Suite 504 Hartford, CT 06103-1841 | School Social Work |
Delaware | No | Delaware Department of Education Delaware Board of Social Work Examiners | School Social Worker Standard Certificate |
District of Columbia | No | DC Board of Social Work 899 North Capitol Street NE Washington, DC 20002 877-672-2174 | Social Work Licensing |
Federated States of Micronesia | No1 | FSM Department of Health and Social Affairs Behavioral Health and Wellness Advisory (BHW) Council P.O. Box PS 70 Palikir, Pohnpei, FM 96941 (691) 320 2619 health@fsmhealth.fm | Public Health, Safety & Welfare |
Florida | No | Florida Department of Education Office of the Commissioner Turlington Bldg., Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, FL 32399 850-245-0505 | Specialization Requirements for Certification in School Social Worker |
Georgia4 | No | Georgia Board of Professional Counselors, Social Workers, and Marriage and Family Therapists 237 Coliseum Drive Macon, GA 31217 404-424-9966 | |
Guam | No1 | Guam Health Professional Licensing Office 194 Hernan Cortez Avenue Terlaje Professional Building, Suite 213 Hagatna, Guam, 96910 hplo@dphss.guam.gov | |
Hawaii | No | Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Professional & Vocational Licensing Division Mental Health Counselor Licensing Program PO Box 3469 Honolulu, NI 96801 808-586-2693 | Social Worker Program |
Idaho | No | Idaho Licensing Board of Professional Counselors and Marriage and Family Therapists Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses 11351 W. Chinden Bldg. #6 Boise, ID 83714 208-334-3233 ibol@ibol.idaho.gov | Pupil Service Staff Certificates |
Illinois | No | Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) Educator Effectiveness Dept 217-557-4723 | PEL School Support Personnel Endorsements |
Indiana | No | Indiana Department of Education 100 N. Senate Ave., 9th Floor Indianapolis, IN 46204 317-232-6610 | School Counselor |
Iowa | No | Iowa Social Work Board 321 E. 12th St. Des Moines, IA 50319 515-281-0254 | License to Practice Social Work in Iowa |
Kansas | No | Kansas Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board 700 SW Harrison St., Suite 420 Topeka, KS 66603 785-296-3240 | |
Kentucky | No | Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) 300 Sower Blvd Frankfort, KY 40601 502-564-5846 | Professional Certificate for School Social Worker Division of Educator Preparation, Assessment, and Internship |
Louisiana | No | Louisiana State Board of Social Work Examiners 18550 Highland Road Baton Rouge, LA 70809 225-756-3470 | |
Maine | No | Maine State Board of Social Worker Licensure Department of Professional and Financial Regulation 35 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333 207-624-8500 | State Board of Social Worker Licensure - Licensing |
Maryland | No | Maryland Department of Education 200 West Baltimore St. Baltimore, MD 21201-2595 410-767-0100 | School Social Worker |
Massachusetts | Yes | Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Office of Educator Licensure 75 Pleasant St. Malden, MA 02148-4906 781-338-3000 | Educator Licensure and Preparation Program Approval Regulations |
Michigan | No | Michigan Board of Examiners of Social Workers Michigan State Board of Education | Social Work Credentials |
Minnesota | No2 | Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board 1021 Bandana Blvd. E., Suite 222 St. Paul, MN 55103 651-539-4200 | Minnesota Administrative Rules |
Mississippi | No | Mississippi Board of Examiners for Social Workers and Marriage and Family Therapists | Social Work Licensure Information |
Missouri | No | Missouri Division of Professional Registration Committee for Social Workers 3605 Missouri Blvd. P.O. Box 13335 Jefferson City, MO 65102-1335 573-751-0293 | |
Montana | No | Montana Board of Behavioral Health PO Box 200513 Helena, MT 59620-0513 406-444-6880 | |
Nebraska | No | Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Board of Mental Health Practice 301 Centennial Mall South, Third Floor PO Box 94986 Lincoln, NE 68509-4986 | Educator Certification – Nebraska Department of Education |
Nevada | No | Nevada Board of Examiners for Marriage and Family Therapists & Clinical Professional Counselors 7324 West Cheyenne, Suite #10 Las Vegas, NV 89129 702-486-7388 mftbd2@mftbd.nv.gov | State of Nevada |
New Hampshire | No | New Hampshire Bureau of Credentialing Division of Educator Support and Higher Education New Hampshire Department of Education 101 Pleasant Street Concord, NH 03301 603-271-2409 | |
