Privacy Notice

Last Updated February 17, 2021

Commitment to Privacy

Cambridge College values individuals’ privacy and actively seeks to preserve the privacy rights of those who share information with us. Your trust is important to us and we believe you have the right to know how information submitted to the college website is handled.

We provide the following privacy notice describing Cambridge College's information policies and practices, and to assist you in protecting your privacy. Our approach to this is in line with other major educational institutes.

This privacy statement discloses the privacy practices of Cambridge College website(s), not for information collected offline.

In this notice, when we talk about “Personally Identifiable Information", we are referring to any information that relates to you as an identifiable natural person such as your name, email address, mailing address, telephone number, etc.

Privacy Notice

The following information explains the internet privacy policy and practices Cambridge College has adopted for its official website. However, in legal terms, it shall not be construed as a contractual promise, and the College reserves the right to amend it at any time without notice. Privacy obligations of the College are governed by applicable state statutes and U.S. federal laws.

Your Consent

Please read this Notice carefully. By accessing and using our website, you are acknowledging that you have read, understood, and agree to the provisions in this notice. Do not use our website if you don't agree with the information contained herein.

The Information We Collect

When you access official Cambridge College webpages, certain client information and essential and nonessential technical information (collectively referred to as access information) listed below are automatically collected. No other information is collected through our official website except when you deliberately send it to us (for example, by clicking a link to send us an e-mail). Examples of the information you might choose to send us are listed below as “optional information.”

Accessing Information

We use Anonymous Information to analyze the effectiveness and use of our website, to evaluate and improve our website and our programs, and for other Cambridge College business.

We may share Anonymous Information with third parties for these purposes. When you visit another website, third-party vendors like Google Analytics may use Anonymous Information obtained from our website to place ads for Cambridge College on the other websites you visit.

Here are some of the ways that we will collect Anonymous Information about you:

IP Addresses, Logs: Cambridge College may automatically receive and record information in our server logs from your browser, including your IP address (the internet address of your computer), your computer's name, the type, and version of your web browser, referrer addresses, page views (hit counts), and other log information.

Cookies: A cookie is a small amount of data, which often includes an anonymous unique identifier, which is sent to your browser from a website's computer and stored on your computer's hard drive.

Tags: We may use so-called "pixel tags"—small graphic images (also known as "web beacons" or "single-pixel GIFs").

Click-Through(s): We may send email messages to you which use a "click-through URL" linked to content on our website. When you click one of these URLs, you pass through our web server before arriving at the destination web page. We track this click-through data.

For more information about Google Analytics, see Google's terms of service and privacy policy. You can opt out of Google's use of cookies by visiting Google's ads settings. To adjust or opt-out of the collection and use of information for ad targeting on Facebook, please see Facebook's page on ads.

Optional Information

Further personal information that we collect when you send us email communications, including all the data you choose to fill in or confirm on our Learning Management Systems (LMS). This may include credit or debit card information if you are ordering a product or making a payment, as well as information about other people if you are providing it for delivery purposes, etc.

Here are some examples of the ways that you may provide and we will collect about you:

Admissions Forms: In many cases, you may apply to our programs online through our website.

Alumni Connections: Our graduates can stay connected with each other and Cambridge College through our website.

E-mail: your name, e-mail address, and the content of your e-mail.

Requests for Information: Some areas of our website may allow you to submit a request for information or to otherwise contact us with inquiries regarding our programs.

Social Media Platforms

We maintain a presence on social media platforms including, but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. Any information you post on a social media platform is done at your own risk and without any expectation of privacy. Please be aware that Cambridge College is not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites.

Posting Photos, Testimonial, Feedback, Reviews, and Blogs

The testimonial/feedback sections of the Site are for the purpose of sharing positive experiences and providing feedback about the Site. The testimonial/feedback sections are moderated to ensure accurate testimonial/feedback. Published testimonials and feedback are genuine and are not edited or altered by Cambridge College. Cambridge College reserves the right to post or remove any testimonial/feedback at its discretion.

By posting on the Site, you give us permission to reprint or use the post in connection with our business. You also are agreeing to the following: (1) The reprint or use of the post will be at our discretion and without compensation; (2) We may use the post with or without any pseudo (pen) name credit; (3) Our right to use the post is perpetual and may be assigned by us; (4) We may use the post locally, nationally or globally and such use may be made in any media, information or communication platform (including internet advertising) currently in use or later developed; and (5) You and not someone else composed and posted the post.

Please note that any information you include in a post may be read, collected, and used by anyone.

