Service Animals on Campus - Procedural Outline

Why Register my Service Animal with Disability Support Services?

While registration with ODS is not mandatory, ALL students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the Office of Disability Support in order to receive accommodations. Students with Service Animals are also encouraged to contact the office to assist with access and accommodations as needed. This also allows the College to alert security personnel and make staff members aware that there will be a service animal on campus or in their classroom.

Yes, I want to register with ODS and I have a Service Animal:

  1. Contact ODS and provide the following information: Your Name, Student ID number, Service Animal’s Name, and Answers to the following 2 questions:
    1. Is the animal required because of a disability? Yes or No
    2. What work or task has the dog been trained to perform? Brief summary of work or task
  2. What will the ODS do with the information you supply?
    1. ODS will share the information above with campus security, as well as your professors.

Students are not required to provide any documentation or diagnosis in order to bring a service animal on campus. If students would like to pursue academic accommodations, they may be required to submit appropriate documentation to address the need for academic accommodations. Additionally they will need to schedule an intake appointment to discuss the requested academic accommodations and the barriers they face in an academic setting.

Yes, I want to register with ODS and I do not have a Service Animal:

  1. Students should fill out a Student Application for Accommodations:
  2. Submit appropriate documentation outlining a diagnosis, functional limitations and any suggestions their clinician has for accommodations.
    1. Once documentation is received, students will be notified at each stage in the process ie: documentation received, documentation in review, need for additional documentation (if applicable), request approved or denied.
  3. Meet with ODS for intake appointment to discuss and/or finalize accommodations
    1. If a student wishes to appeal an accommodations decision, they may do so. They should notify ODS of their decision to appeal, and ODS will work with the student to explain why the initial request was not approved, and what options are available to the student moving forward.

Yes, I want to register with ODS and I have an Emotional Support Animal:

  1. Students should fill out a Student Application for Accommodations:
  2. Submit appropriate documentation outlining a diagnosis, functional limitations, and why having an emotional support animal in the classroom setting is necessary for ensuring equal access.
    1. Please note that accommodations for emotional support animals are a more complex request and may require additional time to review documentation. Once documentation is received, students will be notified at each stage in the process ie: documentation received, documentation in review, need for additional documentation (if applicable), request approved or denied.
  3. Meet with ODS for intake appointment to discuss and/or finalize accommodations
    1. The process for ESA requests may take up to 3 weeks (or more depending on the nature of the request), therefore it is advisable that students make these types of requests prior to the start of the semester.
    2. If a student wishes to appeal an accommodations decision, they may do so. They should notify ODS of their decision to appeal, and ODS will work with the student to explain why the initial request was not approved, and what options are available to the student moving forward.

No, I do not want to register with ODS and I have a Service Animal:

  1. Arrive on campus, and go to class.
  2. Please keep in mind that because staff/faculty were not notified of a service animal in advance, they may be more likely to ask the following, legally permitted, questions:
    1. Is the animal required because of a disability?
    2. What work or task has the dog been trained to perform?

Students, guests, or visitors who are either denied access of an assistance animal or feel they have been unreasonably questioned should contact the Office of Disability Support, which has been designated to coordinate the efforts of Cambridge College to comply with all relevant disability laws.
