Adjunct Faculty and Course Developer
pronouns: he/him
I enjoy working with adult learners who are open to accepting and practicing quality systems management theory.
Dr. Hall is entrusted with teaching adult working professionals several online bachelor and graduate level Quality Systems Improvement Management Courses devoted to results-oriented, theoretical, and practical systems approaches, Performance-based Management, Process Improvement, Team Dynamics, Strategic Planning, Project Management, Process Redesign, and Benchmarking. Served as the course developer for two bachelor’s and master’s Degree level courses. Formerly with the National Graduate School of Quality Systems Management as the Practicum Supervisor for Master’s and Bachelor’s Business Projects. Superior track record of teaching, mentoring, coaching, and guiding over 50 cross-functional or multidisciplinary project teams of adult learners to achieve measurable results from the implementation of short-term and long-term objectives required for graduation. He wrote and successfully defended a dissertation titled: Understanding the Factors Driving the Full Spectrum Readiness State of Combat Air Forces (CAF): Exploring Measurable Remedies.
Dr. Hall is a Deputy Division Chief/Supervisory Project Analyst. Dr. Howard “Deacon” Hall leads and supervises a team of Military and Civilian employees providing planning, directing, organizing, and exercising control over tasks assigned to the Combat Air Forces Division (CAF) (AF/A3TC). He is responsible for the oversight of three branches with duties including the Command-and-Control Operations, Combat Air Forces, and the Personnel Recovery (PR) Branch. Dr. Hall brings over forty years of experience as a Civil Servant, Defense Contractor, Military Professional, leader, and manager in a variety of tactical and strategic roles. He is a lifelong learner entrusted with teaching adult working professionals several online bachelor’s and graduate level Quality Systems Management courses devoted to results-oriented theoretical, and practical systems approaches; Performance-Based Management, Process Improvement, Team Dynamics, Strategic Planning, Project Management, and Benchmarking. Dr. Hal leverages the principle of continuous process improvement, performs regular progress assessments, and uses performance data to improve the results.
Education & Certifications
- DBA Business Administration, Cambridge College
- MS Quality Systems Management, National Graduate School
- BS Aviation Management (cum laude), Southern Illinois University
Courses Taught
- Quality Systems Management
- Performance-Based Management and Benchmarking
- Quality Systems and Strategic Planning
- Performance-Based Management and Benchmarking
- Business Project Capstone
Awards, Recognitions, Research & Selected Published Work
- AF/A3T Civilian Category III Civilian of the Quarter
- AF/A3O-A Civilian Category III Civilian of the Quarter
- AF/A3/5 Civilian Category III Civilian of the Quarter
- Four Meritorious Service Medals