New Jersey | No | New Jersey Department of Education 100 Riverview Plaza Trenton, NJ 08625 609-292-2070 | State Board of Social Work Examiners How to become certified in New Jersey as a School Social Worker |
New Mexico | No | New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department New standards go into effect July 1, 2028. | New Mexico Public Education Department |
New York | No | New York State Education Department Office of the Professions Division of Professional Licensing Services Mental Health Practitioners Unit 89 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12234-1000 518.474.3817 ext. 592 | Types of Certificates and Licenses - Pupil Personnel Service |
North Carolina | No | North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Physical address: | School Social Worker Licensure |
North Dakota | No | North Dakota Board of Counselor Examiners 2112 10th Ave. SE Mandan, ND 58554 Dr. Kirby Schmidgall 701-667-5969 | School Counselor Licensure | North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board |
Ohio | No | Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage and Family Therapist Board 77 S. High Street, 24th Floor, Room 2468 Columbus, OH 43215 614-466-0912 | Pupil Services Licensure and Registration | Ohio Department of Education |
Oklahoma | No | Oklahoma State Board of Behavioral Health 3815 N. Santa Fe Oklahoma City, OK 73118 405-522-3696 | Oklahoma State Board of Licensed Social Workers |
Oregon | No | Oregon Board of Licensed Professional Counselors and Therapists 3218 Pringle Rd. SE, Suite 120 Salem, OR 97302 503-378-5499 lpct.board@mhra.oregon.gov | Oregon School Personnel Licenses |
Pennsylvania | No | Pennsylvania Department of Education 333 Market Street Harrisburg, PA 17126 717-525-5560 | School Social Worker, Educational Specialist Certificate PK-12 |
Puerto Rico | No | Puerto Rico Board of Examiners of Social Work Professionals Calle San José Esq. San Francisco Diputacion Provincial Bldg., 2nd Floor P. O. Box 9023271 San Juan, PR 00902 787-722-2122 ext. 43009 | |
Republic of Palau | No1 | Ministry of Health & Human Services One Hospital Road P.O. Box 6027 Koror, Republic of Palau 96940 (680) 488-2552/2553 mohrop@palauhealth.org | |
Republic of the Marshall Islands | No1 | RMI Ministry of Health and Human services Board of Health Professions PO Box 16 96960 Delap, Majuro 692 625-7710 | Marshall Islands Health Professional Licensing Act of 2009 |
Rhode Island | No | Rhode Island Department of Health Board of Registration for Social Workers 3 Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908 401-222-5860 | Clinical Social Workers and Independent Clinical Social Workers |
South Carolina | No | South Carolina Board of Social Work Examiners 110 Centerview Dr. Colombia, SC 29210 803-896-4664 | SC Board of Social Work Examiners |
South Dakota | No | South Dakota Department of Social Services 700 Governors Drive Pierre, SD 57501 605-773-3165 | Overview of School-Based Mental Health Providers in SD |
Tennessee | No | Tennessee Department of Education 9th Floor, Andrew Johnson Tower 710 James Robertson Pkwy Nashville, TN 37243 | |
Texas | No | Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors 333 Guadalupe St., Ste. 3-900 Austin, TX 78701 512-305-7700 | Applying for a License and Timelines – Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council |
Utah | No | Utah Department of Commerce Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing 801-530-6628 b3@utah.gov | School Social Worker |
Vermont | No | Vermont Office of Professional Regulation | |
Virgin Islands | No | U.S. Virgin Island Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs Golden Rock Shopping Center, Suite #9 Christiansted, VI 00820-4311 OR 8201 Sub Base, Suite 1 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | |
Virginia | No | Virginia Department of Education 800-292-3820 | |
Washington | No | Washington State Department of Health Mental Health Counselor Credentialing PO Box 47877 Olympia, WA 98504-7877 360-236-4700 | |
West Virginia | No | West Virginia Board of Examiners in Counseling 815 Quarrier Street, Suite 212 Charleston, WV 25301 307-558-5494 800-520-3852 | |
Wisconsin | No | Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services Professional Counselor Section PO Box 8366 Madison, WI 53708-8366 608-266-2112 | Licensing, Accountability, & Complaints | Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction |
Wyoming | No | Wyoming Mental Health Professions Licensing Board 2001 Capitol Ave., Room 127 Cheyenne, WY 82002 307-777-7788 Greag.Searls@wyo.gov | Licensure Information for Specific Positions within a School District |
