#1 for Online Bachelor’s Degrees in Massachusetts
Cambridge College’s online bachelor’s degrees are #1 among private colleges in Massachusetts and in the top 30% in the nation among all colleges, based on U.S. News & World Report 2024 rankings of best online bachelor’s programs in the nation. Learn more

Applied Behavior Analysis PhD Ranked #4 for Best Value
The Cambridge College PhD in Applied Behavior Analysis with Specialization in Autism Intervention Degree Program was ranked #4 in the U.S. for best value by ABA Degree Programs in 2024.

Bachelor’s Degrees among Best Value in Massachusetts
Cambridge College was ranked #12 Best Bachelor’s Degree Colleges for the Money in Massachusetts by College Factual for 2024. https://www.collegefactual.com/rankings/best-colleges-for-money/bachelors-degrees/new-england/massachusetts/

Master’s Degrees among Best Value in Massachusetts
Cambridge College was ranked #17 Best Master’s Degree Colleges for the Money in Massachusetts by College Factual for 2024. https://www.collegefactual.com/rankings/best-colleges-for-money/masters-degrees/new-england/massachusetts/

#12 Best Value Doctoral Degrees in Massachusetts
Cambridge College was ranked #12 Best Doctoral Degree Colleges for the Money in Massachusetts by College Factual for 2024. https://www.collegefactual.com/rankings/best-colleges-for-money/doctorate-degrees/new-england/massachusetts/#google_vignette

CC Students Achieved 81% MTEL Pass Rates
For the 2022-23 school year, 81% of Cambridge College graduates of MEd Initial Licensure programs offered in the School of Education successfully completed all Massachusetts Tests for Educator License (MTELs). The 2020-2021 rate was 81% and the 2021-22 rate was 88%.

MBA Program Recognized
In 2023, Cambridge College's MBA program was recognized in Boston Business Journal's list of "Largest MBA Programs in Massachusetts." Our program ranked at #16 overall.

High Ranking for Gender Parity in Mass. Higher Ed
The EOS Foundation Study on Women's Power Gap in Higher Education ranks the percentage of women enrolled and represented in executive roles, senior leadership and board positions. CC ranked #11 out of 93 on a spectrum of progress on gender parity, and was one of five top institutions that have reached gender parity.

Ranked #7 in Most Ethnically Diverse Colleges in America
Cambridge College was shown to be a place of ethnic diversity by Best College Reviews, based on the following criteria: No race with more than 45% representation; at least three races represented by over 12%; percentage of total minorities graduated 2012-2013; scholarships, clubs, organizations, and associations available for ethnic groups. Students of ethnic backgrounds flourish at Cambridge due to the inclusive culture that produces a positive educational experience. Learn more

Official Designation as Military Friendly School – 13 consecutive years
The Military Friendly® Schools list has come to set the standard for higher education institutions to provide the best opportunities for veterans and their spouses. Military Friendly School ratings are based on an institution’s ability to meet specific thresholds for Student Retention, Graduation, Job Placement, Loan Repayment, and Loan Default rates for all students and, specifically, for student veterans. Learn more