External Scholarships

Please note you may qualify for additional scholarships through Student Financial Services based on financial need. Please contact your financial aid administrator to see if you are eligible.

General Scholarship Information

The U.S. government provides a general guide to finding and applying for scholarships.

Massachusetts Department of Higher Education

The Mass. Office of Financial Assistance has compiled a list of resources to help students navigate the process of applying for financial aid and paying for college, including a link to Fastweb, a scholarship search program.

City of Boston

The City of Boston Scholarship fund is a need-based scholarship available to Boston residents interested in pursuing an undergraduate degree or continuing education in Massachusetts. It provides up to $10,000 over four years towards tuition and relies primarily on generous contributions from individuals, organizations, and corporations to further the goal of having more Boston residents complete a post-secondary education. Learn more about the City of Boston Scholarship fund and apply

External Private Resources

Students may be eligible for a variety of aid programs independent of Cambridge College and the federal/state aid processes. There are many resources available to you. A number of local organizations make money available each year. Many statewide and national organizations and corporations also have funds available for students who meet their criteria.

Note: You must report all private sources of student financial aid to the Cambridge College Financial Aid Office in writing. Outside awards are considered part of your aid package and, in most cases, will be applied first to unmet financial need, then to replace loans and/or work-study.

Finding Outside Scholarships

Your local library

A trip to your local library will find many scholarship books available that contain the addresses of scholarship programs. It requires some work on your part (applications, essays, etc.), but a few hours of your time could yield valuable information and lead to additional funding for your education. Locally, The Higher Education Information Center, located in the basement of the Boston Public Library in Copley Square, has numerous resources available to help you find outside aid, including a computerized database of scholarships.

Outside Scholarship Resources

Remember that all scholarship information is available to you free of charge! Be extremely wary of any organization or company that asks you for a “finder’s fee” or “guarantees” that they can find you aid. The above list is provided to you as a reference tool. It should not be construed as an endorsement by Cambridge College of any organizations listed.