1 We have not yet been able to determine if our programs meet licensure requirements in this state or territory.
2 There may be a possibility for students to apply with their clinical license in this state via a panel review.
3 This information pertains to out-of-state (CA) students.
4 Rules effective 7/1/22.
The Cambridge College, School of Education & Counseling (SEC), Division of Education, M.Ed Autism/Applied Behavioral Analysis, Post-Master's Behavioral Analysis Certificate and M.Ed Teacher of Students with Moderate Disabilities (Pk-8 or 5-12) & Applied Behavioral Analysis prepares students for the educational requirements for certification as an applied behavioral analyst and fulfills the verified course sequence for Certified Behavioral Analyst (BCBA).
Students in the M.Ed. Teacher of Students with Moderate Disabilities (Pk-8 or 5-12) & Applied Behavioral Analysis program should refer to the Moderate Disabilities Program tab for the moderate disabilities teaching licensure information for that portion of their program. The below determinations are strictly for the certified behavioral analysis component of the degree.
Cambridge College has made every effort to verify the statements made in this notice. However, state licensure is controlled by each individual state’s legislature and may change without notice to college and university programs. In addition to the reviewed educational requirements, many states require additional post-graduate training hours, passing of certification examination(s), CORI check, etc., in order to receive a license in that given state.
State | Status | Licensing Board | Links |
Alabama | Yes | Alabama Behavior Analyst Licensing Board | https://mh.alabama.gov/alabama-behavior-analyst-licensure-board/ |
Alaska | Yes | Alaska Division of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing; Behavior Analyst Program | https://www.commerce.alaska.gov/web/cbpl/ProfessionalLicensing/BehaviorAnalysts |
American Samoa | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Arizona | Yes | Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners | https://psychboard.az.gov/applications/ba-applications |
Arkansas | N/A | N/A | N/A |
California | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Colorado | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Connecticut | Yes | Connecticut Department of Public Health, Behavior Analyst Licensing | https://portal.ct.gov/DPH/Practitioner-Licensing--Investigations/Behavioral-Analyst/Behavioral-Analyst-Licensing |
Delaware | N/A | N/A | N/A |
District of Columbia | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Federated States of Micronesia | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Florida | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Georgia | N/A | Georgia Behavior Analyst Licensing Board | https://sos.ga.gov/georgia-behavior-analyst-licensing-board |
Guam | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Hawaii | Yes | Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Behavior Analyst Program | https://cca.hawaii.gov/pvl/programs/behavior/ |
Idaho | Yes | N/A | N/A |
Illinois | N/A | Illinois Behavior Analyst Licensing and Disciplinary Board | None Found |
Indiana | N/A | Indiana Behavior Analyst Licensing Board | https://www.in.gov/pla/professions/behavior-analyst/ |
Iowa | Yes | Iowa Board of Behavioral Science | https://dial.iowa.gov/licenses/medical/mental-health/mental-behavioral/how-do-i-behavior-analyst-license |
Kansas | Yes | Kansas Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board | https://ksbsrb.ks.gov/professions/behavior-analyst |
Kentucky | Yes | Kentucky Applied Behavior Analysis Licensing Board | https://aba.ky.gov |
Louisiana | Yes | Louisiana Behavior Analyst Board | https://lababoard.org |
Maine | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Maryland | Yes | Maryland Department of Health, Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists | https://health.maryland.gov/bopc/Pages/analysts.aspx |
Massachusetts | Yes | Massachusetts Board of Registration of Allied Mental Health and Human Services Professions | https://www.mass.gov/orgs/board-of-registration-of-allied-mental-health-and-human-services-professions |
Michigan | Yes | Michigan Board of Behavior Analysts | https://www.michigan.gov/lara/bureau-list/bpl/health/hp-lic-health-prof/behavior-analyst |
Minnesota | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Mississippi | Yes | Mississippi Autism Board | https://www.msautismboard.ms.gov |
Missouri | Yes | Missouri Behavior Analyst Advisory Board | https://pr.mo.gov/ba.asp |
Montana | Yes | Montana Board of Psychologists | https://boards.bsd.dli.mt.gov/psychologists/license-information/behavior-analyst |
