Non-Academic and Service Offices: Concerns and Complaints

Student and Graduate Complaints Process

A student or graduate complaint is any unresolved issue that a student or graduate feels should be addressed. This process resolves differences within the College; it is not a legal forum.

Here are the steps for handling concerns and complaints:

STEP 1 — Promptly discuss issue with the office involved and act upon their suggestions towards resolution. Connect with the director of that office or your Cambridge College regional site director if necessary. Resolution of complaints or grievances usually begins with this informal discussion with the person or office immediately concerned.

Please make every effort to resolve an issue at step 1. Do not proceed to step 2 unless no adequate resolution has been achieved.

STEP 2 — Students who want assistance with problem-solving are invited to contact the College.

  • Send an email including all details to Cambridge College will make its best effort to resolve issues in a way that is positive for both students and the institution.
  • Grievances may be taken to the appropriate state education commission. Please note that state authorities typically expect a student to make every attempt to resolve a problem within their college first. Each state has its own procedure for handling complaints, often including a student complaint form and other documentation. They typically do not accept anonymous complaints.