The Way We Use Information

As a general rule, Cambridge College does not track individual visitor profiles. We do, however, analyze aggregate traffic/access information for resource management and site planning purposes. Cambridge College reserves the right to use log detail to investigate resource management or security concerns.

We will share your Personally Identifiable Information with third parties only if either (a) you give us your express consent OR (b) in any of the following circumstances:

Cambridge College Website Vendors: We may employ other companies to perform functions on our behalf, such as hosting or maintaining the website, providing services related to the website, collecting information, responding to and sending electronic mail, texting, or other functions necessary or desirable for our institution. We’ll provide vendors with only that information necessary to perform their functions, and we won’t allow them to use your Personally Identifiable Information for any other purpose.

Cambridge College Vendors: We may employ other companies to perform other services on our behalf. These services may include identifying and evaluating visitors to our website and the programs and services you and other visitors use or express interest in, or to conduct surveys. From time to time, our vendors may contact you directly on our behalf. We’ll provide vendors with only the information necessary to perform their functions and we will not allow them to use your Personally Identifiable Information for any other purpose. Additionally, we require our vendors to attest that their systems meet required data protection standards.

Legal: Cambridge College will reveal your Personally Identifiable Information to the extent we reasonably believe we are required to do so by law.

Cambridge College Policies: Cambridge College will reveal your Personally Identifiable Information to the extent we reasonably believe it is necessary to enforce any of our policies.

Access Information

Client information is used to route the requested webpage to your computer for viewing. In theory, the requested webpage and the routing information could be discerned by other entities involved in transmitting the requested page to you. We do not control the privacy practices of those entities.

We may keep client information from our systems indefinitely after the webpage is transmitted, but we do not cross-reference it to the individuals who browse our website. However, logs of access information are retained to permit a security investigation. In such cases, the logs may be further analyzed or forwarded together with any other relevant information in our possession to law enforcement agencies.

We also use non-identifying and aggregate information to better design our website. For example, we may determine that X number of individuals visited a certain area on our website, or that Y number of men and Z number of women filled out a particular registration form. But we do not disclose information that could identify those specific individuals.

Optional Information

Optional information enables us to provide services or information tailored more specifically to your needs, to forward your message or inquiry to another entity that is better able to do so, and to plan website improvements.

We use the information you provide about yourself or about someone else when placing a request for service only to complete that order or request. We do not share this information with outside parties, except to the extent necessary to complete that order or request.

We generally use return e-mail addresses only to answer the e-mail we receive. Such addresses are generally not used for any other purpose and are not shared with outside parties except to fulfill your request.

Opting Out


If we choose to send you news, bulletins, marketing materials, or other information about Cambridge College by email, we’ll provide you with the ability to decline—or "opt-out of"—receiving such electronic communications.

Updating and Deleting Information:

You can contact us to change or update your Personally Identifiable Information. You can also request that we remove your name and all other Personally Identifiable Information from our databases.

Please understand, however, that it may be impossible to remove this information completely, due to backups and records of deletions. You may not remove Anonymous Information or aggregate data from our databases.

With respect to personal information subject to the GDPR, we rely on the following lawful bases for processing:

Our legitimate interests, such as fulfilling our educational mission or conducting our admissions activities, or monitoring our website usage and such activities.

To provide you with services or perform on contractual obligations, such as processing your application for admission, providing you with educational services or managing your employment relationship, managing our relationships with our suppliers and alumnae, or conducting fundraising activities.

We also process, when necessary for scientific or historical research or statistical purposes and for compliance with our legal obligations.

If you reside in the European Union, you have rights under the General Data Protection Regulation. Regardless of where you reside, if you would rather not receive any Cambridge College Notices/Services, or if you prefer that the College not retain your personal data, please contact our office by email at

Our Commitment to Data Security

Cambridge College is dedicated to preventing unauthorized data access, maintaining data accuracy, and ensuring the appropriate use of information. We strive to put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to secure the information we collect online.

This website has reasonable security measures in place to help protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control. However, no method of transmission over the internet or method of electronic storage is 100% secure.

Read our Data Security Policy to learn what steps we take to protect your Personally Identifiable Information.

Changes to this Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice is effective as of February 17, 2021. From time to time, we may change this Privacy Notice, and your use of our website will be governed by the new Policy.

How to Contact Us

Should you have other questions or concerns about these privacy policies and practices, please call us at (617) 873-0621.

Communications or Complaints

Any communications related to this privacy statement, including questions or complaints, should be directed to