Nebraska | N/A | Nebraska Board of Behavior Analysts | None Found |
Nevada | Yes | Nevada Board of Applied Behavior Analysis | None Found |
New Hampshire | N/A | N/A | N/A |
New Jersey | Yes | New Jersey State Board of Applied Behavior Analyst Examiners | https://www.njconsumeraffairs.gov/abae |
New Mexico | N/A | N/A | N/A |
New York | Yes | New York Education Department, New York State Board for Applied Behavior Analysis | https://www.op.nysed.gov/licensed-behavior-analysts |
North Carolina | Yes | North Carolina Behavior Analyst Licensure Board (NCBALB) | https://ncbehavioranalystboard.org |
North Dakota | Yes | North Dakota Board of Integrative Health Care | https://www.ndbihc.org |
Northern Mariana Islands | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Ohio | Yes | Ohio Board of Psychology | https://psychology.ohio.gov/licensing-and-renewal/getting-licensed-sa/certified-ohio-behavior-analyst/ |
Oklahoma | Yes | Oklahoma Licensed Behavior Analyst Board | https://olbab.oucpm.org/ |
Oregon | Yes | Behavior Analysis Regulatory Board | https://www.oregon.gov/oha/ph/hlo/pages/board-behavior-analysis-regulatory-license.aspx |
Pennsylvania | n/a | Pennsylvania Board of Medicine | https://www.dos.pa.gov/ProfessionalLicensing/BoardsCommissions/Medicine/Pages/Behavior-Specialist-Licensure-Requirements-Snapshot.aspx |
Puerto Rico | Yes | N/A | N/A |
Republic of Palau | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Republic of the Marshall Islands | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Rhode Island | Yes | Board of Applied Behavioral Analysts | https://health.ri.gov/licenses/detail.php?id=290#section3 |
South Carolina | N/A | N/A | N/A |
South Dakota | Yes | South Dakota Board of Social Work Examiners, Applied Behavior Analyst (ABA) Advisory Committee | https://dss.sd.gov/licensingboards/socialwork/abacommittee.aspx |
Tennessee | Yes | Tennessee Department of Health, Applied Behavior Analyst Licensing Committee | https://www.tn.gov/health/health-program-areas/health-professional-boards/applied-behavior-analyst.html |
Texas | Yes | Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, Behavior Analysts Program | https://www.tdlr.texas.gov/bhv/bhv.htm |
U.S. Virgin Islands | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Utah | Yes | Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing, | https://dopl.utah.gov/psychology/apply-for-a-license/behavior-analyst-assistant/ |
Vermont | Yes | Vermont Office of Professional Regulation, Applied Behavior Analysis Advisors | https://sos.vermont.gov/applied-behavior-analysis |
Virginia | Yes | Virginia Board of Medicine, Behavior Analysis Advisory Board | https://www.dhp.virginia.gov/Boards/Medicine/AbouttheBoard/RegulatedProfessions/BehaviorAnalyst/ |
Washington | Yes | Washington State Department of Health, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Advisory Committee | https://doh.wa.gov/licenses-permits-and-certificates/professions-new-renew-or-update/applied-behavior-analysis |
West Virginia | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Wisconsin | Yes | Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services | https://dsps.wi.gov/Pages/Professions/BehaviorAnalyst/Default.aspx |
Wyoming | Yes | Wyoming Board of Psychology | https://psychology.wyo.gov |
The Cambridge College, School of Education & Counseling (SEC), Division of Counseling, Post Master's Certificate Rehabilitation Counseling. and Rehabilitation Counseling concentration within the M.Ed. Mental Health Counseling, M.Ed. School Adjustment & Mental Health Counseling degrees prepare students to meet the Pre-Master’s Degree education and experience requirements for Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) by the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification and Licensed Rehabilitation Counselor by the Massachusetts Board of Allied Mental Health and Human Services Professionals. .
Students who are considering application for licensure in another state are strongly advised to meet with their Program Chair to review licensure requirements in that state. Reviewing the licensure requirements of the state where a student intends to seek licensure will inform the student about their chosen state's requirements and assist the student in planning the course of their program.
Cambridge College has made every effort to verify the statements made in this notice. However, state licensure is controlled by each individual state’s legislature and may change without notice to college and university programs. In addition to the reviewed educational requirements, many states require additional post-graduate training hours, passing of certification examination(s), CORI check, etc., in order to receive a license in that given state.